Is America a corporate country runby corporations?

When will the American people realize this is a corporate country, run by corporations, for the benefit of corporations?
It is obvious but nobody wants to believe.
However, I suppose most of us realize it, painfully enough. What should we do? - the reasonable question.
All we would have to do is vote to take it back

They already covered that one you are given two choices for ceo of america corp...thats what your vote really does
I mean everyone vote every 2 years. It would change everything if more people voted and cared and believed it matters. You are a bad citizen
It would change nothing, as both candidates will do the same thing on all the issues that matter to the corporate rulers.

On any issue that doesn't matter, meaning the window dressing, they will do what ever you want them to. Those issues are, in the long run, meaningless.

Do you REALLY think you have a choice on the Project for a “New Middle East”?

You don't. The secrete services and the elites that control the various world governments, what ever party is in power, the congress, the military industrial complex, they will still have us building up ISIS and foreign insurgencies so we have a reason to intervene and redraw the map in the middle east.

Do you REALLY think you have a choice on whether or not the TPP or the TIPP is approved?

You don't. It will be approved either way.

Do you REALLY think you have a choice on whether or not or how the international economy will be managed? The G20 will meet and make it's decisions the same as it always has, Federal Reserve will keep on doing what it has been doing no matter which party is in office. The Agenda 21 will continue to be implemented no matter who you vote for.
Then dont vote if you dont think you matter. Or do what Australia did and fix the broken system. If everyone votes candidates start pandering to the middle not the extreme left or right.
Australia didn't fix the broken system, they passed a law making it mandatory that everyone has to vote with a gun to their head.

THAT is not solving a problem. The candidates are still chosen from amongst the oligarchy. They still support the global world government. Boy, you just don't understand. The oligarchy doesn't give a shit what the people want. They do what is in the interest of the ruling elite.
Australia didn't fix the broken system, they passed a law making it mandatory that everyone has to vote with a gun to their head.

THAT is not solving a problem. The candidates are still chosen from amongst the oligarchy. They still support the global world government. Boy, you just don't understand. The oligarchy doesn't give a shit what the people want. They do what is in the interest of the ruling elite.

Voting does little as the oligarchy continues their control no matter who gets elected.

Here is a good summation of where we are in the USA today.
What is most incredible to me is that the data under scrutiny in the study was from 1981-2002. One can only imagine how much worse things have gotten since the 2008 financial crisis. The study found that even when 80% of the population favored a particular public policy change, it was only instituted 43% of the time. We saw this first hand with the bankster bailout in 2008, when Americans across the board were opposed to it, but Congress passed TARP anyway(although they had to vote twice).

Even more importantly, several years of supposed “economic recovery” has not changed the public’s perception of the bankster bailouts. For example, a 2012 study showed that only 23% percent of Americans favored the bank bailouts and the disgust was completely bipartisan, as the Huffington Post points out.

Personally, I think the banker bailouts will go down as one of the most significant turning points in American history. Despite widespread disapproval, Congress passed TARP and it was at that moment that many Americans “woke up” to the fact they are nothing more than economic slaves with no voice. That they are serfs. Even more importantly, once oligarchs saw what they could get away with they kept doubling down and doubling down until we find ourselves in the precarious position we are in today. A society filled with angst and resentment at the fact that the 0.01% have stolen everything.

Some think the oligarchy knows the American people are finally starting to wake up to reality and they fear what might happen. See recent Gallup poll showing more Americans recognize their government as the biggest problem. Poll Government is the number one problem in US - ABC15 Arizona
As such, the huge omnipresent unlimited US government has taken unconstitutional actions such as spying on all of us, trying to acquire as much ammo as possible to limit the people's access to ammo, opening the borders to allow as many non-US citizens in the nation as possible, etc.................a nice big war is the usual solution imposed by the oligarchy, to protect their hegemony.
would you say the largest 10,000 corporations in the world keeping in mind that there are 30 million in the USA alone? Is the USA the only country run by corporations?
It includes the largest 500. They have the money to buy the pols along with the richest individuals.

dear, an corporate oligarchy is a few, not 500, and certainly not 500 that all compete with each other??

If you are not too stupid and liberal why be so afraid to give us the best example of this oligarchy of 500 at work!!
You are not informed. It is well known and documented who comprises the oligarchy. Top corps who are headed by very wealthy people...then add in the billionaire individuals.
If you are not too stupid and liberal why be so afraid to give us the best example of this oligarchy of 500 at work!!
It is apparent from your posts that you have not given this subject much thought or done the research to comment on it. A word of advice, stick to topics you know something about before commenting.

Go to post 7 in this thread and open the link. That will be a start.

Are you really this uninformed or are you playing stupid? The American oligarchy has been thoroughly researched and identified. You need to educate yourself.

In addition, calling me a liberal proves you are not paying attention. Best to pay attention before posting.

If you are not too stupid and liberal why be so afraid to give us the best example of this corporate oligarchy of 500 at work!!

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