Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

He exhibits traits attributed to a narcissist more than a psychopath. But it is his hatred for everything America has traditionally stood for, that makes him dangerous.

But narcissism is one of the main characteristics of psychopathy
Wow. The definition of psychopath fits someone right here in USMB!! Especially this part:

Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected. They get away with actions that others in their positions haven’t, because of their ability to remain calm even when committing atrocities, and their ability to manipulate whole groups of people.
Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

He exhibits traits attributed to a narcissist more than a psychopath. But it is his hatred for everything America has traditionally stood for, that makes him dangerous.

But narcissism is one of the main characteristics of psychopathy

According to the definition in Websters New World Dictionary and Thesaurus, it isn't.

Syn. psychopathic personality, sociopath, lunatic, mental case, bedlamite*, maniac; see also FOOL 1, MADMAN.

Types of psychopathic disorders include: psychotic, paranoid, schizoid, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, hysterical, cyclothymic, compulsive, obsessive-compulsive, addictive, passive-aggressive.
Just one serious question - did you even read the article or are you commenting without reading as usual?'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

We should assume that you are a grade A idiot
Of course he is. The notion that rules are for other people, the inability to sympathize with others, the lying without remorse--all signs of classic psychopath. He wouldnt be the first president to have it, btw.'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

We should assume that you are a grade A idiot

If you dont have something intelligent to say, don't say anything at all.
But it is interesting to consider some characteristics when combined with actions of President Obama since he took office. He certainly had the initial charisma and likability. He had the perfect-looking family with the perfect-looking face at the perfect time for America to fall for him. No matter what his opponents pointed to, no one questioned him for fear of being labeled racists.

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Jesus christ, look it up.
What an idiot.

If Obama is a psychopath what does that make Cheney? An ax murderer?
I bet Obama's never even gotten a speeding ticket.

a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
synonyms: madman, madwoman, maniac, lunatic, psychotic, sociopath; More

You know what? That's OK. I can't respect yours either.'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.


Please provide a professional definition of psychopath, because you are babbling like an OCD with PTSD compounded by borderline personality disorder and delusional dysphoria.
Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500,000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion, New Study Says

Is the person that caused this, a psychopath?

Nearly half a million people have died from war-related causes in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003, according to an academic study published in the United States on Tuesday.

yeah, the alquaeda fucks that flew planes into buildings are most definately psycopaths, funny i thought you would agree, even while swallowing obamas jizz
Psychopath, I don't think so, sociopath definitely. He could give a shit about anyone outside his tight circle.
Agreed, Obama is a card carrying narcissist


Would you like to name a politician who isn't?

Narcissism is the driver that has to be in place for anyone to work a room and get people to the polls in November.

no most maybe narcissist, but he s a card carrying member

and did you just criticize democrats.....while not directly atacking them, im proud of you none the less. Now quit making excuses for this pos prez
Just one serious question - did you even read the article or are you commenting without reading as usual?'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

Obama shows none of the traits of a psychopath. For that matter, neither does George W. Bush.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? Yeah..those folks are psychopaths.

And you skipped right over the 1/2 million Iraqis. I don't think that counting the Iraqi military. That would probably bump up to around 700K.

But lets go over our history with Iraq..because it's pretty much a doozy.

The US was happy when Hussein was able to oust Qasim, but pretty unhappy he signed up with the Soviets to receive aid and modernize Iraq. That relationship basically came to an end when Hussein got sick of the communists. Thus, the US came sniffing around again mainly because of the oil. Then, Iran got rid of the shah, and the US saw an opportunity for a two-fer..revenge and getting Iranian oil back. So it encouraged a war between Iran and Iraq, even supplying military gear. When Iraq started losing? The US gave them ChemTech (And that was Rumsfeld who basically led that deal). That's also when the brunt of Iraqis died. The "infamous" gassing of "his own people" happened during that time when some towns saw an opportunity to rebel.

Then, that bloodbath came to an end..but Iraq was broke. It had borrowed heavily from Kuwait who was now asking for their money back. Hussien then went to the US and asked for the okay to attack, and got it. After moving deep into Kuwait, Bush, decided, it was time for Iraq to leave. Perplexed, Iraq was like, What? Then came Desert Storm. That killed lots and lots Iraqis. And left Iraq broke, broken and completely screwed.

Then Clinton came on the scene. The PNAC went into overdrive to get him to finish the job and they best they got? Was some bombings. Not content with that, they pressed on conflating all sorts of things about Hussien and got sanctions. Well, Iraq was such a basketcase that it couldn't feed there own people. 10s of thousands of people died and the US had cobble together an oil for food deal.

After that, Bush started making noises during the election that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction". That was the first inkling that this guy was going to attack if he won. Well he won. But he had no reason to go there..until 9/11. And go they did. Iraq collapsed like a deck of very weak cards. Bush could have gone a couple of ways on this. He could have done a "Panama", grabbed Hussien and left. He could have done a Marshall plan and allowed the Iraqi government to function while rebuilding went on. But that's not what happened. Having destroyed all the major infrastructure, they decided it would be just grand to disband the military, sell off national companies to foreign interests and basically give jobs to people in countries from outside Iraq.

This led to a massive insurgency.

And what did you guys say during all of this?

"Stay the course".

Thousands of people were dying, foreign fighters were flocking to Iraq, millions of Iraqis were fleeing, the Kurds started terrorist attacks in Turkey and Iran..and you guys were like - "Stay the course".

Then came the second election, and Bush actually managed to eek it out. But was left with a mess. So? Daddy sent in Jim Baker and Robert Gates to clean up. Gone, thankfully were Rumsfeld and Cheney. They brought in Petraeus who had a plan to bribe the insurgents to stop fighting.

That sorta worked. But we weren't out of Iraq until Obama.


Millions of Iraqis were killed by American actions.

And what do you do?

Call Obama a psychopath.

And you expect to be taken seriously on any level?'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

Obama shows none of the traits of a psychopath. For that matter, neither does George W. Bush.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? Yeah..those folks are psychopaths.

And you skipped right over the 1/2 million Iraqis. I don't think that counting the Iraqi military. That would probably bump up to around 700K.

But lets go over our history with Iraq..because it's pretty much a doozy.

The US was happy when Hussein was able to oust Qasim, but pretty unhappy he signed up with the Soviets to receive aid and modernize Iraq. That relationship basically came to an end when Hussein got sick of the communists. Thus, the US came sniffing around again mainly because of the oil. Then, Iran got rid of the shah, and the US saw an opportunity for a two-fer..revenge and getting Iranian oil back. So it encouraged a war between Iran and Iraq, even supplying military gear. When Iraq started losing? The US gave them ChemTech (And that was Rumsfeld who basically led that deal). That's also when the brunt of Iraqis died. The "infamous" gassing of "his own people" happened during that time when some towns saw an opportunity to rebel.

Then, that bloodbath came to an end..but Iraq was broke. It had borrowed heavily from Kuwait who was now asking for their money back. Hussien then went to the US and asked for the okay to attack, and got it. After moving deep into Kuwait, Bush, decided, it was time for Iraq to leave. Perplexed, Iraq was like, What? Then came Desert Storm. That killed lots and lots Iraqis. And left Iraq broke, broken and completely screwed.

Then Clinton came on the scene. The PNAC went into overdrive to get him to finish the job and they best they got? Was some bombings. Not content with that, they pressed on conflating all sorts of things about Hussien and got sanctions. Well, Iraq was such a basketcase that it couldn't feed there own people. 10s of thousands of people died and the US had cobble together an oil for food deal.

After that, Bush started making noises during the election that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction". That was the first inkling that this guy was going to attack if he won. Well he won. But he had no reason to go there..until 9/11. And go they did. Iraq collapsed like a deck of very weak cards. Bush could have gone a couple of ways on this. He could have done a "Panama", grabbed Hussien and left. He could have done a Marshall plan and allowed the Iraqi government to function while rebuilding went on. But that's not what happened. Having destroyed all the major infrastructure, they decided it would be just grand to disband the military, sell off national companies to foreign interests and basically give jobs to people in countries from outside Iraq.

This led to a massive insurgency.

And what did you guys say during all of this?

"Stay the course".

Thousands of people were dying, foreign fighters were flocking to Iraq, millions of Iraqis were fleeing, the Kurds started terrorist attacks in Turkey and Iran..and you guys were like - "Stay the course".

Then came the second election, and Bush actually managed to eek it out. But was left with a mess. So? Daddy sent in Jim Baker and Robert Gates to clean up. Gone, thankfully were Rumsfeld and Cheney. They brought in Petraeus who had a plan to bribe the insurgents to stop fighting.

That sorta worked. But we weren't out of Iraq until Obama.


Millions of Iraqis were killed by American actions.

And what do you do?

Call Obama a psychopath.

And you expect to be taken seriously on any level?


Just one serious question - did you even read the article or are you commenting without reading as usual?'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

The psychopath that set up 9-11 and the Iraq War was primarily B. Clinton if you want to be honest! Of course it's unlikely you could be honest!:eusa_liar:
Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

Obama shows none of the traits of a psychopath. For that matter, neither does George W. Bush.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? Yeah..those folks are psychopaths.

And you skipped right over the 1/2 million Iraqis. I don't think that counting the Iraqi military. That would probably bump up to around 700K.

But lets go over our history with Iraq..because it's pretty much a doozy.

The US was happy when Hussein was able to oust Qasim, but pretty unhappy he signed up with the Soviets to receive aid and modernize Iraq. That relationship basically came to an end when Hussein got sick of the communists. Thus, the US came sniffing around again mainly because of the oil. Then, Iran got rid of the shah, and the US saw an opportunity for a two-fer..revenge and getting Iranian oil back. So it encouraged a war between Iran and Iraq, even supplying military gear. When Iraq started losing? The US gave them ChemTech (And that was Rumsfeld who basically led that deal). That's also when the brunt of Iraqis died. The "infamous" gassing of "his own people" happened during that time when some towns saw an opportunity to rebel.

Then, that bloodbath came to an end..but Iraq was broke. It had borrowed heavily from Kuwait who was now asking for their money back. Hussien then went to the US and asked for the okay to attack, and got it. After moving deep into Kuwait, Bush, decided, it was time for Iraq to leave. Perplexed, Iraq was like, What? Then came Desert Storm. That killed lots and lots Iraqis. And left Iraq broke, broken and completely screwed.

Then Clinton came on the scene. The PNAC went into overdrive to get him to finish the job and they best they got? Was some bombings. Not content with that, they pressed on conflating all sorts of things about Hussien and got sanctions. Well, Iraq was such a basketcase that it couldn't feed there own people. 10s of thousands of people died and the US had cobble together an oil for food deal.

After that, Bush started making noises during the election that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction". That was the first inkling that this guy was going to attack if he won. Well he won. But he had no reason to go there..until 9/11. And go they did. Iraq collapsed like a deck of very weak cards. Bush could have gone a couple of ways on this. He could have done a "Panama", grabbed Hussien and left. He could have done a Marshall plan and allowed the Iraqi government to function while rebuilding went on. But that's not what happened. Having destroyed all the major infrastructure, they decided it would be just grand to disband the military, sell off national companies to foreign interests and basically give jobs to people in countries from outside Iraq.

This led to a massive insurgency.

And what did you guys say during all of this?

"Stay the course".

Thousands of people were dying, foreign fighters were flocking to Iraq, millions of Iraqis were fleeing, the Kurds started terrorist attacks in Turkey and Iran..and you guys were like - "Stay the course".

Then came the second election, and Bush actually managed to eek it out. But was left with a mess. So? Daddy sent in Jim Baker and Robert Gates to clean up. Gone, thankfully were Rumsfeld and Cheney. They brought in Petraeus who had a plan to bribe the insurgents to stop fighting.

That sorta worked. But we weren't out of Iraq until Obama.


Millions of Iraqis were killed by American actions.

And what do you do?

Call Obama a psychopath.

And you expect to be taken seriously on any level?


Feel free.

What part of that is BS.
Just one serious question - did you even read the article or are you commenting without reading as usual?'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

The psychopath that set up 9-11 and the Iraq War was primarily B. Clinton if you want to be honest! Of course it's unlikely you could be honest!:eusa_liar:


Clinton wanted to kill Bin Laden.

Bush bought Arbusto from Bin Laden's brother.

And Reagan funded Bin Laden.

You folks seem to forget those things.

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