Is Franklin Graham really comparing Trump to Jesus?


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
I'm so tired of phony Christians for using their so-called "faith" to justify their politics. Graham is one of the worst in that regard. Besides, I can't think of anyone, other than serial killers or child molesters (as examples), who are less Christ-like than Trump is. After all, Trump is an amoral man who's first and last thought is all about himself to the exclusion of all others or anything else.

Nothing like his father
As I recall, Franklin was kind of a hell raiser when he was younger. I think he woke up one day and realized that if he changed his ways, he could in essence, inherit his father's ministry which is, after all, a money-making operation. That way, he wouldn't have to get a job and earn a living. He could just send out the fundraising letters, boss people around, and tell other people how to live. You know? Just like Jerry Falwell Jr., and look how that guy turned out!
I'm sure Franklin Graham is a good hearted man.
What a person thinks or believes doesn't hurt anyone
That's the problem with you guys on the left. You compare what Graham might think or believe is worse than antifa/blm burning down an innocents business.
The attempt to marry the Christian faith with right-wing politics is downright sick, as the two are antithetical. graham and his ilk have covered the Christian faith with raw sewage long enough. He knows nothing about the teachings and instructions of Jesus.
Is Franklin Graham really comparing Trump to Jesus?

No, he's comparing Judas Iscariot's betrayal to the ten Republicans' betrayal.
Wasn't Graham the asshole photographed with his pants open leering at some bimbo (also with her pants undone)?
Nothing like his father
As I recall, Franklin was kind of a hell raiser when he was younger. I think he woke up one day and realized that if he changed his ways, he could in essence, inherit his father's ministry which is, after all, a money-making operation. That way, he wouldn't have to get a job and earn a living. He could just send out the fundraising letters, boss people around, and tell other people how to live. You know? Just like Jerry Falwell Jr., and look how that guy turned out!
The Christian right is why we should all be thankful for the Establishment Clause.
I'm sure Franklin Graham is a good hearted man.
What a person thinks or believes doesn't hurt anyone
That's the problem with you guys on the left. You compare what Graham might think or believe is worse than antifa/blm burning down an innocents business.
The problem with you guys on the right is that you seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ original intent, and to use religion as a political weapon.
I'm sure Franklin Graham is a good hearted man.
What a person thinks or believes doesn't hurt anyone
That's the problem with you guys on the left. You compare what Graham might think or believe is worse than antifa/blm burning down an innocents business.
The State does not tolerate religion. Nothing is greater than the state.

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