Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

How 'bout some real jobs bills, party of NO!- The French may help all of us out of this. Sweden has the most successful recovery, dittoheads, so cut the crappe about EU Socialists- which you ALSO don't understand LOL.

Sweden's government isn't socialist.


Alliance (Sweden)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Alliance (Swedish: Alliansen), formerly Alliance for Sweden (Swedish: Allians för Sverige), is a political alliance in Sweden. It consists of the four centre-right parties in the Riksdag. Although it was formed while in opposition, it achieved a majority government in the 2006 general election and a minority government in the 2010 general election forming the current government of Sweden.

And guess what franco? Their big policy has been tax cuts. And tax ceilings.


Right out of wiki

On 5 July 2006, during the politics week at Almedalen on Gotland, the Alliance parties announced a plan to abolish property tax. Their agreement promises to freeze taxable values at the current level (so that the revaluation that is being carried out will not apply), and to reduce the rate of tax on apartments from 0.5% to 0.4% of their taxable value.

A ceiling of 5000 kronor will also be imposed on the taxation of the value of a house's plot. The parties are also agreed on the abolition of the tax and its replacement with a municipal charge independent of the value of the property

There's more about their tax cuts and tax ceilings at the link so you can learn more about Sweden's center right ruling party.:eusa_angel:

Alliance (Sweden) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

How 'bout some real jobs bills, party of NO!- The French may help all of us out of this. Sweden has the most successful recovery, dittoheads, so cut the crappe about EU Socialists- which you ALSO don't understand LOL.
Let Me know when you are able to follow your own thought processes.

What austerity are you talking about? Can you define austerity, and if so, can you point to anyone who has implemented it.

JFC, watch some real news, read a real paper. And read my quote again. Welcome to the world outside the FoxNoise/Rush.Beck/RW blog idiot News for xenophobe Ugly 'Merican Pub dupes. I'm not your mother.

Austerity is what Pubs have given us since 2/3/2010, stalling the recovery. Now in UK, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, stalling THEIR recovery.

Austerity is what Pubs have given us since 2/3/2010,

Really? Is spending lower now than in 2010?
JFC, watch some real news, read a real paper. And read my quote again. Welcome to the world outside the FoxNoise/Rush.Beck/RW blog idiot News for xenophobe Ugly 'Merican Pub dupes. I'm not your mother.

Austerity is what Pubs have given us since 2/3/2010, stalling the recovery. Now in UK, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, stalling THEIR recovery.


What austerity dickweed ?

Austerity measures in UK and the Eurozone have all resulted in those places going back into recession. Furthermore if govt spending in the USA had increasedthe same as under Reagan the unemployment rate would be 7%
No more stimulus ? Please. Get a grip and stop listening to that asshole Paul Krugman.

The first one failed.
The stimulus failed only if you consider 4million jobs, 12 million people out of povty and saving 3trillion dollars a failure

If you're just gonna make up numbers, why not claim 18 million jobs and $30 trillion?
The story of demand

Postwar years: the domestic economy is sustained by middle class consumption, which was strengthened by high wages (which existed because of New Deal reforms, Labor Unions, and various trade protections), and a host of government policies/programs/regulations designed to put money in middle class wallets, e.g., subsidizing public universities = cheaper college = middle class had more money for consumption. Social Security = middle class didn't have to pay as much to support their parents = more money for consumption. Government programs designed to strengthen the middle class are cut in order to pay for tax cuts.

Reagan: Business got sick of paying high wages. So they funded the ascendancy of Ronald Reagan, who busted unions and eroded the barriers which prevented capital flight to 3rd world sweatshops. High middle class manufacturing wages replaced by no-benfit temp retail jobs. Reagan expands the credit economy. People start receiving 3 credit cards a week. Master Card and Visa replace high wages as the engine of consumption. Household debt explodes. The worker must now borrow the money he used to make in wages.

The wealthy have more money than they can productively invest. To deal with excess of investment capital Wall Street creates a speculative casino based on futures, hedges, and derivatives. We have the worst of both worlds: the middle class, lacking decent wages, is given debt based consumption, while the investment class, lacking reak investment opportunities, create speculative ponzi garbage.

The perfect storm: the middle class chronically over-borrows to buy over-inflated homes, while the investment class creates a speculative derivative market a top the over-leveraged homes.

We should go back to the postwar years when the government invested in the middle class rather than just giving them more credit instruments with which to hang themselves.

We should go back to the postwar years when the government invested in the middle class

We can afford to overpay union workers when every other major economy has been bombed into rubble. Otherwise, not so much.
Sweden isn't socialist? You are absolutely clueless. Who is then, MORON. LOL

Pubs austerity? Refuse to pass anything that costs any money- how bout a normal jobs bill or infrastructure bill like they always voted for in the past? They've cut 55Ok gov't jobs, mostly teachers. police, and firemen. Of course with this UE, bailouts of GM etc etc, speding is high- and it keeps us out of a new recession like the UK....

Greece, Spain etc has been making cuts for years, since this SECOND Pub World Depression started. And Spain has low debt STILL. No one should listen to the lying thieving swine. Now sabotaging the recovery. No compromise, "un-American GOP".(TIME)

Pub propaganda relies on your ignorance. Works great!!
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Sweden isn't socialist? You are absolutely clueless. Who is then, MORON. LOL

Pubs austerity? Refuse to pass anything that costs any money- how bout a normal jobs bill or infrastructure bill like they always voted for in the past? They've cut 55Ok gov't jobs, mostly teachers. police, and firemen. Of course with this UE, bailouts of GM etc etc, speding is high- and it keeps us out of a new recession like the UK....

Greece, Spain etc has been making cuts for years, since this SECOND Pub World Depression started. And Spain has low debt STILL. No one should listen to the lying thieving swine. Now sabotaging the recovery. No compromise, "un-American GOP".(TIME)

Pub propaganda relies on your ignorance. Works great!!

Links? Prove your statements. I've proved mine with links including that the ruling Alliance is center right.

Much like our Conservatives in Canada. More moderate than American conservatives but most definitely center right.
So what is Sweden then? LOL Idiot!

We breath AIR. You want a link? Unbelievable.
Sweden isn't socialist? You are absolutely clueless. Who is then, MORON. LOL

Pubs austerity? Refuse to pass anything that costs any money- how bout a normal jobs bill or infrastructure bill like they always voted for in the past? They've cut 55Ok gov't jobs, mostly teachers. police, and firemen. Of course with this UE, bailouts of GM etc etc, speding is high- and it keeps us out of a new recession like the UK....

Greece, Spain etc has been making cuts for years, since this SECOND Pub World Depression started. And Spain has low debt STILL. No one should listen to the lying thieving swine. Now sabotaging the recovery. No compromise, "un-American GOP".(TIME)

Pub propaganda relies on your ignorance. Works great!!
Government does not and cannot create private sector jobs by spending money. Impossible.
Government can get out of the way of the private sector and then the private sector WILL create jobs.
Government..this administration has done everything in it's power to suppress the private sector.
But government can provide people wth jobs and assistance that creates DEMAND in the private sector. CUTTING ASSISTANCE AND GOV'T JOBS CUTS THE DEMAND. then you get a recession. It looks WE're muddling through.EU is getting too much austerity.France to the rescue!

Thanks for the Depression STFU! AND PASS SOME jobs bill fcs.
So what is Sweden then? LOL Idiot!

We breath AIR. You want a link? Unbelievable.

It's Center Right Conservative. Also known as NOT Socialist. And NOT left wing. :lol:That's what the former Social Democratic Party was.

That's who they defeated. The Social Democratic Party had formerly held power for 70 years.
But government can provide people wth jobs and assistance that creates DEMAND in the private sector. CUTTING ASSISTANCE AND GOV'T JOBS CUTS THE DEMAND. then you get a recession. It looks WE're muddling through.EU is getting too much austerity.France to the rescue!

Thanks for the Depression STFU! AND PASS SOME jobs bill fcs.

links to lower spending anywhere....

kthxbye you lose.
Sweden isn't socialist? You are absolutely clueless. Who is then, MORON. LOL

Pubs austerity? Refuse to pass anything that costs any money- how bout a normal jobs bill or infrastructure bill like they always voted for in the past? They've cut 55Ok gov't jobs, mostly teachers. police, and firemen. Of course with this UE, bailouts of GM etc etc, speding is high- and it keeps us out of a new recession like the UK....

Greece, Spain etc has been making cuts for years, since this SECOND Pub World Depression started. And Spain has low debt STILL. No one should listen to the lying thieving swine. Now sabotaging the recovery. No compromise, "un-American GOP".(TIME)

Pub propaganda relies on your ignorance. Works great!!
Government does not and cannot create private sector jobs by spending money. Impossible.
Government can get out of the way of the private sector and then the private sector WILL create jobs.
Government..this administration has done everything in it's power to suppress the private sector.

And the head of Google agrees with you (even though he's an Obama supporter)

Have you seen this?

Google Chairman Schools Krugman: 'Surely You're Not Arguing Government Should Hire All the Unemployed People'

From the article:

ERIC SCHMIDT, EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN GOOGLE: This perpetual argument over taxes is simply a lever to try to do the right thing. It's obvious what the right thing is. And we end up talking about the wrong thing.

The right thing is to get people employed in jobs that matter.


SCHMIDT: And how do you do that? It's done largely by the private sector, largely with intelligent regulation and not too much of it.

Let's figure out a way to get people being hired by business that solve problems. It will happen.


Read more: Google Chairman Schools Krugman: 'Surely You're Not Arguing Government Should Hire All the Unemployed People' |
But government can provide people wth jobs and assistance that creates DEMAND in the private sector. CUTTING ASSISTANCE AND GOV'T JOBS CUTS THE DEMAND. then you get a recession. It looks WE're muddling through.EU is getting too much austerity.France to the rescue!

Thanks for the Depression STFU! AND PASS SOME jobs bill fcs.

Someone a lot smarter than you tried to sell this pile of crap once before.

It has been shown not to work.

France is going down the toilet big time.

Screw the jobs bill that takes money from other things so the government can take forever to reward their cronies through a corrupt system.

Please move to Cuba...moron.
Any rational RW thought out there? I didn't think so.

There are two kinds of "Republicans"- the Mega rich, short sighted, greedy Pubs, and the huge crowd incredibly ignorant, now propagandized or bought off dupes, ie, you morons. See sig pp1 and 4.

I see Obama is really starting to point this out.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare! How dumb can you get?

hey Franco!!......have i ever told ya there are 2 kinds of Democrats?......the kind who can throw a ham sandwich together......and then well...your put the Ham in between the 2 bread slices....yes it will fit......:eusa_eh:
The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

How 'bout some real jobs bills, party of NO!- The French may help all of us out of this. Sweden has the most successful recovery, dittoheads, so cut the crappe about EU Socialists- which you ALSO don't understand LOL.
See Highlighted.

Facts not found in evidence or any rational analysis. It simply cannot be proven that the stimulus did what you claim. If critical thought is applied to the stimulus, (and the regression back toward recession when the money stopped being spent), the best that can be said about it is that it stopped the banks from going under. Hows that working out for everyone?

Additionally, prominent economists in early 2009 were predicting that by summer of 2010, the economy would begin to recover even if government did not get involved. Come 2010, there was no recovery, not even a hit of one. It can be just as easily argued that the stimulus has prolonged the recession.

As to austerity. Care to show Me where ANY FUCKING austerity has been implemented in the United States? Here is a hint. A reduction in the growth of government IS NOT austerity.
I want to know how anyone can say that in tough times, when your mired in debt, the answer is to go even further into debt. Do these people conduct their personal affairs in this manner?

No, who can understand their insanity.

Pub dupe "common sense" LOL!

Spending cuts? How 'bout 550k gov't jobs? Just ruins demand tho- Well obama offered 4.1 trllion cuts, and the Pubs ran away!!

The real question is, how bout some of the usual Jobs Bills, Pubs- not BS electioneering "bills"?

so now they continue to pretend their ideas did not fail yet again in practice.

Small Government and less spending is what made America the super power it is. Today America is a giant Government big spender to the point where even at 100% taxes that could hardly pay for our welfare and wars.

YOUR idea on how to run a country has failed since the beginning of time. You desire mass control of everything, that is where your ideas always lead as they never deliver what they promise and always claim they need more. Hell Obama spent 780 BILLION and when the effect was almost un felt what did you claim? You said it was not enough…. 780 BILLION dollars was not enough????? That’s over 1/3rd what the US takes in through revenue in a year, think about that… Over 1/3rd the revenue produced by the #1 economy in the history of mankind and you say it was not enough….

What is even more amazing is you still blame "small Government and spending cuts" despite us talking about 780 BILLION dollars that was just 1 stimulus... How much was TARP, Bush's Stimulus(s) and all the other welfare we have?? Oh I know the answer, nearing double what we bring in and can afford!

And what’s your slum lords answer? “Raise taxes on the rich!!!!” Care to give us a number on how high these taxes need to go and how much more revenue it will yield? Even at 15% higher taxes you couldn’t put a dent in the deficit and that’s if by dumb luck the politicians took that money and used it to pay for the deficit they claimed they needed to raise taxes for.

Keep claiming we live in a world of Austerity without a shred of proff TM. Orwell wrote a science fiction book about people like you …
No, who can understand their insanity.

Pub dupe "common sense" LOL!

Spending cuts? How 'bout 550k gov't jobs? Just ruins demand tho- Well obama offered 4.1 trllion cuts, and the Pubs ran away!!

The real question is, how bout some of the usual Jobs Bills, Pubs- not BS electioneering "bills"?


Is he really talking about the 4 Trillion in cuts on future spending over like 20 or 30 years? I can't remember the years because all I remember was the deficit was supposed to still grow something like 20 Trillion in that time... MASSIVE CUTS!!!! lol.

Man, lucky all the Presidents after Obama who have to follow his "plan" and they better hope nothing fucked up happens where they might need some cash on hand... Like a real war or disaster.

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