If the dems and their allies in the GOP, the UNIPARTY stay power yes WWIII may well happen.And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.
However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)
And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.
Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.