Is America's Respect for Human Life Hypocryptical?


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
The first year of the third millennium was the year where the whole world witnessed an act of barbarism where around three thousand men and women lost thier lives; many in the attempt to save the lives of others. Anyone can concede that this event was tragic. Yet trade sanctions placed upon Iraq during the Clinton administration resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War results in countless children in that country being born stillborn or severely deformed to this day. Why is the needless loss of life in a Western nation considered tragic yet the same loss and degradation of civilian life in poorer nations or nations with political regimes we don't agree with ignored or justified? Seems sometimes the United States or NATO shows the same callous disregard for the sanctity of civilian life as those we call evil. Am I wrong?

"All men are endowed by their creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
The first year of the third millennium was the year where the whole world witnessed an act of barbarism where around three thousand men and women lost thier lives; many in the attempt to save the lives of others. Anyone can concede that this event was tragic. Yet trade sanctions placed upon Iraq during the Clinton administration resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War results in countless children in that country being born stillborn or severely deformed to this day. Why is the needless loss of life in a Western nation considered tragic yet the same loss and degradation of civilian life in poorer nations or nations with political regimes we don't agree with ignored or justified? Seems sometimes the United States or NATO shows the same callous disregard for the sanctity of civilian life as those we call evil. Am I wrong?

"All men are endowed by their creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
I think there are basically two types of people on these forums:
TYPE 1. Those who take either left or right position and bash the opposing side
TYPE 2. Those who understand and agree with what you just said.

I am type 2.
Well, according to what the conservative right to lifers believe, all life is sacred and must be preserved at all costs.

At least until they're born, then? It's every person for themselves.
Interesting how "Autodidact" failed to mention the 50 MILLION unborn children that have been systematically slaughtered under the guise of "pro-choice" and "reproductive rights".

Autodidact apparently doesn't understand the basics of WAR. During a WAR, thousands of innocent people die. War is hell.

Placing sanctions on a country that is held hostage by a mass-murdering dictator who refuses to abide by the rules and restrictions dictated by the world community is the fault of the dictator, NOT the world community.

Sanctions are the last step prior to declaring WAR.

SHAME on you people who are apologists for communist aggression and dictatorial psychopaths.
Well, according to what the conservative right to lifers believe, all life is sacred and must be preserved at all costs.

At least until they're born, then? It's every person for themselves.

I love this, this is a quintessential argument of the left.

First innocent life in the womb has no shot at fighting back, it just doesn't, so it should be protected.

Second, what is the every man for himself quote? Let me guess it involves government programs? So to you government programs=caring about life?
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If you are a firm believer that life begins at conception, why would you ever be against feeding anyone that is hungry and be against sheltering anyone that is homeless?
When there are embryo's frozen, how does that constitute life? Explain? If you can.:eek:

Interesting how "Autodidact" failed to mention the 50 MILLION unborn children that have been systematically slaughtered under the guise of "pro-choice" and "reproductive rights".

Autodidact apparently doesn't understand the basics of WAR. During a WAR, thousands of innocent people die. War is hell.

Placing sanctions on a country that is held hostage by a mass-murdering dictator who refuses to abide by the rules and restrictions dictated by the world community is the fault of the dictator, NOT the world community.

Sanctions are the last step prior to declaring WAR.

SHAME on you people who are apologists for communist aggression and dictatorial psychopaths.
The first year of the third millennium was the year where the whole world witnessed an act of barbarism where around three thousand men and women lost thier lives; many in the attempt to save the lives of others. Anyone can concede that this event was tragic. Yet trade sanctions placed upon Iraq during the Clinton administration resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War results in countless children in that country being born stillborn or severely deformed to this day. Why is the needless loss of life in a Western nation considered tragic yet the same loss and degradation of civilian life in poorer nations or nations with political regimes we don't agree with ignored or justified? Seems sometimes the United States or NATO shows the same callous disregard for the sanctity of civilian life as those we call evil. Am I wrong?

"All men are endowed by their creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
I think there are basically two types of people on these forums:
TYPE 1. Those who take either left or right position and bash the opposing side
TYPE 2. Those who understand and agree with what you just said.

I am type 2.

jake starkey is that you?
There have been an estimated 40,000 deaths in Vietnam due to US landmines since the end of the war.
There have been an estimated 40,000 deaths in Vietnam due to US landmines since the end of the war.

Many more were injured...let's hope they have obamacare.

yeah no kidding, their leg is blown off, and they might get treatment in 6 months. Oh and if they're found not to have insurance, they get fined. Thank God the republicans put it to $0, lets see if the senate has the same foresight.
The worst part is even with all that hardware and manpower, the US army hasn't won a conflict since WWII.

Dead Arabs? No biggie.

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