Is activity up, down, or about the same here at USMB compared to this time last month?


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
I'm curious about this, as based on the hyper-acceleration of people's use of the IGNORE function since Israel/Palestine threads are no longer contained to the I/P Forum, I'd assumed that forum-wide activity would decline noticeably.

I'm estimating that this function has been activated between 1000-2000 times in the last few weeks, and was wondering if this has indeed driven activity here down.

Thank you for any information you're comfortable sharing.
I'm curious about this, as based on the hyper-acceleration of people's use of the IGNORE function since Israel/Palestine threads are no longer contained to the I/P Forum, I'd assumed that forum-wide activity would decline noticeably.

I'm estimating that this function has been activated between 1000-2000 times in the last few weeks, and was wondering if this has indeed driven activity here down.

Thank you for any information you're comfortable sharing.
Poor minitwat.
I'm curious about this, as based on the hyper-acceleration of people's use of the IGNORE function since Israel/Palestine threads are no longer contained to the I/P Forum, I'd assumed that forum-wide activity would decline noticeably.

I'm estimating that this function has been activated between 1000-2000 times in the last few weeks, and was wondering if this has indeed driven activity here down.

Thank you for any information you're comfortable sharing.
Love your cute pro Hamas' flag avatar! 🤮
They should rename the forum from USMessageboard to America Last messageboard. It's what it reads like nowadays anyway.

There's just so many things going on that affect the prosperity and civil liberties of Americans that haven't even been given so much as a whisper.

Maybe once in a while you might get a one little trivial morsel of relevant American goings-on, but other than that...nope...just the same old divide and conquer type of dick waving back and forth. Led largely by a mere few, and the loudest among us, interestingly.

Heck. The only flag I don't see being promoted or applied as some sort of statement these days is the American flag. It's a hell of a thing. People's priorities are messed up, in my view.

The only people who seem to be benefitting from that, predictably, are the people who want to expand government and strictly limit the rights of the people. And that's precisely what all of the recent personal vitriol by the usual suspects invites.

It's completely upside down.

But it really only takes a few committed wrecking balls to totally commandeer a forum and turn it into their own personal little playground and ultimately a divide and conquer type of cess pool as a matter of business, unfortunately.

People who seek intelligent conversation won't come here for it, based on that alone.

The place could use a good house cleaning if you ask me. This is where the maudes are very weak and give those types who purposefully set out to do that type of thing routinely an opinion in the matter where they shouldn't. But then I revert back to thinking, least they're contained. So there's that...
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I haven’t noticed any change in activity
I'm genuinely not sure if there is any change.

I'd assumed that activity would be way down as huge numbers of people have engaged the IGNORE function in the last few weeks, but I could be wrong.

This division into two much more pronounced 33%/67% echo chambers might actually be something that makes people feel more safe/comfortable asserting their particular world views, and thus might have resulted in no change, or counter-intuitively, an actual INCREASE in activity.

Hope a mod pops in at some point and enlightens us all!
I'm genuinely not sure if there is any change.

I'd assumed that activity would be way down as huge numbers of people have engaged the IGNORE function in the last few weeks, but I could be wrong.

This division into two much more pronounced 33%/67% echo chambers might actually be something that makes people feel more safe/comfortable asserting their particular world views, and thus might have resulted in no change, or counter-intuitively, an actual INCREASE in activity.

Hope a mod pops in at some point and enlightens us all!
I’ve not used the ignore function even though the state worshipping Israeli apologist warmongers have attacked me personally. I’m not adverse to using it, as I have banned several posters this year.

What makes you think ignore is being used more in the past few weeks?
I’ve not used the ignore function even though the state worshipping Israeli apologist warmongers have attacked me personally. I’m not adverse to using it, as I have banned several posters this year.

What makes you think ignore is being used more in the past few weeks?
First, I'm REALLY glad you're still here. :)

On ignore usage increasing, a large number of posters have announced they're now implementing it - far more than the usual random smattering.

It's mostly conservatives, but undoubtedly several liberals as well as independents like ourselves.

Like you, I hate it, but I've actually put several people on ignore as well, as the atmosphere here has become so exhausting/toxic that it was either that or just bow out.
First, I'm REALLY glad you're still here. :)

On ignore usage increasing, a large number of posters have announced they're now implementing it - far more than the usual random smattering.

It's mostly conservatives, but undoubtedly several liberals as well as independents like ourselves.

Like you, I hate it, but I've actually put several people on ignore as well, as the atmosphere here has become so exhausting/toxic that it was either that or just bow out.
The Israeli apologists supporting this horrendous genocide deserve only disrespect and scorn. I‘m more than happy to oblige.

How many times must Americans be lied into yet another war before they realized they’ve been lied to?

Apparently the answer for many is an unlimited number of times.
If anything, it would be more due to all the frenzied antisemites posting their Jew hatred in thread after thread and then have good people respond to them.
If you learn only one more thing in your life, learn this…

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”General Smedley Butler
First, I'm REALLY glad you're still here. :)

On ignore usage increasing, a large number of posters have announced they're now implementing it - far more than the usual random smattering.

It's mostly conservatives, but undoubtedly several liberals as well as independents like ourselves.

Like you, I hate it, but I've actually put several people on ignore as well, as the atmosphere here has become so exhausting/toxic that it was either that or just bow out.
Mini: you are one of the worst offenders regarding the exhausting and “toxic” atmosphere here.

You’re not quite as bad as a few of the very worst. But you add little of anything of substance with your always petty commentary about some topics.
There is a big problem with Americans trying to debate each other. It’s the fact that must of what we were taught about our nation growing up was total BS. Some of us have figured this out, but many haven’t. How do you debate those who believe the state lies and propaganda?

A few Historical Frauds
Well, in your case, if you’re talking to a Jew, you call her a Nazi.
It's not just here. It's been imported all over the West much like the new Islamized UK where mostly "Peaceful" Muslims spot a well-known Jewish activist on the street of London... while a Muslim says: "I know who you are, I promise you; if the police were not here, I would end you, I would end, I would end you - both of you."

The Jewish men refused to cower to Jihadis who surrounded them at London's mostly 'peaceful' Hamas rally.

Today, it is the Jews but Christians are on the list. Next, they will be coming for you, and remember, you don't have to be a Christian to be labeled as a Christian supporter. It comes. The stupid deserve what comes.

Pro-Tip: In the full context of the Quran, 'peace' means submission, and 'tolerance of other religions' means not killing those members who agree to live in a subjugated status to Islamic rule.
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It's not just here. It's been imported all over the West...

Predictably, you fail to disclose who encourages the export of it to the west.


Anyway. Some relevant reading...

Former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative Danny Danon, insist that the West should take in all the Gaza refugees because it’s already let in millions of Third World migrants...

That op-ed, of course, written by former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative, Danny Danon.

Amateur tip: Look up to see if the same fellers are working both sets of strings...

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