Is Arab "Spring" a Front to get US influence out of the Middle East?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
I feel like a paranoid conspiracy theorist saying this, but I would not be suprised if the "arab spring" movement about a year ago was the first step for Islamic extremist to get the US supported dictators out of power and put into a place a weaker government that could better allow terrorist safe havens in the country, maybe even an extremist lead country to be put into place. I don't know but it is starting to look like that. Your thoughts?
I feel like a paranoid conspiracy theorist saying this, but I would not be suprised if the "arab spring" movement about a year ago was the first step for Islamic extremist to get the US supported dictators out of power and put into a place a weaker government that could better allow terrorist safe havens in the country, maybe even an extremist lead country to be put into place. I don't know but it is starting to look like that. Your thoughts?
It is to get tyrannical dictators we support out of their country, so they can have real democracy, instead of our fake democracy we keep pushing.
Extremism appeals to the intergenerational poverty stricken, whether it comes from a dictatorship supported by the U.S., i.e.-Egypt; or from a dictatorship supported by Russia, i.e.-Syria.
3 out of 4 young men under age 30 are unemployed in Egypt.
Extremism combined with a mandate from Allah (God), appears like a viable option to many whom have had nothing to lose for decades.
My take is that it is not a conspiracy, but the natural course of historical events that have led up to this day in the Middle East.
This too will eventually come to pass, but it might eventually include a nuclear option at some point.
Meanwhile, Iran racing towards the development of nuclear weapons realizes this.
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There will never be any "real" democracy nover there.

Lybia, Egypt, Syria will all go Islamic crazies and the world be the worse for it.
The ME trades dictators for theocracies often enough.

They have peace under dictators, and nightmarish horrors under theocracies.
The dictator tortures citizens, the mullahs torture and murder women and children.

Seriously, we should let those vile fucks go back to just killing each other.
The ME trades dictators for theocracies often enough.

They have peace under dictators, and nightmarish horrors under theocracies.
The dictator tortures citizens, the mullahs torture and murder women and children.

Seriously, we should let those vile fucks go back to just killing each other.
And we torture too. Just ask the detainees at GITMO.
There will never be any "real" democracy nover there.

Lybia, Egypt, Syria will all go Islamic crazies and the world be the worse for it.
That's why we separate church and state, in this country.

Or so I thought?
The ME trades dictators for theocracies often enough.

They have peace under dictators, and nightmarish horrors under theocracies.
The dictator tortures citizens, the mullahs torture and murder women and children.

Seriously, we should let those vile fucks go back to just killing each other.
And we torture too. Just ask the detainees at GITMO.


waterboard people that gleefully murder innocent women and children
shoving a rubber hose up your ass for being the wrong kind of muslim, from a different tribe or just looking at the wrong person

yeah, I can totally see where a lying fuck couldn't tell that apart.
The ME trades dictators for theocracies often enough.

They have peace under dictators, and nightmarish horrors under theocracies.
The dictator tortures citizens, the mullahs torture and murder women and children.

Seriously, we should let those vile fucks go back to just killing each other.
And we torture too. Just ask the detainees at GITMO.

There will never be any "real" democracy nover there.

Lybia, Egypt, Syria will all go Islamic crazies and the world be the worse for it.
That's why we separate church and state, in this country.

Or so I thought?

Starting to look more and more like Terry Jones did not have a big part in creating the video. Its now being speculated that it was made to spark a war between caucases muslims and the MB. Apparently the funding came from Egypt for the film, and no one can actually find the film, only a trailer for it. And the trailer looks like its been modified a lot. I still think jones is an idiot, but my conspiracy theory looks like its starting to come true
Starting to look more and more like Terry Jones did not have a big part in creating the video. Its now being speculated that it was made to spark a war between caucases muslims and the MB. Apparently the funding came from Egypt for the film, and no one can actually find the film, only a trailer for it. And the trailer looks like its been modified a lot. I still think jones is an idiot, but my conspiracy theory looks like its starting to come true
The movie is about as dumb as people wanting to enact tougher drug laws after watching Reefer Madness.

waterboard people that gleefully murder innocent women and children
shoving a rubber hose up your ass for being the wrong kind of muslim, from a different tribe or just looking at the wrong person

yeah, I can totally see where a lying fuck couldn't tell that apart.
What do you shove up your ass?

Wait.........hold on...............let me turn down the, go ahead........but talk slower!
The reality is that tribal influence is enormous in the Middle East and religious affliation is more about the tribe one belongs to than personal decision. Ruling parties are often made up along tribal affliations. They've never needed an excuse to steal from one another or go to war with a hereditary enemy. Most of the resource rich countries in the Middle East have significant poverty despite their huge wealth. It's not enough to be a citizen of a country, you have to belong to the right tribe to benefit from the wealth.

The US and Israel are useful distractions and a story to tell their poor. But the truth is something very different.

PressTV - 60% of Saudi citizens live below poverty line: Saudi daily

waterboard people that gleefully murder innocent women and children
shoving a rubber hose up your ass for being the wrong kind of muslim, from a different tribe or just looking at the wrong person

yeah, I can totally see where a lying fuck couldn't tell that apart.
What do you shove up your ass?

Wait.........hold on...............let me turn down the, go ahead........but talk slower!

^^ can't deny truth, so must go with gay joke.

delame, seriously delame
I feel like a paranoid conspiracy theorist saying this, but I would not be suprised if the "arab spring" movement about a year ago was the first step for Islamic extremist to get the US supported dictators out of power and put into a place a weaker government that could better allow terrorist safe havens in the country, maybe even an extremist lead country to be put into place. I don't know but it is starting to look like that. Your thoughts?
It is to get tyrannical dictators we support out of their country, so they can have real democracy, instead of our fake democracy we keep pushing.

wow.... cool. he posts a dumbass conspiracy theory based on nonsense...and your response is even more insane.

the 'arab spring' was a bunch of destabilized countries getting rid of the people who stepped on their people...

sometimes democracy is ugly... like when bush forced elections in the gaza and we got hamas.
I feel like a paranoid conspiracy theorist saying this, but I would not be suprised if the "arab spring" movement about a year ago was the first step for Islamic extremist to get the US supported dictators out of power and put into a place a weaker government that could better allow terrorist safe havens in the country, maybe even an extremist lead country to be put into place. I don't know but it is starting to look like that. Your thoughts?
It is to get tyrannical dictators we support out of their country, so they can have real democracy, instead of our fake democracy we keep pushing.

wow.... cool. he posts a dumbass conspiracy theory based on nonsense...and your response is even more insane.


Not really nonsense since islamic extremist seem to be the ones benefiting most from this whole fiasco. I don't fully believe the theory, it was just an interesting point, and as I said I wouldn't be suprised if that were the case. Bottom line is Extremist have a lot more power and influence now that the countries have been weakend. I asked is arab spring a front or pretext, just like the video is a front or a pretext for the riots.

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