Is 1/6 All the Democrats Have Got?

The Crazy Democrat Cult wants to give control of state elections to the federal government, abolish the Electoral College, allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, allow no excuse mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, make DC a state, ban voter ID, and pack the supreme court.
But they think that the Jan 6th protest was a threat to our democracy?
OP, the economy is booming under Sleepy Joe.

Should the attack on our nation's Capitol, and democracy itself, be ignored?
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The Crazy Democrat Cult wants to give control of state elections to the federal government, abolish the Electoral College, allow non-citizens to vote in our elections,
Dang. Your cult really did a thorough brainwashing job on you. I can see there's no point in even trying to deprogram you. You're off in a different reality, and you're never coming back.
It seems like all the legacy media and Dems have left is 1/6. CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest are running with this stuff 24/7. Per multiple media reports the Dems intend to stretch this out as long as possible with hearings potentially aired in prime time. Further speculation is that the hearing "results" will be released just before the 2022 mid terms.

Since this is obviously the strategy it begs the question: Is this a smart move by the Dems?

Polling indicates the economy and runaway inflation are voters' primary concern, followed by Covid, huge increases in crime, and the debacle in Afghanistan and conflict with Russia and China. We know that none of the media wants to talk about the disaster that is Biden.

Meanwhile, the Dems appear to have no answers for the problems voters are actually concerned about. Instead it is January 6th, where transgender people can pee, and global warming following a distant 2nd and 3rd.

So again, should Dems make 1/6 such a major focus? Discuss. :)

(Disclaimer: I posted this earlier and the thread got nuked. I have no idea why as it violates no rules and asks a very legitimate question that has not been posted elsewhere. I asked for an explanation twice and received none, so I am reposting.)
Inflation is transitory. It will fix itself. The underlying economy is growing, jobs are plentiful. The stock market is.

There is no federal answer to local crime. There wasn’t in 2020 and there isn’t in 2021. Afghanistan is over. Russia will back down.

Republicans aren’t proposing solutions either, by the way.
So long as there are Trump dupes who deny Biden won, and so long as there are Trump dupes who claim 1/6 was an Antifa/FBI false flag operation, then it will be necessary to rub their faces in the facts and the truth until it hurts.
Meh, 9/11 truthers are still around. Birthers are still around. Claims that Bush stole the election abounds to this day.

There will ALWAYS be people that buy into the idiocy, that is a given. And fact will never 'hurt' them no matter how much you rub their face in it, they are immune to facts.
Jan 6th is about all the democrats have in terms of success. They're trying to make the economic look stronger, but people know that their paycheck isn't going as far as it did under Trump. They're trying to make their handling of the COVID pandemic as a positive, but a recent CNBC poll around that 56% of those surveyed either somewhat or strongly disapprove of Biden's handling of that. And there's still a problem on our southern border too.

Asked to give the Biden administration a letter grade on both how it’s handled health-care costs and raising wages, Democrats gave the president two Cs, but a B on the economy overall.

Independents gave Biden a D on every issue, while Republicans gave the president a failing grade across the board minus the stock market, where they gave him a D.

What’s more, a 55% majority of survey respondents said they disapprove of the president’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a sign Biden is struggling in an area where he previously excelled.

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It seems like all the legacy media and Dems have left is 1/6. CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest are running with this stuff 24/7. Per multiple media reports the Dems intend to stretch this out as long as possible with hearings potentially aired in prime time. Further speculation is that the hearing "results" will be released just before the 2022 mid terms.

Since this is obviously the strategy it begs the question: Is this a smart move by the Dems?

Polling indicates the economy and runaway inflation are voters' primary concern, followed by Covid, huge increases in crime, and the debacle in Afghanistan and conflict with Russia and China. We know that none of the media wants to talk about the disaster that is Biden.

Meanwhile, the Dems appear to have no answers for the problems voters are actually concerned about. Instead it is January 6th, where transgender people can pee, and global warming following a distant 2nd and 3rd.

So again, should Dems make 1/6 such a major focus? Discuss. :)

(Disclaimer: I posted this earlier and the thread got nuked. I have no idea why as it violates no rules and asks a very legitimate question that has not been posted elsewhere. I asked for an explanation twice and received none, so I am reposting.)
No, I'm pretty sure Americans care more about January 6th than they do dying of Covid in mass, losing their homes and family, and being in financial ruin

Pretty sure I am.
So long as there are Trump dupes who deny Biden won, and so long as there are Trump dupes who claim 1/6 was an Antifa/FBI false flag operation, then it will be necessary to rub their faces in the facts and the truth until it hurts.

Who is a bigger dupe than a total moron who claims to be a Republican and runs around denying all the evidence of cheating and saying Democrats won Democrats won!

You know, you, Captain Sucker.

No one is listening to your stupid denial shit, ass hat
Well, that's not ALL they've got.

They still have their ability to divide people into identity groups and encourage them to view themselves as victims.

That acts almost as a drug to all those losers looking to blame anybody but themselves for their own failure.
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The Crazy Democrat Cult wants to give control of state elections to the federal government, abolish the Electoral College, allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, allow no excuse mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, make DC a state, ban voter ID, and pack the supreme court.
But they think that the Jan 6th protest was a threat to our democracy?
Democrats are so dumb they actually compare 1/6 to 9/11. Only enemies of America would make such a comparison.

^ solid proof that not only is 1/6 all they have but also how well that particular political message is actually working.

And time will only degrade that level of effectiveness.
Joe Biden's poll numbers are totally inflated. He is in the high 20s at most.
It seems like all the legacy media and Dems have left is 1/6. CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest are running with this stuff 24/7. Per multiple media reports the Dems intend to stretch this out as long as possible with hearings potentially aired in prime time. Further speculation is that the hearing "results" will be released just before the 2022 mid terms.

Since this is obviously the strategy it begs the question: Is this a smart move by the Dems?

Polling indicates the economy and runaway inflation are voters' primary concern, followed by Covid, huge increases in crime, and the debacle in Afghanistan and conflict with Russia and China. We know that none of the media wants to talk about the disaster that is Biden.

Meanwhile, the Dems appear to have no answers for the problems voters are actually concerned about. Instead it is January 6th, where transgender people can pee, and global warming following a distant 2nd and 3rd.

So again, should Dems make 1/6 such a major focus? Discuss. :)

(Disclaimer: I posted this earlier and the thread got nuked. I have no idea why as it violates no rules and asks a very legitimate question that has not been posted elsewhere. I asked for an explanation twice and received none, so I am reposting.)
It's all they need.
The Crazy Democrat Cult wants to give control of state elections to the federal government, abolish the Electoral College, allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, allow no excuse mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, make DC a state, ban voter ID, and pack the supreme court.
But they think that the Jan 6th protest was a threat to our democracy?
dems are deflecting from their many many failures ! the idiots that committed violence on jan 6th are being held accountable ! but for some reason the dem controlled gov hasnt been able to charge 1 single person with insurrection ! not one single person ! does anyone with a brain believe the powers that be wouldnt charge at least one of the people in custody with insurrection if they could .
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It seems like all the legacy media and Dems have left is 1/6. CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest are running with this stuff 24/7. Per multiple media reports the Dems intend to stretch this out as long as possible with hearings potentially aired in prime time. Further speculation is that the hearing "results" will be released just before the 2022 mid terms.

Since this is obviously the strategy it begs the question: Is this a smart move by the Dems?

Polling indicates the economy and runaway inflation are voters' primary concern, followed by Covid, huge increases in crime, and the debacle in Afghanistan and conflict with Russia and China. We know that none of the media wants to talk about the disaster that is Biden.

Meanwhile, the Dems appear to have no answers for the problems voters are actually concerned about. Instead it is January 6th, where transgender people can pee, and global warming following a distant 2nd and 3rd.

So again, should Dems make 1/6 such a major focus? Discuss. :)

(Disclaimer: I posted this earlier and the thread got nuked. I have no idea why as it violates no rules and asks a very legitimate question that has not been posted elsewhere. I asked for an explanation twice and received none, so I am reposting.)

It's all they have. They have NOTHING else. NOTHING. And are failing by all metrics.
So long as there are Trump dupes who deny Biden won, and so long as there are Trump dupes who claim 1/6 was an Antifa/FBI false flag operation, then it will be necessary to rub their faces in the facts and the truth until it hurts.
They are with the hair on fire, knowing they have been exposed for their lies and misinformation about a stolen election, they still keep lying about.

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