Is anybody going to be around for Trump to help us?

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
Is there going to be anything left by November for Trump to try and fix? If he runs for Speaker that is.

There certainly isn't going to be anything left of this country by 2024 the way things are going, and the way people are letting the DementocRats get away with
their evil bullshit.

I'm still curious as to WHY the DementocRats are SO fucking hellbent on destroying this country, and finding thousands of different ways to do it.

WHY do they want the human race dead?
WHY do they want a Communist Oligarchy government?
WHY don't they understand there won't be anybody to rule over if they kill us all??

Is there going to be anything left by November for Trump to try and fix? If he runs for Speaker that is.

There certainly isn't going to be anything left of this country by 2024 the way things are going, and the way people are letting the DementocRats get away with
their evil bullshit.

I'm still curious as to WHY the DementocRats are SO fucking hellbent on destroying this country, and finding thousands of different ways to do it.

WHY do they want the human race dead?
WHY do they want a Communist Oligarchy government?
WHY don't they understand there won't be anybody to rule over if they kill us all??

View attachment 614797
Your lost. Take your head out of the gate bucket and look around. Your being controlled by right wing puppet masters. Don’t fall for it.
Your lost. Take your head out of the gate bucket and look around. Your being controlled by right wing puppet masters. Don’t fall for it.
Projection, and you are no good at it. The Right wing media is a whisper next to propaganda the world wide Leftist media vomits out. And you are stupid enough to believe or just picked what you consider the winning side and like to gloat the abuse of power going on right now.
just picked what you consider the winning side and like to gloat the abuse of power going on right now.
Yep, and these hate-filled fools actually believe the DC crowd won't come for THEM, someday. Watch the media 5th column begin pushing people into violence once Trump announces his run for '24. They are effing PARANOID about him regaining power.
Yep, and these hate-filled fools actually believe the DC crowd won't come for THEM, someday. Watch the media 5th column begin pushing people into violence once Trump announces his run for '24. They are effing PARANOID about him regaining power.

Ya know, it really sucks that we Republicans and conservatives have to be the "good guys." We're the most well-armed, well-trained, but also peaceful bunch of folks in this country. And yet, we tolerate the left when they do whatever destructive shit they want to, because we have so much restraint.
Yep, and these hate-filled fools actually believe the DC crowd won't come for THEM, someday. Watch the media 5th column begin pushing people into violence once Trump announces his run for '24. They are effing PARANOID about him regaining power.
They are more than paranoid. I doubt if they will find a legal way to stop him. I do not put anything past these people. Trump is not suicidal.
Yep, and these hate-filled fools actually believe the DC crowd won't come for THEM, someday. Watch the media 5th column begin pushing people into violence once Trump announces his run for '24. They are effing PARANOID about him regaining power.
Anybody in the real world would....You have Rupert Murdoch opinion and internet conspiracy nutjobs...
Is there going to be anything left by November for Trump to try and fix? If he runs for Speaker that is.

There certainly isn't going to be anything left of this country by 2024 the way things are going, and the way people are letting the DementocRats get away with
their evil bullshit.

I'm still curious as to WHY the DementocRats are SO fucking hellbent on destroying this country, and finding thousands of different ways to do it.

WHY do they want the human race dead?
WHY do they want a Communist Oligarchy government?
WHY don't they understand there won't be anybody to rule over if they kill us all??

View attachment 614797
Dude. Trump would not piss on you if you were on fire. He is just robbing you, after 4 years of robbing the country. Snap out of it.
Anybody in the real world would....You have Rupert Murdoch opinion and internet conspiracy nutjobs...

You don't live in the real world. You live in a fantasy world where you believe a decrepit old demented pervert who can't control his own bowels, is actually doing a good job running this country.

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