Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

Holy fuck you're an idiot... You would be worlds of fun to destroy in person where you can't run away from your moronic rants, it would be best if we were sitting in front of your family and friends.
Hasn't worked for other countries and won't work here.

The right doesn't like it but if we had not invested in our own country's future we would be in a lot worse shape than we are now. It also served to stabilize the world economy.

The countries who decided to go the route of austerity are really hurting and the frightening part of that is that we cannot stop their free fall this time.

We already know that making the rich richer only serves to make the rich richer. They need to carry their fair share of the road and we need to create jobs - something that giving our money to the 1% has not accomplished in ten years (!) and is not going to suddenly accomplish now.

One more thing. The countries that decided to do austerity are not hurting because of Austerity, they are hurting because they had to many unaffordable programs like Healthcare, welfare and retiring way to early. They didn't care about the price tag for to long and when the bills started rollin in they had 1 option... And of course your dumb ass finds a way to blame the fix that only happened after the crash.

It's like some people want to be mentally retarded.
Correct...It is impossible to have half the population being paid and collecting benefits while the rest toils to pay THEIR bills and everyone else's ..This is what all those companies that had or have but are trying to get rid of defined benefit retirement programs. These benefits are no longer sustainable.
Retirement age for public employees MUST be increased to at least 65 to be fully vested.
To be able to "retire" at full pension by age 50 is absurd. Heck I know three guys I went to High School with that are just over 50 and are "retired" from public sector jobs. Each collects over $7k per month, one over $8k in pension. That does NOT include their no contribution 100% coverage medical and dental insurance.
BS, all these countries were fine before Pubs and their cronies started the SECOND Pub Great Depression. READ something for GOD'S sake....
But you're right, AMERICAN public sector has gotten out of control some places...
I was talking about Germany making I,G,S, I, and P cut spending, and into recession. Try and follow...

The hell you were.

The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

Your words my man.

Deflection, outright lies, an ad hominem attack in nearly every post...all emotion, no logic or reason. Who argues like that?

Go back, and you'll see I was talking about several countries, only referring to "PUBS re the WORLD Depression they started, AGAIN!!

Liar...and TROLL!
The 550k+ gov't jobs cut ARE MAINLY TEACHERS, FIREMEN, POLICE- BY pubs. I'm against it- we should cut the debt and deficit AFTER the recovery. The 4.1 trillion over ten years by Obama was twice what Pubs could handle.

This mess was caused by Pubs. People who listen to them are whacked...
Yes...Government spends....and let's stick to the federal government...Including state, county and local government is for another thread....far too much on nonsensical frills.
Federal hiring has increased under the Obama admin. SO please, just stop the horseshit.
There is no way to cut deficits until the spending increases STOP....
You are forgetting two very important items....
One , the current economic malaise, can't call it a recession because we've had about 1.5 annual growth in GDP, was caused by the federal government involving itself in the real estate marketplace. We all know that the government reacting to political opportunity thought it expedient to make rules that required banks and other financial institutions to make loans to previously unqualified individuals. The reasons are many, the results all the same. Disaster. The banks balked. The government assured these loans would be guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the US Government. The wise ones in DC also gave the banks and investment firms an "out"...They told them to create investment vehicles out of the paper. So that is what happened.
Second and quite possibly most imoportant. The federal budgets are created on a 'base line'..This allows the budget ot be based on ANTICIPATED revenue streams of a certian amount. There is no 'safety valve' or fallback should revenues fall below these anticipated numbers. Additionally, all departments are guaranteed annual budget increases provided the department spend ALL of their alloted funds the previous year. In government there is no such thing as saving money.
So for you to sit there sweating biullets and gnashing your teeth in anger over the perceived "Pubs" is not only fallacy, it's downright stupid.
At the end of the day, neither politcal party is innocent of stupid spending. The democrats however simple look to the people as their own personal cash register, the federal reserve as their own personal bookie that keep floating their credit by printing money to cover the deficits they run up....
Watdh some REAL NEWS/ Of course I didn't say they were ALL teachers, LOL!

Any nonFoxbot can see I was talking about conservatives in mMANY countries riding the same BS, and ignoring the SECOND Pub Great Depression.

If you check a non Pub propaganda source, a;; this stares you in the face, DUPE. LOL.

Less spending (Pub sabotage...No compromise "un-American" (TIME) GOP):

euronews GDP report: rate of US economic growth slows to 2.2%
Washington Post - *20 minutes ago*

The US economic recovery slowed in the first three months of the year, with growth falling to an annual rate of 2. 2 percent, as government spending declined and businesses invested less, the Commerce Department said Friday.
Payrolls flat in August, unemployment remains at 9.1 ... - McClatchy
Sep 2, 2011 ... Another weaker-than-expected government jobs report Friday put new ... of
September 2008, roughly 550000 government jobs have been cut. - Cached - SimilarPayrolls flat in August, unemployment remains ... - Midwest Democracy
Oct 3, 2011 ... Since the peak of September 2008, roughly 550000 government jobs have been
cut. The White House put on a brave face about the latest ... - Cached - SimilarNational League of Cities report - cuts in jobs, services - Sep. 27, 2011
Sep 27, 2011 ... To make up for the shortfalls, cities reported numerous job cuts, ... local
government employment in the U.S. had declined by 550000 jobs from ... - Cached - SimilarHow has the US public sector lost 550000 jobs in 2011? - Quora
Aug 27, 2011 ... Specifically, what departments / functions have the cuts been in? ... year the
private sector added 1.8 million jobs while the public sector cut 550000. ... Nearly
all the decline in government employment during this recovery has ...

How has the US public sector lost 550,000 jobs in 2011? - Quora - Similar

There you go, dumbazz Foxbot. Lucking, only RW morons get all their news from the Pub Propaganda Machine...IDIOT.
The 2008 U.K. national (excluding local) Budget was £426 billion. It rose to £496 billion in 2010, and the new and current 2012 budget is £527 billion. This is a total increase of 24% within four years.

Increasing your budget six percent in each of four years back-to-back is only austerity when placed against Obama Budgets.

The fix is certainly more programs and spending, alot
What do frogs know about austerity. Frank-ly I'm tired of foreigners who ain't got a clue or a place to put one opining about America's problems.
And yes, my computer suqs, loves crashing when going to any new ly updated sites. Luckily, I don't get my "News" from crappe RW internet...

"Yes...Government spends....and let's stick to the federal government...Including state, county and local government is for another thread....far too much on nonsensical frills."

Sure, moron. Then you would recognize Pubs are full of SHYTTE. They cut programs and taxes on the federal level- gee wonder where that ends up...Pub dupes!! LOL!

Almost all of Dem spending increases, beside paying for the Pub DEPRESSION, are from actually INCLUDING war costs in the budget. And look it up YOURSELF, MORONS LOL!

Perfect tools of the greedy mega rich,,,
What do frogs know about austerity. Frank-ly I'm tired of foreigners who ain't got a clue or a place to put one opining about America's problems.

You're right, what do they know- waiting a bit to invade Iraq? Ridiculous! Nazi Germany a threat? Let them handle it...Our banking system a corrupt mess? Don't mess with our crony boom...They are eternally grateful for destroying half their country in WWII, but Americans are never told the French won the War of Independence for us...The dupes are brainwashed, xenophobic, arrogant Ugly 'Merican MORONS. The more ignorant, the more arrogant.

You dittoheads, and greedy lying Pubs, ARE our country's disaster:cuckoo:...:eusa_whistle:
So still not a single link to back up your OP.... But you said con$ DUps and some other crap I can't even remember as I gloss over your posts trying not to catch an STD (Stupid Transmitted disease.)

Funny how what you claim to be the "fix" is the only thing these countries did for YEARS... Now they are all going under, including the US.
Thanks to the SECOND Pub Great Depression, and conservatives everywhere calling for austerity, which only destroys demand, adds to debt supporting the unemployed. Jobs jobsjobs pfffft! "Common sense" idiocy..

Try watching or reading the real news.Then the DEMS on here wouldn't have to spend all their time trying to educate your Fox/Rushbot dumbazzes...

"The 2008 U.K. national (excluding local) Budget was £426 billion. It rose to £496 billion in 2010, and the new and current 2012 budget is £527 billion. This is a total increase of 24% within four years.

Increasing your budget six percent in each of four years back-to-back is only austerity when placed against Obama Budgets.?"

Jeebus- wonder what happened in 2008-early 2009? Possible SECOND Pub Great World Depression?? Heard of Unemployment and Welfare assistance? How 'bout for 10-15% of the population. Great job, Pubbies...

Now, how 'bout some jobs bills instead of no compromise "un-American" (TIME) GOP BS?
The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

How 'bout some real jobs bills, party of NO!- The French may help all of us out of this. Sweden has the most successful recovery, dittoheads, so cut the crappe about EU Socialists- which you ALSO don't understand LOL.

In short, your theory is that the federal government isn't spending enough money? Is that really what you're saying, pantie stain?
The UK is back in recession. They put the conservatives in power and went the austerity route.

Whether or not austerity is a good idea in the long run may be worthy of discussion, but what is inarguable is,

austerity is not a plan for job creation, as the GOP persists in lying about.

The idea that government spending creates jobs has been disproven so many times that only the retarded still believe it.

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