Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Orlando Victims Who Planned to Marry Will Have Joint Funeral I have said it before, that when these homosexuals get out and SHOVE their lifestyles into other peoples business, they are inviting repercussions from Radical Fundamentalist Muslim's who would easily throw a homo off a roof as shoot them. Keep coming out, be proud and soon you will be dead. Obama is letting 20,000 more Muslims from Syria, 100,000 last year also, does anyone know where they are? I sure feel secure knowing my government is out there. FBI missed the warning signs — again - The Boston Globe

What a piece of crap you are Anda.

How is getting married- or being peacefully inside a club 'shoving their lifestyles on anyone?

Or is it that you can just relate to the shooter and that is how you feel?

And why the hell do you feel the need to lie about Syrian refugees?
Facts about the Syrian Refugees
A total of 2,290 Syrian refugees have arrived in the United States since fiscal year 2011, which is when the Syrian civil war began
Slightly more than 10,000 Syrian refugees are authorized for 2016- and around 3% of them will be Christians. 67% are women and children.
Because instead of quietly getting married like NORMAL people, they go out of their way to SHOW the world that they are GAY. Then they are murdered by the very people, Obama the homosexual, allows into this country. Bunch of dumbasses, you liberals are, and willing to have the government take care of you. So much for Hope and Change, but the fundamental transformation of America, keeps on killing....
Dear andaronjim
1. I agree it is a bad idea to depend on liberals to run govt and national security if they don't get the use of armed citizenry as a strong deterrent

2. However I don't think the Terrorists are going to keep targeting gay people or events. They want to attack multiple sites strategically so there are more targets than LGBT that are a minority.

I think we are better as a nation to respond by unifying efforts at reporting abusive or suspicious criminal activity, as in the planned shootings that have been stopped sucessfully.

If we get distracted by infighting amongst ourselves, that's the chaos the terrorists want. So the last thing we need to do is give them more ammunition to win.

Let's not go there. Whether you are for Trump or blame gays, let's unite on national security and helping police and law enforcement. Let's not divide where the enemy can conquer, which is exactly what they want. Don't give them that!

Thanks andaronjim !
Back when the woman wanted to have a Draw the Prophet Mohammed event in Texas, 2 Muslims decided that they wanted to stop it by going with weapons to kill as many as they could. It was stopped by a person with a gun.
When the Muslim went to the Recruiting station in Tennessee and killed several servicemen, it finally took someone with a gun to stop him.
When the Muslims in San Bernardino killed Christmas participants, it took many men with guns to finally stop them.

What do all these events have in common?

They were all stopped by policemen.

Dear Syriusly:
I personally know a man who could have been dead, and his family also,
had he waited for police to arrive. He was confronted by a man, about twice
his size, who broke through his front door swinging a baseball bat and was threatening
the homeowner on the stairs between them and the man's wife and infant upstairs.
He ordered the intruder to stop or he'd have to shoot, and even had 9/11 on the phone
at the time. But the attacker wouldn't stop but was going after him with the bat,
like he was high on PCP or some other drugs. So the homeowner shot him dead,
while waiting for help to arrive.

Are you going to tell this homeowner he can't have a gun but
has to wait on police?

Are you saying that only the ELITE who can afford private security in their neighborhoods
deserve protection, while middle class and average homeowners don't deserve
"equal protection of the laws."

On a larger scale:
What about the LA riots and the chaos in New Orleans after Katrina?

The police in LA decided NOT to answer calls for help, and just let
the fires burn and riots run. (as for assault weapons, one pawn shop
that didn't get attacked by rioters was protected only because the
owners had assault weapons, shots were fired into the air and patrols
were visibly on guard until police and guards arrived the next day.)

When Assault Weapons Saved Koreatown

Syriusly this is an EXTREME example

But what all police will tell you is that the solution is to have the
community involved in policing. The more the citizens participate,
we don't put as much BURDEN on our police, where any terrorist
cells could plan attack "multiple spots across a city" and stretch the
police too thin.

The same problem exists with our public schools: where the solution
is for parents to be involved and take responsibility for their own
children and NOT DUMPING THE BURDEN on teachers to raise them.

We need an active informed and involved citizenry to detect and deter
crime, not just rely on police, if we are going to have proportional
law enforcement to meet demands of our growing populations.
Those who died in the Gay night club, did so because of the picture below.

There was a policeman with a gun right there.

The asshole shooter was eventually killed by policemen- with guns.
13-Year-Old Boy Fatally Shoots Burglar With His Mom's Handgun in South Carolina
13-Year-Old Boy Fatally Shoots Burglar With His Mom's Handgun in South Carolina
When liberals want FREE STUFF, they demand it from the government, when they don't get it from them, they look for other places to get it from. The burglar found out the hard way, that some people don't like someone coming in their house uninvited. I too would give that burglar the 50 cent solution.

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