Is Democracy being destroyed?

It started here...


Republicans aren't the ones who are stealing elections.

But the loyalists of the high traitor Donald Trump do not only try to steal.
They are:
  1. Refusing to accept election results
  2. Promising to get rid of anyone in the government who can hold them accountable
  3. Defending fake electors
  4. Trashing our legal system
  5. Celebrating criminals who tried to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power
  6. Claiming that anyone who disagrees with them is corrupt
  7. Supporting people at the top levels of our government who are pleading the Fifth
  8. Following and believing a man who said the EMMYS were rigged against him
Then they the point the finger at someone else for our democracy teetering on the precipice.

The projection these people have demonstrated since Escalator Day is astonishing. This is a fucking madness.
nothing there is illegal,,

and we are not a democracy,,
So your logic is "because the USA is no democracy the democracy USA has to be destroyed".

By the way: Trump lost in 2020, that's all. But without any doubt the super-democrat Putin and his hackers had massively tried to influence your elections in 2016. The result of 2020 was controlled over and over again and nowhere was seen a system relevant problem in this elections. But the elections in 2016 not had been controlled in such a detailed way. What about when Donald Trump had been a cuckoo's egg in 2016?
what is a democracy??
I know that you're fine with all that. That is my point.

And normal people often use "democracy" as a catch-all phrase, to include things like representative republic, constitutional republic, or other descriptions of our political/voting system.
what is a democracy??

you dickheads dont know what a women is and now you cant even explain what a democracy is,,

why are you so dumb??
I explained that, but to no surprise, it flew right over your head.

I do try to keep things simple for you people, but I can only do so much.

you explained nothing,,

I can only think of two reasons to say we are a democracy,, one is to outright lie the other is ignorance,,

what is a democracy??
you explained nothing,,

I can only think of two reasons to say we are a democracy,, one is to outright lie the other is ignorance,,

what is a democracy??
Yeah, I explained it, you just didn't understand. Here's your definition from

You're welcome.


[ dih-mok-ruh-see ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for democracy on

noun,plural de·moc·ra·cies.
  1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
  2. a state having such a form of government:The United States and Canada are democracies.
Yeah, I explained it, you just didn't understand. Here's your definition from

You're welcome.


[ dih-mok-ruh-see ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for democracy on

noun,plural de·moc·ra·cies.
  1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
  2. a state having such a form of government:The United States and Canada are democracies.
now that you know what it is will you still lie and call us a democracy??

and of course you hade to go to a dictionary to figure it out,,

an educated person doesnt need to do that,,
now that you know what it is will you still lie and call us a democracy??

and of course you hade to go to a dictionary to figure it out,,

an educated person doesnt need to do that,,
Yes, you Trumpsters are just too smart for the rest of us.

You didn't understand a simple explanation, but you're just too smart anyway.

I'm so jealous.
Yes, you Trumpsters are just too smart for the rest of us.

You didn't understand a simple explanation, but you're just too smart anyway.

I'm so jealous.
I am smart enough to know our constitutional republic is specifically designed to protect people from democracys,,

you had to look it up in a dictionary,,
I am smart enough to know our constitutional republic is specifically designed to protect people from democracys,,

you had to look it up in a dictionary,,

So which part don't you understand...?

government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

a state having such a form of government:The United States and Canada are democracies.

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