Is activity up, down, or about the same here at USMB compared to this time last month?

It's not just here. It's been imported all over the West much like the new Islamized UK where mostly "Peaceful" Muslims spot a well-known Jewish activist on the street of London... while a Muslim says: "I know who you are, I promise you; if the police were not here, I would end you, I would end, I would end you - both of you."

The Jewish men refused to cower to Jihadis who surrounded them at London's mostly 'peaceful' Hamas rally.

Today, it is the Jews but Christians are on the list. Next, they will be coming for you, and remember, you don't have to be a Christian to be labeled as a Christian supporter. It comes. The stupid deserve what comes.

View attachment 859695

Pro-Tip: In the full context of the Quran, 'peace' means submission, and 'tolerance of other religions' means not killing those members who agree to live in a subjugated status to Islamic rule.

And paying the appropriate fees. It's a bandit cult, after all, and promotes an organized crime type of rule. Got to pay the 'taxes' to survive.

It's just a shake down racket.
So, what happens if you get your wish, and this place is cleansed of Jews and anybody who dares to defend them. Then what? What is your end game, here?

First things first. What did I tell you about putting words into my mouth? Don't you remember good?

As a courtesy, I'll remind you again. Don't do it.

And especially don't do it for the purpose of caricaturing.

Others around here may well let you get away with that. But you'll never get away with that Mickey Mouse routine with me. K?

I control my arguments. Not you. And not anyone else. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day.

The only person who said anything about the Jews is you.

If you're seeking validation, find some new material. And for sure, seek a different avenue. But don't put words into my mouth in order to try to accomplish it. As I said, that caricaturing routine won't work on me.

Such an authoritarian move obviously has nothing to do with advancing personal liberties or encouraging a more libertarian society, so what is it?

Now. Secondly. I'm not a libertarian.

But if I were, I'd tell you that this isn't the local government building.

It's private property where your presence is hosted by invitation.

Like any guest, if you're gonna run around each room shitting all over the rugs and complaining about how much you don't appreciate your host, they have every right to send your old paddy ass to the door. If you came into my home shitting all over my rugs and calling me an asshole, that's what I would do. Except that unlike them, I wouldn't lose a second worth of sleep about it. You'd have no say so in the matter.

There's nothing authoritarian about it. It's just proper human relations. For starters. We can discuss it further if you'd like. But save it for tomorrow. If I'm around I'll certainly placate you. But for now, I need my beauty sleep. It's late.

Anyway. Placing all of that aside, and to call it a night, do you know what I think, dog? I'll tell you.

I think that you're not just here for the hunting. :)

Because it always ends the same way with you whenever you try to be clever. Heh heh heh. You always end up like the poor old hunter who thought he was gonna get the bear.

Have you ever heard that one? The one about the hunter and the bear?

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First things first. What did I tell you about putting words into my mouth? Don't you remember good?

As a courtesy, I'll remind you again. Don't do it.

And especially don't do it for the purpose of caricaturing.

Others around here may well let you get away with that. But you'll never get away with that Mickey Mouse routine with me. K?

I control my arguments. Not you. And not anyone else. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day.

The only person who said anything about the Jews is you.

If you're seeking validation, find some new material. Amd for sure, seek a different avenue. But don't put words into my mouth in order to try to accomplish it. As I said, that routine wont work on me.

Now. Secondly. I'm not a libertarian.

But if I were, I'd tell you that this isn't the local government building.

It's private property where your presence is hosted by invitation.

Like any guest, if you're gonna run around each room shitting all over the rugs and complaining about how much you don't appreciate your host, they have every right to send your old paddy as to the door. If uyou came into my home shitting all over my rugs and calling me an asshole, that's what I would do.

There's nothing authoritarian about it. It's just proper human relations. For starters. We can discuss it further if you'd like. But save it for tomorrow. If I'm around I'lcertainly placate you. But for now, I need my beauty sleep. It's late .

Anyway. Placing all of that aside, and to cal it a noght, do you know what I think, dog? I'll tell you. I think you're not just here for the hunting. Because it always ends the same way with you whenever you try to be clever. Heh heh heh.

Have you ever heard that one? The one about the hunter and the bear?

You are so good at menacing.
They should rename the forum from USMessageboard to America Last messageboard. It's what it reads like nowadays anyway.

There's just so many things going on that affect the prosperity and civil liberties of Americans that haven't even been given so much as a whisper.

Maybe once in a while you might get a one little trivial morsel of relevant American goings-on, but other than that...nope...just the same old divide and conquer type of dick waving back and forth. Led largely by a mere few, and the loudest among us, interestingly.

Heck. The only flag I don't see being promoted or applied as some sort of statement these days is the American flag. It's a hell of a thing. People's priorities are messed up, in my view.

The only people who seem to be benefitting from that, predictably, are the people who want to expand government and strictly limit the rights of the people. And that's precisely what all of the recent personal vitriol by the usual suspects invites.

It's completely upside down.

But it really only takes a few committed wrecking balls to totally commandeer a forum and turn it into their own personal little playground and ultimately a divide and conquer type of cess pool as a matter of business, unfortunately.

People who seek intelligent conversation won't come here for it, based on that alone.

The place could use a good house cleaning if you ask me. This is where the maudes are very weak and give those types who purposefully set out to do that type of thing routinely an opinion in the matter where they shouldn't. But then I revert back to thinking, least they're contained. So there's that...
Make America Grovel Again Message Board
She really wants/needs these discussions buried in the darkest corner of the basement where the light can't get to the lefts hatred of Israel
Surely some of our Democrat contributers here at USMB could be Jewish and don't like what Hamas did on October 7 this year. The missiles exploded buildings indiscriminately before the foot soldiers disrobed and raped Jewish women, beheaded Israeli infants, and sent green flags to American universities for shocking students' parents. They shocked them all right, because a number of benefactors withdrew their funding of Marxist professors who brainwashed their children. IOW, it did not go well for Hamas and their Marxist lovers. Eisenhower did his best to warn Americans about communism. I found this on my search engine for anyone who did not know about his influence on Congress's Communist Control Act of 1954:

Signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954. The Communist Control Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. §§ 841–844) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or "Communist ...
I'm curious about this, as based on the hyper-acceleration of people's use of the IGNORE function since Israel/Palestine threads are no longer contained to the I/P Forum, I'd assumed that forum-wide activity would decline noticeably.

I'm estimating that this function has been activated between 1000-2000 times in the last few weeks, and was wondering if this has indeed driven activity here down.

Thank you for any information you're comfortable sharing.
If you ask a Lefty, "Is activity up, down, or about the same here at USMB", their brain power will answer, "Both".
" An Public List Of Ignore Blockers Would Be Nice "

* Outing Censorship By Dip Shits *

I'm curious about this, as based on the hyper-acceleration of people's use of the IGNORE function since Israel/Palestine threads are no longer contained to the I/P Forum, I'd assumed that forum-wide activity would decline noticeably.
I'm estimating that this function has been activated between 1000-2000 times in the last few weeks, and was wondering if this has indeed driven activity here down.
Thank you for any information you're comfortable sharing.
It would be awesome if the forum provided and allowed a poster to publicly list the accounts of coward punks who have them on ignore .
Surely some of our Democrat contributers here at USMB could be Jewish and don't like what Hamas did on October 7 this year. The missiles exploded buildings indiscriminately before the foot soldiers disrobed and raped Jewish women, beheaded Israeli infants, and sent green flags to American universities for shocking students' parents. They shocked them all right, because a number of benefactors withdrew their funding of Marxist professors who brainwashed their children. IOW, it did not go well for Hamas and their Marxist lovers. Eisenhower did his best to warn Americans about communism. I found this on my search engine for anyone who did not know about his influence on Congress's Communist Control Act of 1954:

Signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954. The Communist Control Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. §§ 841–844) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or "Communist ...
I'm not Jewish, but the site ownership's attitude towards Jews is one of the reasons I do not contribute financially.

Anybody who know me knows the other reason.
I'm curious about this, as based on the hyper-acceleration of people's use of the IGNORE function since Israel/Palestine threads are no longer contained to the I/P Forum, I'd assumed that forum-wide activity would decline noticeably.

I'm estimating that this function has been activated between 1000-2000 times in the last few weeks, and was wondering if this has indeed driven activity here down.

Thank you for any information you're comfortable sharing.
This site tells you the traffic, just scroll down a little -

This site tells you the traffic, just scroll down a little -

Thank you; I looked at that before I searched, but it doesn't answer my question, as I was looking for comparative month over month numbers.
Thank you; I looked at that before I searched, but it doesn't answer my question, as I was looking for comparative month over month numbers.
That could be site background stats which probably the owner only has.

The only thing I do is when I click on forums, even the ones I'm not a member of, I click on, "New Posts", and see how many appear under each day. That way I can see which sites are fading away.
They should rename the forum from USMessageboard to America Last messageboard. It's what it reads like nowadays anyway.

There's just so many things going on that affect the prosperity and civil liberties of Americans that haven't even been given so much as a whisper.

Maybe once in a while you might get a one little trivial morsel of relevant American goings-on, but other than that...nope...just the same old divide and conquer type of dick waving back and forth. Led largely by a mere few, and the loudest among us, interestingly.

Heck. The only flag I don't see being promoted or applied as some sort of statement these days is the American flag. It's a hell of a thing. People's priorities are messed up, in my view.

The only people who seem to be benefitting from that, predictably, are the people who want to expand government and strictly limit the rights of the people. And that's precisely what all of the recent personal vitriol by the usual suspects invites.

It's completely upside down.

But it really only takes a few committed wrecking balls to totally commandeer a forum and turn it into their own personal little playground and ultimately a divide and conquer type of cess pool as a matter of business, unfortunately.

People who seek intelligent conversation won't come here for it, based on that alone.

The place could use a good house cleaning if you ask me. This is where the maudes are very weak and give those types who purposefully set out to do that type of thing routinely an opinion in the matter where they shouldn't. But then I revert back to thinking, least they're contained. So there's that...
I'm not Jewish, but the site ownership's attitude towards Jews is one of the reasons I do not contribute financially.

Anybody who know me knows the other reason.
o is this the "i know pedos on this board" but refuse to name them shit again?
First, I'm REALLY glad you're still here. :)

On ignore usage increasing, a large number of posters have announced they're now implementing it - far more than the usual random smattering.

It's mostly conservatives, but undoubtedly several liberals as well as independents like ourselves.

Like you, I hate it, but I've actually put several people on ignore as well, as the atmosphere here has become so exhausting/toxic that it was either that or just bow out.

It's mostly Conservatives? LOL
I think for a while you’ll see fewer and fewer rage threads from the right wing loons in general. The new speaker sold them out but, since they shot their load to get McCarthy out of the office, they can’t criticize Mikey for doing the same thing. So they are pretending that he’s playing 12 dimensional chess or whatever when he is really surrendering faster than McCarthy ever dreamed of doing. So they can’t really bitch about the only house they control. The Senate is what it is. And Biden just keeps plugging along with his quiet competence. Inflation has stabilized, gas prices have stabilized. He’s supporting our allies and they are winning their campaigns in Europe and Gaza. Its also the political silly season where I think congress may be in session for five days over the next six weeks. So the party of rage is having a hard time finding things that would be a legitimate cause of rage.

And Biden just keeps plugging along with his quiet competence

Stunning admission of complete stupidity.

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