Is big brother watching you?

Anybody who thinks it's gonna stop with harmless, unarmed drones, is in denial. This is another incremental step by our "new government". Our Constitution is being made obsolete and the stupid ass liberals are making jokes about it.

I'm not aware of an constitutional prohibitions of drone aircraft?
just remember, the constitution was written over 200 years ago and needs to change with the times. none of your rights are sacred. or at least they won't be if we continue to allow our government to erode them one step at a time

Yes my rights are sacred.

What part of inalienable do you not understand?

inalienable: incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred

That which is inalienable cannot be bought, sold, or transferred from one individual to another. The personal rights to life and liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are inalienable. Similarly, various types of property are inalienable, such as rivers, streams, and highways.
tell that to congress and the supreme court
Anybody who thinks it's gonna stop with harmless, unarmed drones, is in denial. This is another incremental step by our "new government". Our Constitution is being made obsolete and the stupid ass liberals are making jokes about it.

I'm not aware of an constitutional prohibitions of drone aircraft?

trust me, when a republican becomes president again the liberals will interpret one in there
Anybody who thinks it's gonna stop with harmless, unarmed drones, is in denial. This is another incremental step by our "new government". Our Constitution is being made obsolete and the stupid ass liberals are making jokes about it.

Are police flying around in Apache helicopters?


So on what basis do you form this slippery slope fallacy?
Drones have many uses. You can buy one with a camera at your local big box electronic store. Real estate brokers have been using them to take aerial photos of properties they are selling.

A drone is cheaper than a manned helicopter and can perform many of the same functions. They would be particularly useful in search and rescue operations when loaded with thermal cameras.

They can also be used to supplement border patrols.

The only real hazard they pose is they do not have the peripheral vision of a manned helicopter pilot. This is a concern when considering using them in the same airspace as passenger planes.

I hate to be the one asking you this seeing our off and on history of getting along Gramps... But was it not you that would attack Ron Paul fans during the primaries "what freedoms have you lost" when we would bring up the patriot act and so on?

What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.
Yes, it was Big Brother. He is looking for you. You had better go up in an attic and shut yourself in. Don't make a sound. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.

Ahh, the last time Progressives had people hiding from their Government Hitler was in power. Interesting to see how thrilled you are at the prospects that people will have to hide from oppression again.

I hate to be the one asking you this seeing our off and on history of getting along Gramps... But was it not you that would attack Ron Paul fans during the primaries "what freedoms have you lost" when we would bring up the patriot act and so on?

What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.

They are faceless, zero accountability.
I hate to be the one asking you this seeing our off and on history of getting along Gramps... But was it not you that would attack Ron Paul fans during the primaries "what freedoms have you lost" when we would bring up the patriot act and so on?

What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.

They are faceless, zero accountability.

Bullshit. Do you think government UAVs will be unmarked? Do you think they will not have record keeping requirements and regulations? Do you have evidence to support this?

Going down the black helicopter route, eh?
I hate to be the one asking you this seeing our off and on history of getting along Gramps... But was it not you that would attack Ron Paul fans during the primaries "what freedoms have you lost" when we would bring up the patriot act and so on?

What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.

They are faceless, zero accountability.

To better answer your question. It's ok because a Democrat is office.
What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.

They are faceless, zero accountability.

Bullshit. Do you think government UAVs will be unmarked? Do you think they will not have record keeping requirements and regulations? Do you have evidence to support this?

Going down the black helicopter route, eh?

Well then, tell me who was flying it and what they were doing... OP's! you can't can you?
I hate to be the one asking you this seeing our off and on history of getting along Gramps... But was it not you that would attack Ron Paul fans during the primaries "what freedoms have you lost" when we would bring up the patriot act and so on?

What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.

They are faceless, zero accountability.

How is it zero accountability? Someone is controlling it.
What freedoms does a drone take away that a manned helicopter does not? What new threat to our civil liberties do they pose?

No one has ever answered this question.

They are faceless, zero accountability.

How is it zero accountability? Someone is controlling it.

Answer again: A Democrat is in office so you support this just like you support giving rich money, never ending wars, the war on terror, tax cuts and everything else Bush did...

Again, who is controlling it and why? If it's so easy to find out do it for us. Prove us all wrong. Or you can cop out and say "YOU LOOK INTO IT!!!"
They are faceless, zero accountability.

Bullshit. Do you think government UAVs will be unmarked? Do you think they will not have record keeping requirements and regulations? Do you have evidence to support this?

Going down the black helicopter route, eh?

Well then, tell me who was flying it and what they were doing... OP's! you can't can you?

Prove it was a drone first.

Ooops! You can't, can you?

You have no idea if it was someone's toy, or what.

Here you go, dipshit:

The government's legislation for domestic drones. Read it and weep as you realize your paranoid fantasy has no basis in reality.
They are faceless, zero accountability.

How is it zero accountability? Someone is controlling it.

Answer again: A Democrat is in office so you support this just like you support giving rich money, never ending wars, the war on terror, tax cuts and everything else Bush did...

Again, who is controlling it and why? If it's so easy to find out do it for us. Prove us all wrong. Or you can cop out and say "YOU LOOK INTO IT!!!"

I support unmanned aircraft no matter who is in office. It saves lives. That's cool.
They are faceless, zero accountability.

How is it zero accountability? Someone is controlling it.

Answer again: A Democrat is in office so you support this just like you support giving rich money, never ending wars, the war on terror, tax cuts and everything else Bush did...

Again, who is controlling it and why? If it's so easy to find out do it for us. Prove us all wrong. Or you can cop out and say "YOU LOOK INTO IT!!!"

Ahhhhh...the moron's "I wouldn't put it past 'em!!" proof. :lol:

And I did look into it. When the law was written a year ago. That's how I know you are full of shit.
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I could see justification for their use during a crime but not to just randomly spy. Much like I consider the red light cameras bogus.

Weren't you paying attention when Bush admitted on camera to authorizing warrantless wiretaps on Americans even after he had pledged to the American people that warrants were still a requirement?

Weren't you paying attention when Congress later granted the phone companies blanket immunity for all actions they took to comply (illegally, at the time) with Bush's order? And why did they do that? GOVT CONTRACTS worth hundreds of millions of dollars?
Bullshit. Do you think government UAVs will be unmarked? Do you think they will not have record keeping requirements and regulations? Do you have evidence to support this?

Going down the black helicopter route, eh?

Well then, tell me who was flying it and what they were doing... OP's! you can't can you?

Prove it was a drone first.

Ooops! You can't, can you?

You have no idea if it was someone's toy, or what.

Here you go, dipshit:

The government's legislation for domestic drones. Read it and weep as you realize your paranoid fantasy has no basis in reality.

Well now with Obama's NDAA and ability to assassinate American citizens without trial, I'll assume the giant document you gave me is voided when it comes to Government doing something in the name of the "greater good."

I was more discussing the possibility of a drone spying, not if it was or was not a drone. If it were a drone you can't prove it just like you can't prove it, again, thanks to Obama being just as poor of a President as Bush.

Take you CT chit and crap it up your fuckin ass you fucking dumb fuck. Is everyone a racist/paranoid/old/white/male/tea party or whatever else your bigoted ass can crap out at that moment just because they rightfully don't agree with you?
Predator Drones Over Brooklyn? Not So Fast - Forbes

New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly recently said that he was interested in procuring drones for use in law enforcement, but the NYPD told CNN it had no knowledge of a drone flight on Monday. And when air traffic controllers radioed other pilots in the area and asked them to look out for the flying object, no one else spotted it.

Assuming the Alitalia pilot wasn’t simply mistaken and saw something like a runaway Mylar balloon, the most likely explanation is that he spotted a recreational remote-controlled model aircraft, and mistook it for an unmanned drone. Many “toy” planes are capable of reaching altitudes far in excess of 1,500 feet, and some of them are quite large. Some RC companies even sell models that look just like the Predator drones used by the U.S. military. FAA regulations limit model planes to a maximum flight altitude of 400 feet, but it’s not hard to imagine an RC fan flaunting that limit.

The Alitalia pilot’s reported location of the plane –four to five miles west of JFK airport– also bolsters this theory; that might place the flight on one of the beachfront communities around Jamaica Bay, a sparsely populated area that’s well suited to RC flying.

Any sort of unauthorized flight near JFK poses a threat, since they could collide with a passenger aircraft. In 2012 the FAA established the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Office to figure out how to certify and regulate drone traffic in U.S. airspace.

Drone Over Brooklyn? Alitalia Pilot Reports Seeing Unmanned Aircraft [VIDEO]
The possible drone, described as a 3-foot-wide black unmanned aircraft, came within 2,000 feet of the Alitalia plane, the bureau said.

Could very well be someone's toy.

Occam's Razor.

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