IRS To Implement Biden Plans To Target More Whites and Asians In The Name Of Equity

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020

IRS 'is developing new Biden-backed algorithm that'll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial "equity"​

  • America First Legal Foundation filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal Treasury Department communications
  • It claims that an executive order signed by President Biden last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers
  • The algorithm the IRS uses was found to target black households and businesses more than non-black households and businesses
The America First Legal Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to fight executive overreach, filed a Freedom of Information Act request on Tuesday claiming that an executive order President Biden signed last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers — and fewer black taxpayers.

Though the Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government does not specifically mention audits, it directs federal agencies — including the IRS — to find ways to make their practices more 'equitable' to underserved communities.

Specifically, the order directs agencies to 'prevent and remedy discrimination, including by protecting the public from algorithmic discrimination.'

America First Legal Foundation is now investigating how that could affect the IRS, seeking internal documents from the agency referring to its efforts to improve 'equity' amongst Americans.

Under federal law, the Treasury Department now has just 20 business days to respond to the request.

This new DEI can be explained as follows....

Diversity - Acceptable discrimination
Equity - Reparations based upon race. The side you are on will be determined based upon the DNA you were born with.
Inclusion - All are welcome, as long as they share our views
Well 40% of blacks are on welfare so it's not like they will pay taxes anyway.
These (2017) numbers are astonishing to me.

• White – 38.8%
• Black – 39.8%
• Hispanic – 15.7%
• Asian – 2.4%
• Other – 3.3%

• The average welfare recipient receives $1,000 a month in benefits.
• 39 states pay more in welfare than an $8 per hour job.
• 6 states pay more in welfare than a $12 per hour job.
• 8 states pay more in welfare than the average salary of a US teacher.

Maybe Biden Admin will try to put more Hispanics and Asians on welfare in the name of equity? Sounds crazy, but they are probably working on that, as opposed to getting people off of it.
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Anything to shit on this country.... that's their plan.

Well 40% of blacks are on welfare so it's not like they will pay taxes anyway.
The welfare mom collects money from the government and the baby daddy brings home under the table money and they live better than most working poor....
When the shooting war begins in earnest later this year, I would not want to either be a Biden, or a federal agent of any kind, they already cannot freely travel about absent fear and terror, certainly not up here along the border, we have had our fill of fascist democrats, they are a chancre upon human life!
Anything to shit on this country.... that's their plan.

View attachment 759523
What are you prepared to do about it??? You must be willing to wage war right back at them, you must be armed and mind focused upon the task, these are not Americans, and this is no longer America, I don't know about you, but I do about myself and my community, and we are ready! :wink:

IRS 'is developing new Biden-backed algorithm that'll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial "equity"​

  • America First Legal Foundation filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal Treasury Department communications
  • It claims that an executive order signed by President Biden last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers
  • The algorithm the IRS uses was found to target black households and businesses more than non-black households and businesses
The America First Legal Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to fight executive overreach, filed a Freedom of Information Act request on Tuesday claiming that an executive order President Biden signed last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers — and fewer black taxpayers.

Though the Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government does not specifically mention audits, it directs federal agencies — including the IRS — to find ways to make their practices more 'equitable' to underserved communities.

Specifically, the order directs agencies to 'prevent and remedy discrimination, including by protecting the public from algorithmic discrimination.'

America First Legal Foundation is now investigating how that could affect the IRS, seeking internal documents from the agency referring to its efforts to improve 'equity' amongst Americans.

Under federal law, the Treasury Department now has just 20 business days to respond to the request.

This new DEI can be explained as follows....

Diversity - Acceptable discrimination
Equity - Reparations based upon race. The side you are on will be determined based upon the DNA you were born with.
Inclusion - All are welcome, as long as they share our views
Sorry....but that's illegal.
Targeting anyone because of race, sex, religion, or sexual-orientation is against the law.
Sorry....but that's illegal.
Targeting anyone because of race, sex, religion, or sexual-orientation is against the law.
As usual, Biden Admin uses backdoor techniques to implement his illegal plans.

Remember when he and Jen Psaki told us that vaccine mandates would be illegal? Then, after discussing things with lawyers, they implemented a mandate for all federal workers. Then they attempted to implement a vaccine mandate for any private company which did business with the federal government.

Sneaky tactics to subvert the Constitution.

This is no different.

They will tweak algorithms.

The real question is, what illegal database will they be accessing to determine everyone's race? There is no box on the 1040 to indicate your DNA - that's exactly the way it should be.

Race, ethnicity and gender should be removed from every federal, state, and local form, and every college application.

The way to stamp out racism is to stop being racist.

What are you prepared to do about it??? You must be willing to wage war right back at them,:wink:

Damn! You dun gone and axed too much of em !!
Prepared?? Fight back??? You must be talkin about Egyptians.
But I feel your pain.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Damn! You dun gone and axed too much of em !!
Prepared?? Fight back??? You must be talkin about Egyptians.
But I feel your pain.
He's Death Ninja.

It's his instinct to resort to lethal weapons.

I'm afraid to give him thumbs up, fearing I might be put on some kind of list. :)

I feel his pain too. I guess the way to fight back (for peaceful people) is to vote, file FOIAs and lawsuits.

I was once sent a threatening letter by the IRS long ago. It was a result of their basic error. It threatened me with thousands of dollars of penalties and interest. It was nice of them to wait nearly three years to send me the vague letter, so that I had no idea what they were referring to.

I figured it all out, sent them a letter and copies of documents, proving everything reported was correct, and then I never heard back from them. Not an apology, fine, but not even an acknowledgement that everything was rectified.

This new initiative, coupled with 87,000 new IRS agents, could be really problematic for law abiding White and Asian Americans.


IRS 'is developing new Biden-backed algorithm that'll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial "equity"​

  • America First Legal Foundation filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal Treasury Department communications
  • It claims that an executive order signed by President Biden last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers
  • The algorithm the IRS uses was found to target black households and businesses more than non-black households and businesses
The America First Legal Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to fight executive overreach, filed a Freedom of Information Act request on Tuesday claiming that an executive order President Biden signed last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers — and fewer black taxpayers.

Though the Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government does not specifically mention audits, it directs federal agencies — including the IRS — to find ways to make their practices more 'equitable' to underserved communities.

Specifically, the order directs agencies to 'prevent and remedy discrimination, including by protecting the public from algorithmic discrimination.'

America First Legal Foundation is now investigating how that could affect the IRS, seeking internal documents from the agency referring to its efforts to improve 'equity' amongst Americans.

Under federal law, the Treasury Department now has just 20 business days to respond to the request.

This new DEI can be explained as follows....

Diversity - Acceptable discrimination
Equity - Reparations based upon race. The side you are on will be determined based upon the DNA you were born with.
Inclusion - All are welcome, as long as they share our views
What income group gets audited the most?

For FY 2021, the odds of audit had been 4.1 out of every 1,000 returns filed (0.41%). The taxpayer class with unbelievably high audit rates – five and a half times virtually everyone else – were low-income wage-earners taking the earned income tax credit.Jan 4, 2023

IRS Audits Few Millionaires But Targeted Many Low-Income ...​

Sounds like bullshit to me…why would the IRS audit a return with a VERIFIED gross income in the poverty range and that of a filer with seven dependents?
Makes no fucking sense….try harder race guy
You can bullshit yerself but don't play that game with me.

IRS 'is developing new Biden-backed algorithm that'll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial "equity"​

  • America First Legal Foundation filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal Treasury Department communications
  • It claims that an executive order signed by President Biden last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers
  • The algorithm the IRS uses was found to target black households and businesses more than non-black households and businesses
The America First Legal Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to fight executive overreach, filed a Freedom of Information Act request on Tuesday claiming that an executive order President Biden signed last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers — and fewer black taxpayers.

Though the Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government does not specifically mention audits, it directs federal agencies — including the IRS — to find ways to make their practices more 'equitable' to underserved communities.

Specifically, the order directs agencies to 'prevent and remedy discrimination, including by protecting the public from algorithmic discrimination.'

America First Legal Foundation is now investigating how that could affect the IRS, seeking internal documents from the agency referring to its efforts to improve 'equity' amongst Americans.

Under federal law, the Treasury Department now has just 20 business days to respond to the request.

This new DEI can be explained as follows....

Diversity - Acceptable discrimination
Equity - Reparations based upon race. The side you are on will be determined based upon the DNA you were born with.
Inclusion - All are welcome, as long as they share our views
jim, why is the word equitable so scary to you? it is a wonderful word with great meaning?

we already know who the irs plans to audit more, those at the top..... it doesn't matter if they are white or black or Asian or Hispanic etc...they have gotten out of being audited as often as those at the very lowest quintile for the past few decades, less and less every year.... though there are certainly more white people at the very top of earners.... so audits on the white skin color people will likely go up, it is not due to their skin color.
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Sounds like bullshit to me…why would the IRS audit a return with a VERIFIED gross income in the poverty range and that of a filer with seven dependents?
Makes no fucking sense….try harder race guy
this was an old post from votto that explains it is happening...

The Internal Revenue Service targeted the nation's lowest-income taxpayers in nearly half of its audits last year, an eye-opening new report shows.

What are the details?​

The report, published Tuesday by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, found that approximately 307,000 of the IRS' 660,000 audits from fiscal year 2021 were from among taxpayers who claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit, a credit designed to give low-income workers a tax break.

The strange targeting resulted in "low-income wage earners with less than $25,000 in total gross receipts being audited at a rate five times higher than for everyone else," TRAC said.

TRAC is a nonprofit and nonpartisan data gathering organization at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University that collects and distributes data from federal agencies.

What else?​

The report also found that taxpayers with a total yearly income of between $200,000 and $1,000,000 had only one-third the odds of being audited in comparison to the lowest-income wage earners.

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Nearly 9 million taxpayers reported those high-income levels, yet less than 40,000 of their returns, or 4.5 out of every 1,000, were audited by the IRS, the report said. The lowest-income earners were audited at a rate of 13.0 out of every 1,000.

The audit rate for poorer taxpayers was shockingly more comparable to the audit rate for those reporting earnings over $1 million. Out of 617,505 millionaire returns, 13,725 were audited, or 22 out of every 1,000.

Austin Kocher, an assistant professor at TRAC reports and Syracuse, called the audits clearly "unfair" in a statement on Twitter.

Anything else?​

"Does it make sense from either an equity or revenue standpoint to focus IRS’s limited firepower on the poorest taxpayers among us — those with incomes so low they have filed returns claiming an anti-poverty earned income tax credit?" TRAC asked in its report, adding, "This question alone raises profound issues."

Given the sheer amount of resources at stake, it seems odd that the IRS wouldn't exhaust more of its manpower on audits of wealthy Americans.

The organization noted, however, that such a bias toward IRS auditing of poorer Americans is not necessarily a new phenomenon. Rather, the bias has been demonstrable for decades, though to varying degrees.

Part of the problem, TRAC explained, is a lack of IRS revenue agents with sufficient training and experience to examine complex tax returns typically filed by high-income individuals and large-scale businesses.
What income group gets audited the most?

For FY 2021, the odds of audit had been 4.1 out of every 1,000 returns filed (0.41%). The taxpayer class with unbelievably high audit rates – five and a half times virtually everyone else – were low-income wage-earners taking the earned income tax credit.Jan 4, 2023

IRS Audits Few Millionaires But Targeted Many Low-Income ...

Hey, thanks.

That's informative and surprising.

I will note that those statistics are based on income, not race. Using race as a metric for audit is obviously illegal, like others mentioned.

It would not surprise me if lower income people make more mistakes on their returns since they are much more likely not to hire a professional.


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