Is Breitbart fake news?

Is Breitbart fake news?

No, But CNN is.
ONE example, superdupe?
Meanwhile, everything you know is GOP bs propaganda...
Breitbart News' Worst Headlines - Media Matters
Aug 17, 2016 - Media Matters looks back at the some of Breitbart News' most outrageous ... It seems like he's got a list of things to do that he can blame on ... His followers never question the weird stuff he says, or the lies he tells everyday.
breitbart Archives |
Stephen Bannon: 'Nobody Can Blame You for Beating Your Wife If It's Out of Love'? Updated A fake news web site put words in Trump strategist Stephen ...
President Obama Released ... · ‎Trump won 3084/3141 counties
Obama's 50 Lies / Obama Not Exactly -
List documents fifty lies told by Barack Obama. ... CLAIM. A list circulating online contains 50 false statements by President Barack Obama See Example(s) ...
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies | Daily Wire
When Politico attempted to measure how many lies Trump told over the ... up with this not-even-close-to-complete list of 101 lies from Donald Trump. 1. ..... The owner of Breitbart is also a Cruz supporter but he lets the reporters follow the story.

You attack Brietbart using MEDIA MATTERS? :rofl: :lmao:

The single largest manufacturer of ‘fake news’ is at it again.

CNN ran a segment on Monday in which they interviewed Japanese women who survived internment camps from WWII, coaxing them to say they fear Trump will do the same thing with Muslims.

You read that right…CNN did a segment sayingold Japaneese Women should be worried about Trump rounding them up and throwing them into internment camps.}

CNN IS FINISHED! They Just Got Caught Telling Biggest Trump LIE in The Hisory of TV


(5/9) 1. CNN Repeatedly Claims George Bush Sr. Signed NAFTA. It was Bill Clinton

(5/9) 2. CNN Denies Facts About Hillary’s Legal Career; CNN Previously Reported Those Same Exact Facts - down to the exact words.

(7/13) 3. CNN “Loses Connection” When Reporter Brings Up Hillary’s Past Criminal Justice Reforms

(8/1) 4. CNN Reporter Caught Misrepresenting Hillary Clinton Crowd Sizes to Look Larger

(8/2) 5. CNN Chooses to Prioritize its Criticisms of Donald Trump’s Choice of Cutlery Over Chemical Warfare

(8/8) 6. CNN Runs Hit-Piece on Trump, Ends up Equating African Americans with Felons

(8/10) 7. CNN Says Secret Service had Several’ Meetings with Trump About 2nd Amendment Comment; It had Zero

(8/29) 8. CNN Edits Out the Word ‘Crooked’ when Reporting Trump’s Tweet on Hillary

(8/31) 9. CNN’s Headline News Interviews Hero, Blurs Out his “Trump 2016” Shirt

(9/9) 10. CNN Claims Howard Stern Verified Story on Trump; Howard Stern Directly States that CNN is Lying

(9/17) 11. CNN Edits Out Clinton’s Use of the Word ‘Bomb,’ Attacks Trump for Saying ‘Bomb’

(9/19) 12. CNN Falsely Claims (over and over) that Donald Trump Called for “Racial Profiling”

(9/22) 13. CNN Demands Dr. Drew Retract Statements on Hillary Clinton’s Health, Cancels His Show Because of the Comments

(10/9) 14. CNN’s Pam Brown Caught Coaching a Presidential Debate Focus Against Trump

(10/11) 15. CNN’s Donna Brazile Caught Sneaking Debate Questions to Hillary Clinton

(10/12) 16. CNN Falsely Tells Viewers that it is Illegal to View WikiLeaks

(10/12 ) 17. CNN Disputes Existence of Hillary Audiotapes; CNN Reported on the Same Tapes Previously

(10/18) 18.. CNN’s Dan Merica Claims there’s Nothing to See in WikiLeaks; CNN’s Dan Merica is Implicated in Wikileaks for collusion with DNC against Trump

(10/19) 19. CNN ”Loses Connection” When Congressman Brings Up what WikiLeaks tells us about Clinton

(10/30) 20. CNN Falsely Claims Trump Told Crowd to Vote Twice, then Stealth Edits its Story, but Only After Media Outlets Report CNN's Lie

(11/6) 21. CNN Executive’s Spouse Caught Colluding with DNC, Tipping Them Off on Unreleased Polls

(11/6) 22. CNN Caught Colluding with DNC on Questions for Trump, Cruz

(11/8) 23. CNN Interviews Angry Anti-Trump ‘Protestor’ who is Really Cameraman John Grkovic

(11/11) 24. CNN “Loses Connection” When Muslim Trump Supporter Brings Up Amir Khan’s Wife
Those aren't lies, but ARE total bs. What you say is a sign of total sanity break.
Is Breitbart fake news?

No, But CNN is.
ONE example, superdupe?
Meanwhile, everything you know is GOP bs propaganda...
Breitbart News' Worst Headlines - Media Matters
Aug 17, 2016 - Media Matters looks back at the some of Breitbart News' most outrageous ... It seems like he's got a list of things to do that he can blame on ... His followers never question the weird stuff he says, or the lies he tells everyday.
breitbart Archives |
Stephen Bannon: 'Nobody Can Blame You for Beating Your Wife If It's Out of Love'? Updated A fake news web site put words in Trump strategist Stephen ...
President Obama Released ... · ‎Trump won 3084/3141 counties
Obama's 50 Lies / Obama Not Exactly -
List documents fifty lies told by Barack Obama. ... CLAIM. A list circulating online contains 50 false statements by President Barack Obama See Example(s) ...
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies | Daily Wire
When Politico attempted to measure how many lies Trump told over the ... up with this not-even-close-to-complete list of 101 lies from Donald Trump. 1. ..... The owner of Breitbart is also a Cruz supporter but he lets the reporters follow the story.
Breitbart's crap and hate never ends. Ditto all of RW propaganda. I see the UE rate is real again now...
Articles tagged: Breitbart30 Total

Fact Check
Did Target’s Stock ‘Crash’ Due to Their Transgender Bathroom Policy?
Mar 1st, 2017The big box retailer gave investors lower-than-expected forecasts due to increasing online sales, news that affected the company's stock price.

Fact Check Fake News
Stephen Bannon: ‘Nobody Can Blame You for Beating Your Wife If It’s Out of Love’?
UpdatedA fake news web site put words in Trump strategist Stephen Bannon's mouth to the effect that he defended spousal abuse as an act of "love."

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President Obama Released $221 Million to the Palestinian Authority?
Jan 24th, 2017The Associated Press reported that the outgoing president released aid to the Palestinian Authority that had been approved by Congress.

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Did Donald Trump Fire All Politically Appointed Ambassadors in an Unprecedented Move?
Jan 9th, 2017While Trump's "no exceptions" policy for outgoing ambassadors is uncommon, the resignation and replacement of ambassadors at the end of an administration is routine.

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Did President Obama Award Himself a Distinguished Public Service Medal?
Jan 5th, 2017President Obama received a medal bestowed by the Secretary of Defense, not himself, that has been awarded to previous Presidents.

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John Kerry ‘Funneled’ State Department Funds to Daughter’s Organization?
Dec 8th, 2016Dr. Vanessa Kerry's nonprofit organization, Seed Global Health, was awarded Peace Corps funding before and after her father, John Kerry, became U.S. Secretary of State; was there a conflict of interest?

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Harry & David Says Company is ‘Neutral’ on Racism, Neo-Nazis?
Dec 7th, 2016Social media users claimed that representatives told them it the company has no opinion about racism, but the company says otherwise.

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Trump Won 3,084 of 3,141 Counties, Clinton Won 57
Dec 2nd, 2016Misleading maps and distorted data led to an inaccurate rumor that Donald Trump won 3,084 of America's 3,141 counties.

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House Science Committee’s Twitter Promotes Article Mocking Climate ‘Alarmists’
Dec 1st, 2016“The last three years may eventually come to be seen as the final death rattle of the global warming scare” was the message promoted by the influential congressional committee’s official Twitter account.

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Breitbart Calls for Kellogg’s Boycott over Ad Pull
Dec 1st, 2016Kellogg's decision to discontinue ads on the web site Breitbart led to the #DumpKelloggs hashtag and calls for a boycott.

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Breitbart News App Removed From the Apple Store?
Nov 30th, 2016Rumors circulated that Apple was purging its app store of "fake news" web sites — starting with Breitbart's news app.

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Trump: ‘I’m Not Looking To Energize’ White Nationalist Supporters
Nov 23rd, 2016The president-elect told the New York Times he disavowed the groups — but also denied Steve Bannon's connection to them.
Is Breitbart fake news?
No....only according to snowflakes. Then again, anyone who criticizes Democrats are 'fake news' to snowflakes...

As the snowflakes are proving with their BS :p
Go call a Dem "snowflake" in reality, coward/shyttehead/superdupe. Your party and its lies are an international horror and disgrace. I see the UE rate is real again now...and lock her up and all the other phony scandals are forgotten and never went anywhere. Please explain, dupe.
Wasn't it Breibart who first broke and literally exposed Anthony Weiner? Was that fake news?
Wasn't it Breibart who first broke and literally exposed Anthony Weiner? Was that fake news?

The national enquirer reported John Edwards affair with Rielle Hunter, that Steve Jobs was deathly sick, and Tiger Woods was having an affair.. Making the national enquirer more accurate than Brietbart.

Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
Shouldn't each citizen decides what news to believe?

Our government should not be making the decision for you.
If only they were capable. Now the freedom lovers should admit that letting Russian propaganda into the minds of their people should be limited despite the cries of the propagandists.
Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
Shouldn't each citizen decides what news to believe?

Our government should not be making the decision for you.
If only they were capable. Now the freedom lovers should admit that letting Russian propaganda into the minds of their people should be limited despite the cries of the propagandists.
So you know better than the people do themselves?

No dice.
Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
Shouldn't each citizen decides what news to believe?

Our government should not be making the decision for you.
If only they were capable. Now the freedom lovers should admit that letting Russian propaganda into the minds of their people should be limited despite the cries of the propagandists.
So you know better than the people do themselves?

No dice.
I know what the average mind has heard and understands around me: little and nothing. Half the world still thinks the Ukrainians are divided to wanting to belong to Russia. Information is born easily but it never dies. All this rubbish "we can't limit the media in our country - what would the people say?" Is creating our doom.
Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
Shouldn't each citizen decides what news to believe?

Our government should not be making the decision for you.
If only they were capable. Now the freedom lovers should admit that letting Russian propaganda into the minds of their people should be limited despite the cries of the propagandists.
So you know better than the people do themselves?

No dice.
I know what the average mind has heard and understands around me: little and nothing. Half the world still thinks the Ukrainians are divided to wanting to belong to Russia. Information is born easily but it never dies. All this rubbish "we can't limit the media in our country - what would the people say?" Is creating our doom.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
Sid Meir
Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
Shouldn't each citizen decides what news to believe?

Our government should not be making the decision for you.
If only they were capable. Now the freedom lovers should admit that letting Russian propaganda into the minds of their people should be limited despite the cries of the propagandists.
So you know better than the people do themselves?

No dice.
I know what the average mind has heard and understands around me: little and nothing. Half the world still thinks the Ukrainians are divided to wanting to belong to Russia. Information is born easily but it never dies. All this rubbish "we can't limit the media in our country - what would the people say?" Is creating our doom.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
Sid Meir
What about your words? Besides, it isn't information. It's misinformation.
Shouldn't each citizen decides what news to believe?

Our government should not be making the decision for you.
If only they were capable. Now the freedom lovers should admit that letting Russian propaganda into the minds of their people should be limited despite the cries of the propagandists.
So you know better than the people do themselves?

No dice.
I know what the average mind has heard and understands around me: little and nothing. Half the world still thinks the Ukrainians are divided to wanting to belong to Russia. Information is born easily but it never dies. All this rubbish "we can't limit the media in our country - what would the people say?" Is creating our doom.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
Sid Meir
What about your words? Besides, it isn't information. It's misinformation.
That is the rub though, what is information and misinformation? Who gets to decide?

I can turn on any station today and virtually everything that is reported is steeped in a rather massive amount of misinformation. CNN, FOX, ABC - all presenting quite a bit of bullshit. Who is going to decide what qualifies as 'misinformation' and what is an approved message? Do you really think that Trump should be in a position to decide for the rest of us what is approved?

I reject such controls - that is for North Korea and other despotic nations. Here, we are free to compare and contrast information from any source and decide on our own what is garbage and what is worth investigating.

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