The first F-16's from NATO allies have arrived in Ukraine.

Personally, if I were the C in C who's charged with the Nuclear Football, I would order a massive Minuteman III strike against both Russia AND Ukraine. Malevsky is just as bad as Putin.
Now they just need to train more pilots that’s the biggest obstacle they’re going to have more planes than pilots- the west needs to do a lot more in that regard

With Ukrainians for pilots, those F-16's arent worth shit. They will just get shot down. Its a complete waste of money.
It's not a matter to joke about. The needed missiles for the F-16's are coming soon.

Let's all hope that Russia doesn't use this as an excuse to escalate further.
one for sure, Fear of escalation is no way to deal with an aggressive regime like Mongol - 🇷🇺Muscovite horde . It gives the impression of fear and putin always sees this as weakness.
Are they insured? Gonna need to be if you throw a few in against an airforce.

Kind like suicide Japanese pilotsWWII
when you fuck around


^^^you find out

1 nuke is enough. I hope Democrats in cities like NYC know they are supporting ww3.

Peace NOW!!!
WEF is pushing
Putin never escalates when we help Ukraine. 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 He escalates when we don't help enough.
You are pussies in Europe. Yall started this shit show now man the fuck up and go fight the bear.

People like you just want endless War.

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