Is being "Gender Confused" a mental, hormonal, genetic or legitiate problem?

What is "Gender Confused" ???

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Multiple Choice poll.

In my opinion, believing that you are something that you are not is a mental illness. If you're confused, look between your legs.
Transsexualism is caused by a developmental disorder during gestation. A male fetus develops testes and this begins the masculinization process away from the female template. Later in the development the testes release androgen and this courses through the fetus and imprints a male gender map onto the brain. For transsexuals the hormone flood is incomplete, they never become fully male, their brains don't get imprinted.
Transsexualism is caused by a developmental disorder during gestation. A male fetus develops testes and this begins the masculinization process away from the female template. Later in the development the testes release androgen and this courses through the fetus and imprints a male gender map onto the brain. For transsexuals the hormone flood is incomplete, they never become fully male, their brains don't get imprinted.

I have read it being something like the brain develops as one sex, while the body develops as another. Its not a choice, and its not an illness. Even if it was, these people need to change sex to match the brain to the body.
Transsexualism is caused by a developmental disorder during gestation. A male fetus develops testes and this begins the masculinization process away from the female template. Later in the development the testes release androgen and this courses through the fetus and imprints a male gender map onto the brain. For transsexuals the hormone flood is incomplete, they never become fully male, their brains don't get imprinted.

I have read it being something like the brain develops as one sex, while the body develops as another. Its not a choice, and its not an illness. Even if it was, these people need to change sex to match the brain to the body.

Men and women start as a female fetus. Masculinization then begins for males. That process has to complete in order for boys to have a male brain and male sexual identity.

What you heard about the brain developing as the opposite sex is wrong. A male transsexual has the body of a male but not the brain of a male. He is not male. This though doesn't mean he has the brain of a female. His brain has been partially masculinized. He knows enough to realize that he doesn't identify as male and so assumes that what he feels is from a female perspective. It is impossible for him to actually know the female perspective because he isn't female. We can determine that he's in between male and female by looking at brain scans.
That is probably a better way of explaining it. So what do you think should happen to a person who is male but identifies as female?
That is probably a better way of explaining it. So what do you think should happen to a person who is male but identifies as female?

His identification as a woman is wrong. Biologically his brain is NOT MALE. Early in fetal development we all start as 100% female. Females always stay at 100% female. Males develop into males when they reach 100% male. Transsexuals are caught in between because at one stage of development there is a flood of hormones which wash over the brain and this triggers specific development of the male brain and male sexual identity and with transsexuals something goes haywire at this stage.

They're not women. The problem is that many people have only a superficial understanding and think in binary terms - if not male, then must be female. Same too with transsexuals, they know they're not identifying as male so they assume that they are the opposite.

It's utterly unjust to inflict transsexuals onto females in terms of rest room usage and such. This really boils down to one question - who will be made to feel uncomfortable? It's either women who have to accept men/boys in their midst who are pretending to be women or it's transsexuals who realize that they don't identify as men who have to associate with men and are uncomfortable doing so. I can't see any damn sense in making thousands of woman uncomfortable in order to make one male transsexual comfortable, so I support the alternative of telling these guys to deal with it and use male restrooms and such, because the inconvenience is minimized (too bad that they're the one who is uncomfortable) and because while their brains are 50/50 their body isn't, so all told, they're closer to male than female.
Of the available options, I'd say a mild form of mental illness.

Short of being hermaphroditic, you're either male or female. I think we're becomming overly patronizing lately with the various other options we allow people to designate themselves with. I think a better way is to simply emphasize there are many kinds of men and many kinds of women. But not any non-male males, or non-female females.

If you waddle like a duck, quack like a duck, you're probably a duck. :) You're not however a man/woman trapped in a duck's body. :)

I think the result of all these new possible gender choices is we're making people more apprehensive and feel more negative about being gay/lesbian/bisexual. "I'm a man attracted to other men. But I'm not gay because I'm a woman trapped in a man's body." Sorry dear, but you're just a man attracted to other men. Get over it. There's nothing wrong with that and you need to quit letting people convince you that there is that you adopt some fictitious self-realization when you think you're a woman trapped in a man's body.
I can't see any damn sense in making thousands of woman uncomfortable in order to make one male transsexual comfortable, so I support the alternative of telling these guys to deal with it and use male restrooms and such, because the inconvenience is minimized (too bad that they're the one who is uncomfortable) and because while their brains are 50/50 their body isn't, so all told, they're closer to male than female.

I guess that is where I disagree. Let them use a unisex bathroom so they feel comfortable. I also think that if they wish to change sex, they should be allowed to, and such surgery should be taxpayer funded.
I guess that is where I disagree. Let them use a unisex bathroom so they feel comfortable. I also think that if they wish to change sex, they should be allowed to, and such surgery should be taxpayer funded.

While I have no objection to unisex accomodations it's hinged upon it not being a 3rd choice. Instead just make all restrooms unisex. You're going in there to pee n poop, not socialize. :)
They are not mentally ill.

If you think you're a duck trapped in a man/woman's body that's a delusion which is a mental illness symptom. Could just be bad education as seems usually the case, but could also be a kind of body dysmorphic disorder like annorexia.
I guess that is where I disagree. Let them use a unisex bathroom so they feel comfortable. I also think that if they wish to change sex, they should be allowed to, and such surgery should be taxpayer funded.

While I have no objection to unisex accomodations it's hinged upon it not being a 3rd choice. Instead just make all restrooms unisex. You're going in there to pee n poop, not socialize. :)

I guess that is where I disagree. Let them use a unisex bathroom so they feel comfortable. I also think that if they wish to change sex, they should be allowed to, and such surgery should be taxpayer funded.

Taxpayer funded? On what grounds that that's a freebie but other things like life-saving procedures aren't?
They are not mentally ill.

If you think you're a duck trapped in a man/woman's body that's a delusion which is a mental illness symptom. Could just be bad education as seems usually the case, but could also be a kind of body dysmorphic disorder like annorexia.

Its not a mental illness. It can be 'cured' with surgery. It cannot be 'cured' with sitting down talking to a shrink.
I guess that is where I disagree. Let them use a unisex bathroom so they feel comfortable. I also think that if they wish to change sex, they should be allowed to, and such surgery should be taxpayer funded.

Taxpayer funded? On what grounds that that's a freebie but other things like life-saving procedures aren't?

On the grounds that when people have problems that cause them mental anguish, their fellow citizens should help them out.
I can't see any damn sense in making thousands of woman uncomfortable in order to make one male transsexual comfortable, so I support the alternative of telling these guys to deal with it and use male restrooms and such, because the inconvenience is minimized (too bad that they're the one who is uncomfortable) and because while their brains are 50/50 their body isn't, so all told, they're closer to male than female.

I guess that is where I disagree. Let them use a unisex bathroom so they feel comfortable. I also think that if they wish to change sex, they should be allowed to, and such surgery should be taxpayer funded.

Bullshit. They can pay for it themselves.
Its not a mental illness. It can be 'cured' with surgery. It cannot be 'cured' with sitting down talking to a shrink.

With all due respect you need to google GRS/SRS "regret"

The ops don't fix whatever's wrong in someone's head. All it's actually doing is altering the physical body. And enough people then regret it, and try changing back that's it's becomming pretty obvious the motivation to get the surgeies in the first place is the result of a mental illness. Not objective reality that your brain is different.

Also, will put this reply here in 1 post. Transsexuals are not female-brained in men's bodies. If that's in fact possible then ancient arguements men and woman's brains are significantly different and as such men are better at x, females are better at y will have to be revisted. Maybe woman's brains really do make them worse drivers that now we need to make driver requirement's stricter for women since their brains are different.

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