Is anybody going to be around for Trump to help us?

You don't live in the real world. You live in a fantasy world where you believe a decrepit old demented pervert who can't control his own bowels, is actually doing a good job running this country.
BS. He's fine and you are technically insane you believe such nuttery. Jon Bolton says Putin thought Trump would get out of NATO so he waited. You guys loved Putin
Is there going to be anything left by November for Trump to try and fix? If he runs for Speaker that is.
You have to be kidding
There certainly isn't going to be anything left of this country by 2024 the way things are going, and the way people are letting the DementocRats get away with their evil bullshit.
And exactly what is that evil bullshit youre so paranoid about? Be specific or shut up.
I'm still curious as to WHY the DementocRats are SO fucking hellbent on destroying this country, and finding thousands of different ways to do it.
Again, exactly what have they destroyed? You offer nothing but lies and bullshit. There's no evidence if any looming catastrophe. You simply hate them and fabricate crap to justify it.
WHY do they want the human race dead?
Why would they want the human race dead when they are part of it?
What stupid conspiracy theory us that attached to?

WHY do they want a Communist Oligarchy government?
There's no evidence of that and its a stupid ignorant lie. Wheres the communist takeover? Who are these oligarchs uoure referring to? Name them big mouth or shut up.
WHY don't they understand there won't be anybody to rule over if they kill us all??

How do you arrive at that ridiculous decision?
You need to watch less TV or increase your medication. You are barking mad son. See a doctor.


WHAT is the reason behind it all?????

Whoever or whatever pulls the strings at the global level has decided that there are too many of us pesky humans already running around and too many new births. So, THEY have set out to reduce the surplus population—the surplus being most of us. THEY believe we eat too much, drive and fly too much, use too much energy, pollute too much and otherwise take up too much space on the planet.

Consider carefully for a moment Roe v. Wade and the legalization of abortion in the United States. Since Roe was decided in 1973 up to 90 million American babies have been murdered. Now consider how many children and grandchildren those 90 million slaughtered unborn infants could themselves have produced and we're talking BILLIONS of Americans who should have been born but were prevented from existing.

Apparently, for THEM, killing tens of millions of babies and preventing the birth of billions more wasn't enough. So, how will THEY go about it? How will they go about drastically reducing global population? I can't really say but I am sure we're about to find out.

Whoever or whatever pulls the strings at the global level has decided that there are too many of us pesky humans already running around and too many new births. So, THEY have set out to reduce the surplus population—the surplus being most of us. THEY believe we eat too much, drive and fly too much, use too much energy, pollute too much and otherwise take up too much space on the planet.

Consider carefully for a moment Roe v. Wade and the legalization of abortion in the United States. Since Roe was decided in 1973 up to 90 million American babies have been murdered. Now consider how many children and grandchildren those 90 million slaughtered unborn infants could themselves have produced and we're talking BILLIONS of Americans who should have been born but were prevented from existing.

Apparently, for THEM, killing tens of millions of babies and preventing the birth of billions more wasn't enough. So, how will THEY go about it? How will they go about drastically reducing global population? I can't really say but I am sure we're about to find out.

Sterilize children before they turn ten.

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