IRS: "It's not our job to help stop fraud"

When you see stuff like this, you can't help but laugh at the pro-big government liberal crowd. The waste, fraud, and abuse is never ending. And even when they are aware of the situation, the incredibly lazy people in the federal government just declare "it's not my job".

The agency’s commissioner, John Koskinen, said Wednesday “Our responsibility is to make sure they pay their taxes”. We have Social Security and immigration authorities and others who enforce that part of the law, and if we start looking behind the system and doing their job for them, we’re going discourage a lot of people from paying the taxes they owe.”

So just to be very clear here - the head of the IRS openly admitted that he is exponentially more concerned about bringing in tax revenue to the federal government than he is in preventing crime or protecting American citizens.

IRS head: Not our job to go after illegal immigrants

They are calling it good use of stolen social security numbers. They don't care that most illegal aliens are actually receiving huge refunds, in other peoples' names much of the time. They average $10,000 each in refunds by claiming kids that may or may not exist. The IRS pays first and maybe asks questions later. If they are using your identity, it could mean a bigger tax bill the next year or denial of aid or student loans.

One woman discovered that the name on her retirement account was changed to the guy using her social security number to work. Another woman was denied government aid after the death of her husband. Despite being a homemaker for decades, she was denied because she made too much money, according to tax records.

Another woman was sent a huge tax bill by the IRS and they wanted her to pay thousands for income from 3 jobs in three different states. Explaining to the IRS that she didn't work at all, let alone at 3 jobs at the same time in different states, didn't help.

If an illegal alien fails to pay "your" taxes on "your" income, you might face some serious penalties because the IRS does come after you.

This is not a victimless crime. The IRS does not notify citizens when their numbers or identity have been stolen. The SS administration is not allowed to warn people, either. The liberal lawyers stopped that. The SS cannot notify employers when their employees are using stolen identities. The left felt that it was tantamount to a deportation notice. They think it's mean to scare criminals who have stolen peoples' identities. Yea, wouldn't want that. Let the citizens suffer and pay the price.
Really, leftist, for activity that has been going on for 50 years?
Did you actually read the article you posted ? It talks about how a lot of ss#s are shared by people you stupid fuck .

Read your owns links jackass.
They are still scamming the system because of earned income tax credits and some of them little wetbacks don't even exist except on paper, ya stupid fuck.

Most illegals want to lay low. So they use the fake ss and pay into the system, but don't file taxes cause that will put them on the fraud radar . Immigration targets criminal illegals first .
Bwahahahaha! Imagine that....a criminal wanting to "lay low" and stay off the radar. Man, you are "special", aren't you?

Ummm yeah . If you are in hiding , you lay low . What do you think they do ???
Should I assume that you believe that it was wrong for the IRS to go after Al Capone for tax evasion (after all - the IRS just collects taxes, they aren't in the law enforcement business - right?) or does your belief end with illegals and you find it completely acceptable for American's to be targeted?
Actually, Al Capone didn't go to jail because of income was because he didn't pay a tax on the booze he had brought down from Canada and the IRS definitely went after him because it meant big money...illegals? They are a pawn of the bankers that control the IRS so they get a's like living in Bizarro World where up is down and down is up.....
This is a good things . That means illegals are paying into social security and other payroll deducted taxes .
It's a good thing that American citizens are having their Social Security numbers stolen? Did you seriously just say that? Good grief, liberals know how to take stupid to a whole new level every time...

Did you actually read the article you posted ? It talks about how a lot of ss#s are shared by people you stupid fuck .

Read your owns links jackass.
They are still scamming the system because of earned income tax credits and some of them little wetbacks don't even exist except on paper, ya stupid fuck.

Most illegals want to lay low. So they use the fake ss and pay into the system, but don't file taxes cause that will put them on the fraud radar . Immigration targets criminal illegals first .
Nope, most of the time those returns go through with no S.S # verification. You file a return, you have the W-2s to back it up, they push the return through with no oversight whatsoever unless a red flag is raised. I know all about the scam and could give a seminar just on how the illegals are experts at gaming the system.
When you see stuff like this, you can't help but laugh at the pro-big government liberal crowd. The waste, fraud, and abuse is never ending. And even when they are aware of the situation, the incredibly lazy people in the federal government just declare "it's not my job".

The agency’s commissioner, John Koskinen, said Wednesday “Our responsibility is to make sure they pay their taxes”. We have Social Security and immigration authorities and others who enforce that part of the law, and if we start looking behind the system and doing their job for them, we’re going discourage a lot of people from paying the taxes they owe.”

So just to be very clear here - the head of the IRS openly admitted that he is exponentially more concerned about bringing in tax revenue to the federal government than he is in preventing crime or protecting American citizens.

IRS head: Not our job to go after illegal immigrants

Dude, he's right. It's not his job to enforce immigration law. His job is to make sure everyone pays their taxes. That is what he gets paid to do.

So is it the IRS's job to make sure illegals dont steal valid citizens SS numbers?
Of course it is not the IRS job to STOP fraud

Their job is to PERPETRATE fraud.

They will steal, loot and plunder in order satisfy the voracious appetite of the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

Can someone ask the Internal Robbery Squad

why are they still using the Victory Tax - withholding of Tax at Source - which was levied in 1942 to help defray the cost of WWII - to levy upon wages? Direct tax on Source.



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