Is 1/6 All the Democrats Have Got?

So because we were proven right about some of your other conspiracy theories, you're going to give us even more conspiracy theories?

That's not really the threat you think it is.

Sure. You're making up a weird story again. Why did you think it was a difficult question?

You EVER get tired of losing? I mean you've been losing for over a decade now on USMB. You wont even answer serious questions that ARE on the table. All you do is ad hominen crap which in the HISTORY of ad hominen has NEVER WON a debate or discussion.

Here's Merrit Garland (my lord we dodge a bullet with this guy's court nomination) choking up a defense BETTER than yours on Ray Epps. At LEAST he is not putting himself out declaring this to BE a fantasy story -- because it isn't made up..

IT HAPPENED and there's no explanation other than a govt connection to Ray Epps.

REP. THOMAS MASSIE: As far as we can determine, the individual who was saying he'll probably go to jail, he'll probably be arrested, but they need to go into the Capitol the next day, is then the next day directing people to the Capitol, and as far as we can find, this individual has not been charged with anything.

You said this was one of the most sweeping investigations in history. Have you seen that video or those frames from that video?

ATTORNEY GENERAL MERRICK GARLAND: So, as I've said at the outset, one of the norms of the Justice Department is to not comment on impending ongoing investigations and not comment about particular scenes or particular individuals.

THOMAS MASSIE: I was hoping today to give you an opportunity to put to rest the concerns that people have that there were federal agents or assets of the federal government present on January 5th and January 6th. Can you tell us without talking about particular videos how many agents or assets of the government were present on January 6th? Whether they agitated to go into the Capitol? And if any of them did?

MERRICK GARLAND: I'm not going to violate this norm of the rule of law. I'm not going to comment on investigation that's ongoing.

Rot in Hell Squidward. Another colossal failure to survive in the real world. AGAIN SUPPORTING and CONDONING massive abuse of Federal power.
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You are the only Dem to express the opinion that riding this issue for the next 10 months is a winner. At least you had the courage to give an opinion. I guess we'll all find out in November how it works out for ya. :D

Look man. Mammoth is a person of faith. If a POLL in the Wash Post tells him he's on the RIGHT SIDE -- then by god -- he's gonna stand on that side. Seems that's his Jan 6th defense..
You EVER get tired of losing?

Oh, come on, man, that's not fair. His mom still keeps all his trophies in a special case and everything!


Speaking of which, word on the street is that the Demagogue party is about to make January sixth a national holiday. I mean, it's already a day that will live in infamy, isn't it? People here are already posting about what they were doing that fateful day and comparing it to 911, Pearl harbor and the day the Earth stood still.
He was WRONG on impeachment. Ought to be able to TELL a political tribunal from a high crrime/ misdemeanor. But yeah. He's focused on "containing the beast".

Pelosi gave Trump everything he wanted in the middle of the impeachment. At the time it was the largest spending bill in history.

I posted in depth about it. Unfortunately, to the sound of crickets. As usual.

That impeachment was, in my view, nothing more than fodder for the masses while they did what they always do under the radar without so much as a whisper about it in mainstream.

Later on, Trump said that Massie should be booted from the Republican party. In synergy with Trump's claim, Pelosi referred to him as a dangerous nuisance.

Truth be told there were actually several legit reasons to impeach Trump. The fact of the matter is that his real abuses of power were completely ignored in favor of keeping the sideshow front and center. Genuine interest in thinking things through critically is required to understand those reasons, however. Too often people just tune in to hear what they want to hear spoken back to them as some sort of confirmation for their own perspectives, limited as they may be.
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You EVER get tired of losing?
This is your worst tantrum yet. I thought I was being gentle, but I must have been whupping your keister much harder than I thought. I apologize for that. I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I should have known how angry you get whenever someone takes you off-script.

I mean you've been losing for over a decade now on USMB.

My, how time flies. We've had such great times together.

Now, I've never used namecalling against you, but you've always relied on it. Just a thought, maybe you should apologize for the constant "squidward" insults. That would show everyone that you're trying to change for the better.

You wont even answer serious questions that ARE on the table.

Get over yourself. Nobody spends time refuting the Unibomber Manifesto. Same with your stuff.

If you're really trying to get to the bottom of things, maybe you should stop supporting the Republicans as they try to block every aspect of the investigation. That makes you look like you know your side is guilty as hell, and that you're muddying the waters as a way of running interference.

Look man. Mammoth is a person of faith. If a POLL in the Wash Post tells him he's on the RIGHT SIDE -- then by god -- he's gonna stand on that side. Seems that's his Jan 6th defense..
Mamooth: "Reason A is one reason why I hold my position"
Flac: "Mammoth says reason A is the only reason why he holds his position!"

Conclusion: Flac either doesn't understand logic, or he's just making stuff up. It's not really important which is the case, since in either case, it means to never take him seriously.

All you do is ad hominen crap which in the HISTORY of ad hominen has NEVER WON a debate or discussion.
10 years is a long time to hold a grudge, you know.

Here's Merrit Garland (my lord we dodge a bullet with this guy's court nomination) choking up a defense BETTER than yours on Ray Epps.
So Garland does what bascially every law enforcement agent in the world will do, and says he won't comment on an ongoing investigation.

Flac's big brain declares how that's proof that Epps is a government plant.

No other comment is needed, but I'll make one. Why hasn't Trump been indicted? Answer that question, and you've answered why Epps hasn't been indicted.

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