Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

You're an idiot...Reagan quadrupled the deficit and let S+Ls run wild- see S+L bust... to get his recovery (and BUST). Trying to help but....
The stimulus failed only if you consider 4million jobs, 12 million people out of povty and saving 3trillion dollars a failure

O.K. I can counter a meaningless unsupported post with one that is just as meaningless.

If there were no stimulus we would have 8 million jobs, 15 million people out of pverty and saved 10 trillion dollars.
Can't handle a thread that's not just some ridiculous Pub propaganda insult/fantasy? LOL

Myself I tend to shy away from threads in which a Far Left Ideologue Like yourself Posts a Question and then answers it himself in the Title.

You don't want a Debate. You want to call names, Point to stats on Far left web sites, and run away when real facts destroy your fantasy.

To busy making my fingers bleed for that crap. Sorry, enjoy.

If you want to tell yourself you are right, all things left are good and all things right are evil, and you are smarter than me. Knock Yourself out.

Any argument at all LOL? Austerity has failed - see UK.

You don't read arguments...You don't read anything.

You are worthless.

I am starting to think Cuba won't take you.

The U.K. is undergoing a contraction. So what ?
The story of demand

Postwar years: the domestic economy is sustained by middle class consumption, which was strengthened by high wages (which existed because of New Deal reforms, Labor Unions, and various trade protections), and a host of government policies/programs/regulations designed to put money in middle class wallets, e.g., subsidizing public universities = cheaper college = middle class had more money for consumption. Social Security = middle class didn't have to pay as much to support their parents = more money for consumption. Government programs designed to strengthen the middle class are cut in order to pay for tax cuts.

Reagan: Business got sick of paying high wages. So they funded the ascendancy of Ronald Reagan, who busted unions and eroded the barriers which prevented capital flight to 3rd world sweatshops. High middle class manufacturing wages replaced by no-benfit temp retail jobs. Reagan expands the credit economy. People start receiving 3 credit cards a week. Master Card and Visa replace high wages as the engine of consumption. Household debt explodes. The worker must now borrow the money he used to make in wages.

The wealthy have more money than they can productively invest. To deal with excess of investment capital Wall Street creates a speculative casino based on futures, hedges, and derivatives. We have the worst of both worlds: the middle class, lacking decent wages, is given debt based consumption, while the investment class, lacking reak investment opportunities, create speculative ponzi garbage.

The perfect storm: the middle class chronically over-borrows to buy over-inflated homes, while the investment class creates a speculative derivative market a top the over-leveraged homes.

We should go back to the postwar years when the government invested in the middle class rather than just giving them more credit instruments with which to hang themselves.
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Anti-austerity movements gaining momentum across Europe | World news | The Guardian

From the anti-austerity firebrands of Greece's imminent elections to the corruption crusaders in Prague, from the Pirates of Berlin to the populists who scored well in France's presidential election, a new wave of anti-establishment parties are on the rise across Europe, posing a threat to the political elite.

Their causes vary – some are from the left, some from the right. But in many cases austerity is their bete noire, and this week governments in Netherlands and Romania were toppled because of opposition to programmes of budget cuts. They may not be the last.
Anti-austerity movements gaining momentum across Europe | World news | The Guardian

From the anti-austerity firebrands of Greece's imminent elections to the corruption crusaders in Prague, from the Pirates of Berlin to the populists who scored well in France's presidential election, a new wave of anti-establishment parties are on the rise across Europe, posing a threat to the political elite.

Their causes vary – some are from the left, some from the right. But in many cases austerity is their bete noire, and this week governments in Netherlands and Romania were toppled because of opposition to programmes of budget cuts. They may not be the last.

So instead of learning to do with less, they can now take lessons on eating each other or begging the U.S. for more money to bail them out.

If Germany is looking to expand again....should not be that hard. Only this time they can buy everyone.
Dear fucking idiot.

who do you think buys American products?

leave it to a con to try and kill the economy while they try to save their party.

We are part of the world wether you like it or not
Dear fucking idiot.

who do you think buys American products?

leave it to a con to try and kill the economy while they try to save their party.

We are part of the world wether you like it or not

Hello piss for brains,

China...which is going catalistic and looking more decentralized all the time (conservative).

Leave it to TM to not know anything about which she posts.
JFC, watch some real news, read a real paper. And read my quote again. Welcome to the world outside the FoxNoise/Rush.Beck/RW blog idiot News for xenophobe Ugly 'Merican Pub dupes. I'm not your mother.

Austerity is what Pubs have given us since 2/3/2010, stalling the recovery. Now in UK, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, stalling THEIR recovery.


What austerity dickweed ?

Austerity measures in UK and the Eurozone have all resulted in those places going back into recession. Furthermore if govt spending in the USA had increasedthe same as under Reagan the unemployment rate would be 7%
No more stimulus ? Please. Get a grip and stop listening to that asshole Paul Krugman.

The first one failed.
The stimulus failed only if you consider 4million jobs, 12 million people out of povty and saving 3trillion dollars a failure
If this country saw an increase of 4 million jobs( defined as FULL TIME permanent)..U-6 unemployment would have fallen to under 10%. Right now U-6( the number of eligible workers not employed) is over 16%.
Trickery by the Obama admin and the complicit BLS, fudge the numbers by for example, not counting those who are not looking for work AND dismissing those jobs which no longer exist.
The official Obama admin number may be 4 million or three million( pick one will you please) but it is NOT the NET INCREASE in the number of people working full time permanent jobs. As a matter of fact two years ago Obama said that 10% unemployment is "new normal"..
Where are those shovel ready jobs?..
Now I almost spit up me beer reading your tripe about saving $3 trillion...
Question....How is it possible for government to "save" money when the deficit has INCREASED every year of the Obama administration? Fuzzy math there, pal.
The first thing that the new President must do is reverse all Obama spending programs and policies. New cuts MUST be introduced. Not cuts in that budgets will shrink. Cuts in baseline budget increases. Plus, federal non military employment MUST be slashed. All pensions and benefits reexamined for cuts. US taxpayers cannot continue to pay people who are no longer working. Private sector workers do not have defined benefit pensions, neither should federal retirees. No public servant should get a better deal than the people they serve. Federal employees MUST be transferred to the Social Security and Medicare systems.
You're an idiot. Hoping for your recovery.

JFC, watch some real news, read a real paper. And read my quote again. Welcome to the world outside the FoxNoise/Rush.Beck/RW blog idiot News for xenophobe Ugly 'Merican Pub dupes. I'm not your mother.

Test tube baby
The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

How 'bout some real jobs bills, party of NO!- The French may help all of us out of this. Sweden has the most successful recovery, dittoheads, so cut the crappe about EU Socialists- which you ALSO don't understand LOL.

In short, your theory is that the federal government isn't spending enough money? Is that really what you're saying, pantie stain?

No the fact that has been proven again and again is that cuts in govt spending in a depressed economy results in less GDP growth less employment and higher deficits due to falls in the previous two categories.
Throughout modern civilization there has been zero instance where a government could spend or tax it's citizens into prosperity. Never happened. Never will.
Government produces nothing. It simply takes from the public sector and transfers to others. If spending and expenses were neutral, the possibility of government assisted recovery or growth does exist. I clearly stated "possibility"....Now, this has never been tried. Why? Because politicians think in their own self interests. One other issue, the federal government freely overspends because it can simply print currency to cover the debt. Of course this is inflationary and we'd be in an era of double digit inflation if interest rates were realistic. The federal reserve has been artificially holding down interest rates for years. This is unhealthy for the economy and is one of the root causes of our economic malaise.
The bottom line is government spending removes wealth from the economy.
If a household is spending more than it can afford then should it get an extra line of credit or should it cut spending?

Why is the government any different?

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