Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

Canada is socialist, until they get rid of their health system. Air Canada? I haven't been there in a while. Are Petrol, Gas, Electric nationalized? Conserative Party gov't doesn't change that...

That is like saying that the U.S. is socialst until we get rid of our highway system.

You are a moron.

Air Canada....? Ever hear of West Jet.

Can you please stop posting. You embarass yourself.
Pubs are all big gov't when they get in, CHUMP. Lying thieving big gov't -See Booosh, Reagan, Nixon...
A) 4.1 trillion over 10 years, IDIOT.
B) Canada AND Sweden are STILL socialist, idiot. US is too, just the worst LOL.
c) lower spending. 550k jobs cut, dumbass. If you're that ignorant, google 550k jobs cut- I'm not your GD mother.

:( telling Meister Frankie....your mean....:mad:
I DO hate lying cheating mega rich Pub azzholes, but not you brainwashed you guys, salt of the earth...chumps in politics. You don't know what socialism IS- you confuse it with COMMUNISM, even fascism. You believe Pubs will lower your taxes and are better at business and security, despite years of evidence AGAINST. Busts, recessions, corruption, cronyism, DEPRESSIONS, 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, Nixon...McCarthy, Harding, Hoover, Isolationism....JFC!! Pub dupes!!

And Ike was a non political independant...

Pubs are all big gov't when they get in, CHUMP. Lying thieving big gov't -See Booosh, Reagan, Nixon...

You're like a pull-string doll.

Regardless what is being talked about, you have about 10 phrases you can use.

Your vocab needs to expand.

You are a moron.
I'm trying to get through your ridiculously thick skull. Nothing works, dupe.

Read the book- got Nook?
The entire world is set for a progressive turn.

bye bye cons

:( dont mean that.....

It's funny because literally the world is on the edge of rejecting Progressivism. Progressivism was not even questioned for years, it was the dominate way of thinking. We are now in a world recession/depression due to the policies on a global scale of Progressivism.

Just looking at these scared sheep, claiming austerity AUSTERITY!!!! As the problem yet all of them combined can’t drop a single link showing where any Government is making cuts on spending.
Canada is socialist, until they get rid of their health system. Air Canada? I haven't been there in a while. Are Petrol, Gas, Electric nationalized? Conserative Party gov't doesn't change that...

You need to really get up to speed. Air Canada was privatized in the Mulroney era. Conservative.

From Wiki:

On 7 December 1987, Air Canada became the first airline in the world to have a fleet-wide non-smoking policy,[13] and in 1989 became completely privatised.

Our Health Care is undergoing a major overhaul because we have been pushing for a positive reforms to our two tier system.

Main article: Health care in Canada

In Canada, there are private and public health care providers with complete patient freedom of choice between which doctors and facilities to use.

***note: the wiki article states that most people don't pay for healthcare. lol, you should see the taxes. They are coming down, but trust me, medicare isn't free.

Two-tier health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For Petrol? Wow, you really need to get up to speed.

In 1990, the government announced its intention to privatize Petro-Canada, and the first shares were sold on the open market in July 1991 at $13 each.[citation needed] The government began to slowly sell its majority control, but kept a 19% stake in the company. No other shareholder was allowed to own more than 10%, however. Also, foreigners cannot control more than 25% of the company.

During the first year, the value of the shares gradually dropped to $8 as Petro-Canada suffered a loss of $603 million, primarily because of the devaluation of some assets.[citation needed]

The newly private company significantly reduced the number of properties in which it had a direct interest. It reduced its annual operating costs by $300 million and it went from a staff of close to 11,000 to only about 5,000 employees. Many of these laid-off employees went on to work and start up other oil companies in Alberta, creating a new group of Canadian producers. But many did not work in other oil companies and some left Alberta to find work elsewhere.[citation needed]

In his 2004 federal budget, Finance Minister Ralph Goodale pledged to sell the government's remaining stake in the company and by the end of the year it had sold its 19% stake, 49 million shares in all, for net proceeds of $3.2 billion.[3] As of June 2007, the company's largest shareholders were Capital Research and Management Company (a Capital Group company), with 7.3%, and Barclays, with 4%.[4]

Petro-Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

whoopsies forgot to add link to all the other private companies
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But government can provide people wth jobs and assistance that creates DEMAND in the private sector. CUTTING ASSISTANCE AND GOV'T JOBS CUTS THE DEMAND. then you get a recession. It looks WE're muddling through.EU is getting too much austerity.France to the rescue!

Thanks for the Depression STFU! AND PASS SOME jobs bill fcs.

But government can provide people wth jobs and assistance that creates DEMAND in the private sector.

Unfortunately, you eventually have to pay for the assistance.
If big government spending fixed an economy, Greece would have an economy the size of China's.
And our unemployment would be 4%.
And if George W hadn't been Pres. none of this would have happened. Great Job, Pubs!
Still social democrat (socialist)- but thanks.

Not socialist you moron.

They'd kill you if you said that up there.

This is hysterical....

Franco...the jackass....telling everyone to quit reading propaganda (won't tell us what he reads...but then his 50 word vocabulary precludes that or any kind of decent discussion), but won't give up his own view in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Good job dickweed.
You're a god amn idiot. You have no idea what socialist means, like most Pub dupes. You're a punk who thinks a few months of Pub Propaganda makes you an expert on anything but foolish, totally dishonest propaganda. I live 40 miles from Canada. They'e a social democrat country. Social Democrat is what socialist countries call themselves so cold war dinosaur Pub dupes' heads don't explode.

And you wondered whether Australia used US dollars, the one time you were honest enough to say you were new to politics . Now you're back to being a typical Pubtroll/dittohead, an ignorant, destructive loudmouth Ugly 'Merican. Read, something, stop being the tool of the greedy rich who got us in THIS mess and have held back the country from fairness and inteligence since LEAST.
It looks we'll muddle through despite RW disfunction , obstruction, fear mongering in the middle of THEIR depression, but that and their austerity are no HELP...saying the stimulus didn't work is CRAPPE, and the recovery has stalled since Scott Brown's election made Congress a disaster...
You're a god amn idiot. You have no idea what socialist means, like most Pub dupes. You're a punk who thinks a few months of Pub Propaganda makes you an expert on anything but foolish, totally dishonest propaganda. I live 40 miles from Canada. They'e a social democrat country. Social Democrat is what socialist countries call themselves so cold war dinosaur Pub dupes' heads don't explode.

And you wondered whether Australia used US dollars, the one time you were honest enough to say you were new to politics . Now you're back to being a typical Pubtroll/dittohead, an ignorant, destructive loudmouth Ugly 'Merican. Read, something, stop being the tool of the greedy rich who got us in THIS mess and have held back the country from fairness and inteligence since LEAST.

Franco, we dumped the Progressive Conservative Party a long time ago and took a right hand turn. :lol:

We are Conservatives. I live here. I am a Conservative. We have a Federal Conservative government.

Just like the States, we have various Provinces that are all different. Some are Liberal or NDP.


For crying out loud why can't you just accept that you are wrong.

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The United States does not have austerity measures. Even though we are now the economic twin of Greece, we don't have austerity measures.
It looks we'll muddle through despite RW disfunction , obstruction, fear mongering in the middle of THEIR depression, but that and their austerity are no HELP...saying the stimulus didn't work is CRAPPE, and the recovery has stalled since Scott Brown's election made Congress a disaster...

It's obvious that if Obama had added $6 trillion to the debt, instead of only $5 trillion, we'd have 4% unemployment rignt now. :cuckoo: :lol:

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