Is Barack Obama Losing It? Some people on his staff think so.

So it's owned by Fox News?

Fucking dumbass.

I thought it was pretty funny , He just forgot the [/sarc] tags
I didn't forget anything. No sarcasm was intended.

Fucking dumbass.

I thought it was pretty funny , He just forgot the [/sarc] tags

I have a very low tolerance of dumbasses.

Then you must hate yourself.:lol:
Obama does not serve Israeli and Indian interests.

Jews and Hindus from around the world are busy raising funds for the Republicans, to ensure a conservative victory in the USA.

America is currently pandering to the muzzies.

America needs to fight them, not pander to them.

Our funds will ensure that Obama loses the next election. He is useless.

Someone like Palin would be better for India and Israel, so we will fund people like her and ensure her victory.
Obama needs to find 300,000,000 people outside America to drag down with him.
The buzz grows louder that Barack Obama isn't just over his head, as any informed voter knew he would be — he's completely losing it. Rumors of a psychiatric meltdown are making their way to the edges of the mainstream.

For troubling details on Obama's mental state, check out the first-hand reports from Obama's own Deep Throat at NewsFlavor. According to a beltway insider and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team:

“I'll tell you this — if you want to see President Obama get excited about a conversation, turn it to sports. That gets him interested. You start talking about Congress, or some policy, and he just kinda turns off. It's really very strange. I mean, we were all led to believe that this guy was some kind of intellectual giant, right? Ivy League and all that. Well, that is not what I saw. Barack Obama doesn't have a whole lot of intellectual curiosity. When he is off script, he is what I call a real "slow talker". Lots of ummms, and lots of time in between answers where you can almost see the little wheel in his head turning very slowly.”

… I don't have a problem saying that the president is losing it. I don't mean he is like losing his mind. I mean to say that he is losing whatever spark he had during the campaign. When you take away the crowds, Obama gets noticeably smaller. He shrinks up inside of himself. He just doesn't seem to have the confidence to do the job of President, and it's getting worse and worse. Case in point — just a few days before I left, I saw first hand the President of the United States yelling at a member of his staff. He was yelling like a spoiled child. And then he pouted for several moments after. I wish I was kidding, or exaggerating, but I am not. The President of the United States threw a temper tantrum. The jobs reports are always setting him off, and he is getting increasingly conspiratorial over the unemployment numbers. I never heard it myself, but was told that Obama thinks the banking system is out to get him now."

The future of the nation is in the hands of neurotic socialist with an alarming background and no serious job qualifications. Terrified yet?[/SIZE]

Source: Van Helsing, 11/17/2010

Van Helsing the vampire slayer?

Fucking dumbass.

I thought it was pretty funny , He just forgot the [/sarc] tags
I didn't forget anything. No sarcasm was intended.

I thought it was pretty funny , He just forgot the [/sarc] tags

I have a very low tolerance of dumbasses.

Then you must hate yourself.:lol:

^^^ See, that's why I call you a dumbass.... I say you're stupid and you accuse me of 'hate'. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean I hate you, fool. Damn, you are painfully stupid.
I don't know if I think Obama is losing it per se. I think he kind of had a vision of how his Presidency was going to go, and now that reality is not following the script he had in his head, he's getting more and more disillusioned. He doesn't know where to go from here. Obama seems like he's better at leading when things are going well, and he's not as good at trudging through the mire when things are rough.

The job is never as easy as hoped. Clinton's hair turned gray in his first term, then white in his second. Bush also turned gray in his first term. And so it is Obama. I think it was Mario Cuomo who first said that a politician campaigns by poetry but must govern by prose.
The buzz grows louder that Barack Obama isn't just over his head, as any informed voter knew he would be — he's completely losing it. Rumors of a psychiatric meltdown are making their way to the edges of the mainstream.

For troubling details on Obama's mental state, check out the first-hand reports from Obama's own Deep Throat at NewsFlavor. According to a beltway insider and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team:

“I'll tell you this — if you want to see President Obama get excited about a conversation, turn it to sports. That gets him interested. You start talking about Congress, or some policy, and he just kinda turns off. It's really very strange. I mean, we were all led to believe that this guy was some kind of intellectual giant, right? Ivy League and all that. Well, that is not what I saw. Barack Obama doesn't have a whole lot of intellectual curiosity. When he is off script, he is what I call a real "slow talker". Lots of ummms, and lots of time in between answers where you can almost see the little wheel in his head turning very slowly.”

… I don't have a problem saying that the president is losing it. I don't mean he is like losing his mind. I mean to say that he is losing whatever spark he had during the campaign. When you take away the crowds, Obama gets noticeably smaller. He shrinks up inside of himself. He just doesn't seem to have the confidence to do the job of President, and it's getting worse and worse. Case in point — just a few days before I left, I saw first hand the President of the United States yelling at a member of his staff. He was yelling like a spoiled child. And then he pouted for several moments after. I wish I was kidding, or exaggerating, but I am not. The President of the United States threw a temper tantrum. The jobs reports are always setting him off, and he is getting increasingly conspiratorial over the unemployment numbers. I never heard it myself, but was told that Obama thinks the banking system is out to get him now."

The future of the nation is in the hands of neurotic socialist with an alarming background and no serious job qualifications. Terrified yet?[/SIZE]

Source: Van Helsing, 11/17/2010

Van Helsing the vampire slayer?


Mags, the OP's source - NewFlavor - has absolutely no credibility whatsoever, it is less of a 'news' site than *HuffPuff/WDN.

*Delete as applicable, depending on your political allegiance.

Check out the 'about us' area of the site. Absolutely anyone can write for them - they require no journalistic standards.
Nothing I enjoy more than watching armchair psychiatrists diagnose all of the President's mental disorders simply by watching public appearances.
The buzz grows louder that Barack Obama isn't just over his head, as any informed voter knew he would be — he's completely losing it. Rumors of a psychiatric meltdown are making their way to the edges of the mainstream.

For troubling details on Obama's mental state, check out the first-hand reports from Obama's own Deep Throat at NewsFlavor. According to a beltway insider and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team:

“I'll tell you this — if you want to see President Obama get excited about a conversation, turn it to sports. That gets him interested. You start talking about Congress, or some policy, and he just kinda turns off. It's really very strange. I mean, we were all led to believe that this guy was some kind of intellectual giant, right? Ivy League and all that. Well, that is not what I saw. Barack Obama doesn't have a whole lot of intellectual curiosity. When he is off script, he is what I call a real "slow talker". Lots of ummms, and lots of time in between answers where you can almost see the little wheel in his head turning very slowly.”

… I don't have a problem saying that the president is losing it. I don't mean he is like losing his mind. I mean to say that he is losing whatever spark he had during the campaign. When you take away the crowds, Obama gets noticeably smaller. He shrinks up inside of himself. He just doesn't seem to have the confidence to do the job of President, and it's getting worse and worse. Case in point — just a few days before I left, I saw first hand the President of the United States yelling at a member of his staff. He was yelling like a spoiled child. And then he pouted for several moments after. I wish I was kidding, or exaggerating, but I am not. The President of the United States threw a temper tantrum. The jobs reports are always setting him off, and he is getting increasingly conspiratorial over the unemployment numbers. I never heard it myself, but was told that Obama thinks the banking system is out to get him now."

The future of the nation is in the hands of neurotic socialist with an alarming background and no serious job qualifications. Terrified yet?[/SIZE]

Source: Van Helsing, 11/17/2010
I love the way these bits of insider informations start off. "According to a beltway insider and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team.."

Which means it has all the credibility of a conversation overhead at your local barbershop.

Either plagerize someone's blog, or give a link and put it in quotes.

I agree. It's nothing but a bunch of BS. But you noticed how the right wingers ate it up like it was gospel truth? :lol:

No I didn't notice that. Unless you are assuming that everyone that thinks this is bs is on the left.

Aside from that.

You can tell he's lost much of his confidence. The first year he rode the wave of rhetoric, it kept him afloat for anther 6 months, now he's been washed out to sea. Treading water or getting to shore is hard work. Something he is not used to, and it's eating away at his public confidnece.

Of course it would have nothing to do with the fact that every time he opens his mouth, the right wing noise machine takes another whack, justified or not, and makes THAT the 24/7 news cycle. Nah...

I think he's just decided to move on as best he can dealing with the circumstances related to any one of the myriad major issues of the day and let the screamers have their fun.
Hmmm.....President Obama stops to consider all sides before moving forward. GM is bailed out sucessfully, health care for all gets off the ground and we begin bringing troups home (including my son-in-law). You say he's lost confidence, I say he's pragmatic.

President Bush shows all the confidence in the world and swaggers us into a war with Iraq for no good reason. In the meantime he gets thousands of our kids killed and spends money that we can't afford to pay for that war that was started for no good reason.

Obams may look "washed out to sea" to you but with Bush WE were the ones "washed out to sea".

Yep. I can see why you'd be suspicious of Obama alright. :lol:

since you went off topic by bring up bush, yet again and the wars, yet again.

Were you this upset when clinton got Americans killed in Somalia?
How about when you think of the VAST numbers that JFK got killed in Viet Nam?
There's 2 "wars" that we had no busyness being in.
Kennedy was in the process of pulling the advisors out of nam. Johnson escalated the troops on a massive scale after JFK was shot. Johnsons antics got the troops killed. After Johnson left office, tricky Dick unleashed the B-52s on the VCand NVA and brought their buts to the Paris peace talks.

Also this is a interesting stunt Obama pulled over the weekend that has reporters baffled and pissed.

Is Obama unhinged?

Did you still believe in Mother Goose stories when you were in your teens too? Good gawd, it's unbelievable how someone whom I presume to be a full grown adult can be such a gullible old fool.
Newsflash, the Community Organizer's not qualified to be President, and is a wacky narcissist after having the world treat him like a messiah for two years, because he was able to regurgitate Bill Clinton's "Hope & Change" campaign themes from 1992.

He really is an awful leader. But he's also following the worst two term President in U.S. history, so by comparison this is a little like stepping in puke after being knee deep in cow shit.

WELL!! I guess since YOU said so, it must be so. Thanks so much for the "newsflash." Nobody ever said that before.
He could be. His policies seem to indicate this. I think things will get worse. He obviously can't handle criticism. In my opinion he whines a lot. Bush was attacked much more viciously by the Liberal MSM yet he didn't whine so much. This guy could be losing it.

You would love things to get worse. You're one of those sick individuals who would rather see the country harmed than be wrong.
He could be. His policies seem to indicate this. I think things will get worse. He obviously can't handle criticism. In my opinion he whines a lot. Bush was attacked much more viciously by the Liberal MSM yet he didn't whine so much. This guy could be losing it.


Barack Obama the Avowed Socialist!

Really old recycled shit, genius. It's way past the sell-by date. Where did all you no-nothing noobs come from anyway? Did Hannity do another purge of his message board?
Even if what they are saying about Obama is true the Country is still a lot better off than it was with the war-mongering corporatist sonofabitch he replaced. The middle class can survive another two years with the U.S. Constitution intact but it could not have survived another four years with the right wing in power.


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