Is Donald Trump the greatest President of all time?

gee we have heard that during every presidents anything new?......
Yes, the poser is the last one in history for the USA. He will be the root cause of our demise.
If we are demised, it will be due to liberal scum.
Conservatism - Destroying America...
Conservatism - Destroying America...

There have been several stories written lately about how the “conservative mind” has become diseased, and I would implore all of you to read this particular story on the subject: Former Bush Speechwriter Lashes Fellow Conservatives For Pushing Seth Rich Conspiracy | HuffPost

The elderly gentleman in the photo is wearing a gun in a holster, and a shirt that expresses how he feels.

Obviously this guy served in the military (as did I) and I thank him for his service, but that’s where our similarities and my respect for him ends.

Why, because this guy has also obviously lost his way while I still remember everything I learned in the Marine Corps.

When I enlisted (100 years ago), it was in the early eighties during a time of peace & Reagan, but we were all told every single day that should a conflict arise, we would be fighting for America……..

Not White America, or Black America, or Muslim America, or Spanish America, or Irish America, or Italian America, or Polish America, or German America, or any one segment of America for that matter.

We would be defending and fighting for “ALL” Americans.

Let’s discuss this myth about all brown folks or immigrants not paying taxes that’s been perpetrated by the right for years.

That insidious lie just caused the lives of two brave souls in Portland Oregon to be taken thanks to the knife wielding maniac that was screaming at two under age Muslim girls (about taxes) who don’t even work at this point.

This guy was a deranged white supremacist who’d had enough (of all the bullshit fed to him) by all the usual suspects, and he decided that he was going to give these two Muslim girls (who happen to be students) a piece of his mind.

He said they should leave the country because they don’t pay taxes, and three other citizens decided to stand up to this guy’s hate, and protect & defend the two girls.

What is it about these “6 foot plus” white guys that feel the need to scream at “5 foot nothing” girls wearing Hijabs anyway…….real brave pieces of shit you ask me.

The idiot in question promptly pulls out a knife, and stabs three people and two of them are now dead.

Yes, this is the diseased conservative mind that Michael Gerson talks about in the article I posted, and it seems to be getting worse every day.

I’m not sure if these people are upset because Trump hasn’t white-washed the country by now as promised or what, but the numbers don’t lie.

Please read: Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

To put it bluntly, Conservatives in this country have lost their ever loving, mother-fucking minds. (excuse the language)

Donald Trump’s presence in the Whitehouse has given rise to a level of hate I don’t think any of us have ever seen before, and his ignorance on the world stage & here at home is mind blowing.

Most people on the right are beyond convinced of all the bullshit that people like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, and all the other right-wing lunatics’ pump out daily, and it’s spilling over into people losing their lives at this point.

Trump doesn’t even have the decency to get in front of a podium somewhere when these atrocities happen to offer any words of healing or togetherness, and his silence on these tragedies is deafening.

I am at a point where I am absolutely begging Trump supporters, and people firmly placed in the far right wing column of the conservative party to re-examine their moral compasses.

The daily deluge of conspiracy theories, and outright bullshit they’re hearing from their favorite voices on the right is “100% opinions” and none of it is based on factual data.

It’s gotten so bad that facts & data mean nothing to these people anymore, and they are determined to dismiss it all as lies from a liberal media that’s mad about an election that went south.

Here’s a news flash conservatives, patriots, republicans, and haters of anybody brown…….we on the left did not tell Donald Trump & his entire campaign staff to chat it up with Russia every day, and we are absolutely past Hillary’s loss. (I am anyway, please fellow lefties don’t kill me on this point)

The protests in the streets (that have been happening all over the world, and are still happening) and all the pushback you see from us is 100% due to the fact that Donald Trump is a complete imbecile that’s destroying the country every day, and we want to stop him while there’s still something resembling America.

Are people in Japan, and Germany, and France, and Denmark, and all throughout South America also pissed off that Hillary lost? (give me a fucking break here with this “mad about Hillary” bullshit)

This is not about Hillary’s loss, or snowflakes or any of the other bullshit you guys constantly talk about.

Several people have died by the hands of Trump supporters, and I’m confident that before it’s all over, more innocent lives will perish at the hands of fanatic Trump supporters.

So please do me, and the rest of the country a fucking favor: grow a pair, stop beating up & assaulting people 100 times weaker than you, and get your heads out of your collective asses.

Stop believing all the nonsense & lies your fed daily, and realize that your only making things worse.

When you just cut, paste, and parrot, you should also SOURCE that which you just PARROTED, you beaked birdbrain....

Here's the source cock sucker.
Conservatism - Destroying America...
Conservatism - Destroying America...
flaming reported
Yes, the poser is the last one in history for the USA. He will be the root cause of our demise.
If we are demised, it will be due to liberal scum.
Conservatism - Destroying America...
Conservatism - Destroying America...

There have been several stories written lately about how the “conservative mind” has become diseased, and I would implore all of you to read this particular story on the subject: Former Bush Speechwriter Lashes Fellow Conservatives For Pushing Seth Rich Conspiracy | HuffPost

The elderly gentleman in the photo is wearing a gun in a holster, and a shirt that expresses how he feels.

Obviously this guy served in the military (as did I) and I thank him for his service, but that’s where our similarities and my respect for him ends.

Why, because this guy has also obviously lost his way while I still remember everything I learned in the Marine Corps.

When I enlisted (100 years ago), it was in the early eighties during a time of peace & Reagan, but we were all told every single day that should a conflict arise, we would be fighting for America……..

Not White America, or Black America, or Muslim America, or Spanish America, or Irish America, or Italian America, or Polish America, or German America, or any one segment of America for that matter.

We would be defending and fighting for “ALL” Americans.

Let’s discuss this myth about all brown folks or immigrants not paying taxes that’s been perpetrated by the right for years.

That insidious lie just caused the lives of two brave souls in Portland Oregon to be taken thanks to the knife wielding maniac that was screaming at two under age Muslim girls (about taxes) who don’t even work at this point.

This guy was a deranged white supremacist who’d had enough (of all the bullshit fed to him) by all the usual suspects, and he decided that he was going to give these two Muslim girls (who happen to be students) a piece of his mind.

He said they should leave the country because they don’t pay taxes, and three other citizens decided to stand up to this guy’s hate, and protect & defend the two girls.

What is it about these “6 foot plus” white guys that feel the need to scream at “5 foot nothing” girls wearing Hijabs anyway…….real brave pieces of shit you ask me.

The idiot in question promptly pulls out a knife, and stabs three people and two of them are now dead.

Yes, this is the diseased conservative mind that Michael Gerson talks about in the article I posted, and it seems to be getting worse every day.

I’m not sure if these people are upset because Trump hasn’t white-washed the country by now as promised or what, but the numbers don’t lie.

Please read: Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

To put it bluntly, Conservatives in this country have lost their ever loving, mother-fucking minds. (excuse the language)

Donald Trump’s presence in the Whitehouse has given rise to a level of hate I don’t think any of us have ever seen before, and his ignorance on the world stage & here at home is mind blowing.

Most people on the right are beyond convinced of all the bullshit that people like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, and all the other right-wing lunatics’ pump out daily, and it’s spilling over into people losing their lives at this point.

Trump doesn’t even have the decency to get in front of a podium somewhere when these atrocities happen to offer any words of healing or togetherness, and his silence on these tragedies is deafening.

I am at a point where I am absolutely begging Trump supporters, and people firmly placed in the far right wing column of the conservative party to re-examine their moral compasses.

The daily deluge of conspiracy theories, and outright bullshit they’re hearing from their favorite voices on the right is “100% opinions” and none of it is based on factual data.

It’s gotten so bad that facts & data mean nothing to these people anymore, and they are determined to dismiss it all as lies from a liberal media that’s mad about an election that went south.

Here’s a news flash conservatives, patriots, republicans, and haters of anybody brown…….we on the left did not tell Donald Trump & his entire campaign staff to chat it up with Russia every day, and we are absolutely past Hillary’s loss. (I am anyway, please fellow lefties don’t kill me on this point)

The protests in the streets (that have been happening all over the world, and are still happening) and all the pushback you see from us is 100% due to the fact that Donald Trump is a complete imbecile that’s destroying the country every day, and we want to stop him while there’s still something resembling America.

Are people in Japan, and Germany, and France, and Denmark, and all throughout South America also pissed off that Hillary lost? (give me a fucking break here with this “mad about Hillary” bullshit)

This is not about Hillary’s loss, or snowflakes or any of the other bullshit you guys constantly talk about.

Several people have died by the hands of Trump supporters, and I’m confident that before it’s all over, more innocent lives will perish at the hands of fanatic Trump supporters.

So please do me, and the rest of the country a fucking favor: grow a pair, stop beating up & assaulting people 100 times weaker than you, and get your heads out of your collective asses.

Stop believing all the nonsense & lies your fed daily, and realize that your only making things worse.

When you just cut, paste, and parrot, you should also SOURCE that which you just PARROTED, you beaked birdbrain....

Here's the source cock sucker.
Conservatism - Destroying America...
Conservatism - Destroying America...
flaming reported
Oh well you got your SOURCE you were crying for!!! Like a little girl.
I didn't ask you for anything, source or not. Stop flaming people who call you out on your BS.
You might pass 2nd grade in a US public school by spelling one word correctly, but that doesn't mean you don't need to go back to school and learn how to write a complete sentence....
The current poser in chief is not a president. He is if anything a total fraud and illegitimate parasite.
gee we have heard that during every presidents anything new?......
Yes, the poser is the last one in history for the USA. He will be the root cause of our demise.
If we are demised, it will be due to liberal scum.
Conservatism - Destroying America...
Conservatism - Destroying America...

There have been several stories written lately about how the “conservative mind” has become diseased, and I would implore all of you to read this particular story on the subject: Former Bush Speechwriter Lashes Fellow Conservatives For Pushing Seth Rich Conspiracy | HuffPost

The elderly gentleman in the photo is wearing a gun in a holster, and a shirt that expresses how he feels.

Obviously this guy served in the military (as did I) and I thank him for his service, but that’s where our similarities and my respect for him ends.

Why, because this guy has also obviously lost his way while I still remember everything I learned in the Marine Corps.

When I enlisted (100 years ago), it was in the early eighties during a time of peace & Reagan, but we were all told every single day that should a conflict arise, we would be fighting for America……..

Not White America, or Black America, or Muslim America, or Spanish America, or Irish America, or Italian America, or Polish America, or German America, or any one segment of America for that matter.

We would be defending and fighting for “ALL” Americans.

Let’s discuss this myth about all brown folks or immigrants not paying taxes that’s been perpetrated by the right for years.

That insidious lie just caused the lives of two brave souls in Portland Oregon to be taken thanks to the knife wielding maniac that was screaming at two under age Muslim girls (about taxes) who don’t even work at this point.

This guy was a deranged white supremacist who’d had enough (of all the bullshit fed to him) by all the usual suspects, and he decided that he was going to give these two Muslim girls (who happen to be students) a piece of his mind.

He said they should leave the country because they don’t pay taxes, and three other citizens decided to stand up to this guy’s hate, and protect & defend the two girls.

What is it about these “6 foot plus” white guys that feel the need to scream at “5 foot nothing” girls wearing Hijabs anyway…….real brave pieces of shit you ask me.

The idiot in question promptly pulls out a knife, and stabs three people and two of them are now dead.

Yes, this is the diseased conservative mind that Michael Gerson talks about in the article I posted, and it seems to be getting worse every day.

I’m not sure if these people are upset because Trump hasn’t white-washed the country by now as promised or what, but the numbers don’t lie.

Please read: Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

To put it bluntly, Conservatives in this country have lost their ever loving, mother-fucking minds. (excuse the language)

Donald Trump’s presence in the Whitehouse has given rise to a level of hate I don’t think any of us have ever seen before, and his ignorance on the world stage & here at home is mind blowing.

Most people on the right are beyond convinced of all the bullshit that people like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, and all the other right-wing lunatics’ pump out daily, and it’s spilling over into people losing their lives at this point.

Trump doesn’t even have the decency to get in front of a podium somewhere when these atrocities happen to offer any words of healing or togetherness, and his silence on these tragedies is deafening.

I am at a point where I am absolutely begging Trump supporters, and people firmly placed in the far right wing column of the conservative party to re-examine their moral compasses.

The daily deluge of conspiracy theories, and outright bullshit they’re hearing from their favorite voices on the right is “100% opinions” and none of it is based on factual data.

It’s gotten so bad that facts & data mean nothing to these people anymore, and they are determined to dismiss it all as lies from a liberal media that’s mad about an election that went south.

Here’s a news flash conservatives, patriots, republicans, and haters of anybody brown…….we on the left did not tell Donald Trump & his entire campaign staff to chat it up with Russia every day, and we are absolutely past Hillary’s loss. (I am anyway, please fellow lefties don’t kill me on this point)

The protests in the streets (that have been happening all over the world, and are still happening) and all the pushback you see from us is 100% due to the fact that Donald Trump is a complete imbecile that’s destroying the country every day, and we want to stop him while there’s still something resembling America.

Are people in Japan, and Germany, and France, and Denmark, and all throughout South America also pissed off that Hillary lost? (give me a fucking break here with this “mad about Hillary” bullshit)

This is not about Hillary’s loss, or snowflakes or any of the other bullshit you guys constantly talk about.

Several people have died by the hands of Trump supporters, and I’m confident that before it’s all over, more innocent lives will perish at the hands of fanatic Trump supporters.

So please do me, and the rest of the country a fucking favor: grow a pair, stop beating up & assaulting people 100 times weaker than you, and get your heads out of your collective asses.

Stop believing all the nonsense & lies your fed daily, and realize that your only making things worse.

When you just cut, paste, and parrot, you should also SOURCE that which you just PARROTED, you beaked birdbrain....

Here's your source.

Conservatism - Destroying America...
Conservatism - Destroying America...
The current poser in chief is not a president. He is if anything a total fraud and illegitimate parasite.
gee we have heard that during every presidents anything new?......
Yes, the poser is the last one in history for the USA. He will be the root cause of our demise.
If we are demised, it will be due to liberal scum.
if so it will be because of both parties putting their bullshit ahead of the countries problems....
The current poser in chief is not a president. He is if anything a total fraud and illegitimate parasite.
gee we have heard that during every presidents anything new?......
Yes, the poser is the last one in history for the USA. He will be the root cause of our demise.
If we are demised, it will be due to liberal scum.
if so it will be because of both parties putting their bullshit ahead of the countries problems....
To clarify, both parties are comprised of liberal scum.
There is no doubt that white supremacists. the KKK, and neo-Nazis think he is. He is historically the most unpopular President of all time.

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