Is Harris Picking Shapiro?

She is going to start out with her new VP in Philadelphia on Tuesday. Does this mean Shapiro may be the pick?

I fear so. I wasn't all that excited about Kelly on the campaign stump. I don't know how this plays with her base or potential baggabe, but unlike ittybittykitty, Shapiro addresses a weakness and a must have state.
I fear so. I wasn't all that excited about Kelly on the campaign stump. I don't know how this plays with her base or potential baggabe, but unlike ittybittykitty, Shapiro addresses a weakness and a must have state.
If she does pick him, they will have protesters at every rally, making the news at every rally, and not in a good way. For many democrats, Jews are not allowed.
UAW guys aren't stupid. Going to EVs from gas powered cars means Chinese batteries and no US auto work.

Plus, 100,000 Muslim voters told dems not to side with Israel.

Michigan Arab and Muslim leaders fuming after second Biden visit this year with no meeting​

are they going to vote for Trump/Vance?
They will likely not vote, or vote for Cornell West and his Muslim running mate Melina Abdullah.

How much did Joe Lieberman bring to Al Gore? Jews are not known for being loyal to Jews. And now, today, a Harris Shapiro ticket will have hundreds of protesters screaming,Kill the Jews, Death to Israel, Death to America and free Palestine. The permanent protest following them everywhere they go. There are really no good choices here.
If she does she can kiss MI bye-bye.

I'm not even sure Shapiro gets her PA. Fracking is big here. She was against it, now she's for it?
She needs to reject her Green New Deal, and her war on energy.
kama Kama ding dong will probably get a initial PA boost with Shapiro in our home state but that will fade. The only reason he is Gov is the GOP nominated a dimbulb in 2022, I voted for that dimbulb but I knew he was going to lose.

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