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Is Hillary's e-mail scandal falling apart?

Valerie Plame was NOT a covert agent at the time that she and her husband wrote that op-ed piece in The New York Times, Care! I'm sorry, but she wasn't! She was back in Washington working a desk job at the CIA. She was introduced by her husband at cocktail parties as working at the CIA. She put down that she worked at the CIA in her "Who's Who in Washington" for god's sake! She was as far from a covert agent as you could get! The Wilson's only came up with that claim when their attempt at knee capping the Bush reelection campaign failed to work when they started getting push back from the Bush Administration.

you've fallen for the lies....but your right wing media is good at presenting them...

SHE DID NOT put her name in the who's who list saying she was a CIA agent...

Who do I believe? You, the right wing media, or the Independent Prosecutor and Investigator, Patrick Fitzgerald, picked by the opposition, picked by Republicans to investigate?

Within the previous year of her outing, she made 7 to 10 trips as an official Cia operative or as a non official CIA operative, a NOC, overseas.... that my dear, under the rules and regs of the CIA, makes her an CIA operative....

And Wilson was CORRECT, in his article...years of passing and analyzing roved he was correct.

The Administration was lying to us.

That does not make her a covert CIA operative.

And Wilson admitted that he LIED in his report!
one itty bitty fact that Wilson got wrong that he said was not true, ALL ELSE IN THE REPORT was a fact, jack.
Once again...there is a PATTERN established in the Obama White House of high ranking officials conducting official business secretly through the use of hidden private e-mail accounts. You've got that taking place at the State Department...at the EPA...and at the IRS. All done with the express purpose of hiding how they pushed certain agendas from the branch of government that is constitutionally given power to oversee them.
What SECRET accounts?

the previous administration also used private email accounts to conduct business along with gvt accts...it was the norm...this is why the Obama admin FINALLY put some rules to it.

The difference being...high ranking officials in the Obama Administration like Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner used their private email accounts to hide how it was that they conducted business from Congress and they did so AFTER those rules were put in place to prohibit that. So tell me who's been canned by Barack Obama for breaking those rules he put in place, Care?
What's being hidden?

You tell me, Care! What was in all those e-mails that Hillary Clinton erased? What was in the private emails of Lois Lerner? What was in the private e-mail conversations between high ranking EPA officials and environmental groups?

What part of the whole reason they conducted communication through private e-mail accounts was to hide what they were doing from scrutiny don't you "get"?
Think and make up in your heads what your spouting boys, but facts are facts....
and google is your friend.

NBC News

updated 5/29/2007 4:24:09 PM ET

WASHINGTON — An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, indicates that Plame was "covert" when her name became public in July 2003.

The summary is part of an attachment to Fitzgerald's memorandum to the court supporting his recommendation that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's former top aide, spend 2-1/2 to 3 years in prison for obstructing the CIA leak investigation.

The nature of Plame's CIA employment never came up in Libby's perjury and obstruction of justice trial.

Undercover travel
The unclassified summary of Plame's employment with the CIA at the time that syndicated columnist Robert Novak published her name on July 14, 2003 says, "Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for who the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States."

Plame worked as an operations officer in the Directorate of Operations and was assigned to the Counterproliferation Division (CPD) in January 2002 at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

The employment history indicates that while she was assigned to CPD, Plame, "engaged in temporary duty travel overseas on official business." The report says, "she traveled at least seven times to more than ten times." When overseas Plame traveled undercover, "sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias -- but always using cover -- whether official or non-official (NOC) -- with no ostensible relationship to the CIA."

Plame was ‘covert’ agent at time of name leak
She was not. She listed cia employment on her who's who entry. You can't get less covert than that

it is an old scandal. The deal was Wilson wrote an editorial full of of lies. Claiming his wife was outed was one more lie
"No one gave Novak Plame's name. Who's Who had it as part of Joe Wilson's listing. If her identity was such a secret, then one can reasonably assume that (a) Joe Wilson wouldn't have listed her under her professional name, but as Valerie Wilson; (b) CIA spokesman Bill Harlow wouldn't have confirmed her identity to Novak when Novak inquired about it; and (c) Joe Wilson wouldn't have leaked details of the mission to the Washington Post and New York Times, and would have refrained from writing his own op-eds at the Times under his own name."
Valerie Plame was NOT a covert agent at the time that she and her husband wrote that op-ed piece in The New York Times, Care! I'm sorry, but she wasn't! She was back in Washington working a desk job at the CIA. She was introduced by her husband at cocktail parties as working at the CIA. She put down that she worked at the CIA in her "Who's Who in Washington" for god's sake! She was as far from a covert agent as you could get! The Wilson's only came up with that claim when their attempt at knee capping the Bush reelection campaign failed to work when they started getting push back from the Bush Administration.

you've fallen for the lies....but your right wing media is good at presenting them...

SHE DID NOT put her name in the who's who list saying she was a CIA agent...

Who do I believe? You, the right wing media, or the Independent Prosecutor and Investigator, Patrick Fitzgerald, picked by the opposition, picked by Republicans to investigate?

Within the previous year of her outing, she made 7 to 10 trips as an official Cia operative or as a non official CIA operative, a NOC, overseas.... that my dear, under the rules and regs of the CIA, makes her an CIA operative....

And Wilson was CORRECT, in his article...years of passing and analyzing roved he was correct.

The Administration was lying to us.

That does not make her a covert CIA operative.

And Wilson admitted that he LIED in his report!
one itty bitty fact that Wilson got wrong that he said was not true, ALL ELSE IN THE REPORT was a fact, jack.

He told a blatant lie, Care. Repeated it in his op-ed piece. Only admitted that he lied when it was pointed out to him that it was impossible for him to have known about it when he said he did. That's who Joe Wilson IS!
She was a NOC, on several occasions, Fitzgerald's report says such and shows such.....

A NOC is the MOST covert operative that there is.... with the MOST dangerous positions, and if they are caught on foreign soil, the CIA will deny knowing them...it takes a true patriot to put oneself in that position for your country.

please, just STOP with smearing her....
Her name, was listed as Wilson's wife in a whos who....

IT DID NOT say that she was a CIA agent or employee, as was stated earlier....
While it is true that Valerie Plame did conduct covert operations earlier in her CIA career, she hadn't done so for years. She and her hubby only made the claim that she was a covert agent who's career had been ruined by being "outed" by people in the Bush Administration when people in the Bush Administration started pushing back against the narrative that the Wilson's put out in The New York Times!

It should be rather obvious to anyone with half a brain that if you're in a Washington "Who's Who" stating that you work at the CIA...THEN YOU ARE NOT A COVERT AGENT ANYMORE!!! When your husband tells people at cocktail parties that you work at the CIA...THEN YOU ARE NOT A COVERT AGENT ANYMORE!!!
So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

You really can't admit that Hillary Clinton has been caught telling one lie after another, can you, Huggy?

Do you not get how ridiculous that makes you appear?

I don't care. Honestly. I really don't. The RWers are so very dishonest and have been for a few decades that these cheesy little snafus that Clinton has been accused of are seriously trivial.

I don't give a rip about Benghazi. From what I could tell yes, she misreported the events surrounding that terrorist attack. Did she do that with some ulterior motive? I doubt it. The RWers are trying to make this the biggest thing since the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor. I'll concede that she should have waited til the evidence was totally in as to what exactly happened and what motivated the attack. THAT is all that she should have/could have done. BIG FYUCKIN WHOOP!!! The ambassador is the one that screwed the pooch and paid for it with his life. THAT is the TRUTH and all this other crap is just RWer hate propaganda.

I REALLY don't give a flying FYCK about the stupid e-mails. The SOS has to communicate DUH!!! Could she have found a more secure way to handle her own account/s? I don't know COULD SHE HAVE??? These accounts both private and government issue get hacked all the time. The bed wetting over this non issue is so ridiculous it goes way past mental illness on the part of these ahole RWers. This so called "national security issue" is ten steps lower than Arnold Schwarzenegger screwing the nanny IMHO. Really??? e-mails??? If that's all you idiots have against her then let's just forgo the election and put her in the white house because I'm totally good with those creds.

Frankly I think the RWers in Congress should be investigated for wasting the taxpayer's money on this total nonsense. Hows Them Cherries?

I would rather they just lined Cheney, Rove and Bush up against a wall and fill em full of lead for all the hideous damage they caused in and outside of this country.

You people are all in a tizzy about issues that will not be changed like abortion.. SO you think you can say and do any stupid thing that comes to mind and it's all good. Well ..it is most certainly NOT ALL GOOD. The RWers have MURDERED hundreds of thousands of people in TWO unnecessary wars, THREE is you count Bush's daddy's war ...which I do. There was NO need to go to war to save those thieving Kuaittis. They brought it on to themselves.

But NNOOOOOOOooo...!!!!!!! Benghazi!!!!!! E-mails..!!!!!!! Good grief!!! Are you people REALLY THIS delusional?????

Hillary lied!!!! I honestly don't give a crap. I'll trade a few lies for 100,000's of murders any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
So the fact that Hillary Clinton drew down the number of security personnel in Libya despite repeated requests from Christopher Stevens to maintain the same level absolves Clinton from blame for the subsequent deaths of Stevens and the other three men? You talk about the "truth", Huggy but then you buy the lies that the Clinton State Department hid behind so that she wouldn't be held responsible for those deaths.

It was Hillary Clinton that frantically put out the narratives about YouTube videos causing a demonstration that escalated into a full on attack...it was Hillary Clinton that floated the trial balloon attempting to blame the GOP's cuts to the State Department budget for the woeful security. It was Hillary Clinton that lied to the parents of those slain men. It was Hillary Clinton that hid documents and communications from Congressional investigators and then asked "What difference does it make!" when Congress attempted over and over again to get to the bottom of what happened in Libya.

Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

Doesn't matter who the Dems run. Donald has poisoned the GOP well. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, they will lose. I am sure it is hard to admit or think about.

The well was poisoned long before the Donald decided to run. The nonsense these RWers spew may play well in the red states where all common sense goes out the window when they elect these religious fundamentalists to high office but frankly in the nation as a whole we are DONE with presidents that "talk to god".
That's right. A SMALL terrorist attack which the ambassador could have easily avoided had he been safe in the embassy on such an anniversary that had the whole world looking for reprisals.

The Ambassador and his puny contingent of security were obviously clearly in no position to handle an attack yet you morons want to blame Hillary.

You don't want the truth. You people NEVER want the truth. You are hideous hateful liars.

You will never win the Benghazi argument because you made it up out of whole cloth. You will never win the e-mail argument because NOTHING illegal occurred. There is no IS. There is no fire..just smoke you aholes are constantly attempting to blow up Americans asses.

So the fact that Hillary Clinton drew down the number of security personnel in Libya despite repeated requests from Christopher Stevens to maintain the same level absolves Clinton from blame for the subsequent deaths of Stevens and the other three men? You talk about the "truth", Huggy but then you buy the lies that the Clinton State Department hid behind so that she wouldn't be held responsible for those deaths.

It was Hillary Clinton that frantically put out the narratives about YouTube videos causing a demonstration that escalated into a full on attack...it was Hillary Clinton that floated the trial balloon attempting to blame the GOP's cuts to the State Department budget for the woeful security. It was Hillary Clinton that lied to the parents of those slain men. It was Hillary Clinton that hid documents and communications from Congressional investigators and then asked "What difference does it make!" when Congress attempted over and over again to get to the bottom of what happened in Libya.

Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

What's funny is the claim her emails weren't classified, but whenever a Benghazi email is finally released through an FOIA request it is heavily redacted! That means it is classified! You idiots are so in the tank for this old hag that you are blind to actual evidence of her lying through her teeth!

You are all laughable!

No, it does not mean it was classified. It means she didn't want to have the contents made public. Her e-mails...her call. There is no proof so far that she did anything illegal. Until there is proof that she did something illegal with her e-mails then the REAL TRUTH is that the RWers are wasting taxpayers money with their stupid accusations.
You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.
You are extremely progressive and a liar to boot

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liar. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Hating the actions of one party does not make that individual the opposite. I just hate liars. The GOP has been taken over by liars. It and my politics are just that simple.

As far as my personal heroes in politics they are Eisenhower and Goldwater. If THAT makes me a liberal then go ahead and call me an Eisenhower/Goldwater liberal... [emoji38]

You people are ridiculous.
Nothing to do with you hating the GOP . Has to do with what you post.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Of course it does. The fact of the matter is that Hillary's e-mails is not a real scandal nor was Benghazi. The new GOP just makes things up they think will play well in the press and beats these dead horses relentlessly.

Many Americans hate what the GOP has become under the leadership of the Christian phony's.

I have every right to point out the traitorous actions and words of my former party.
Awe look at you lick Clinton ass and deny you are progressive lmao .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You are a sick fyuck. You idiots are howling like you have been kicked in the balls. You have been doing that for three decades. Stop wasting taxpayers money. If Clinton did something illegal then prove it or STFU! There is so much insanity ingrained in the RWrer mind. Face it. You people need mental evaluations. That is SSOOOooo...very true no matter how Clinton announced the events at Benghazi or how ever she handled her stupid e-mails. You aren't just crazy...you are C-R-A-Z-Y !!!!!

I'll tell ya what...you morons can man up and admit that the Bush's damn near destroyed our country and I'll vote republican again. Till then shove it where the sun don't shine you pathetic traitorous losers.
Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

I hate to burst your stereotype bubble, Huggy but I'm an agnostic. I don't "hide" behind the bible.

I'm always amused by how all of the liberals on this board go absolutely apoplectic any time someone accuses them of being a liberal. It's amazing...you all espouse liberal positions...but NONE of you are liberals!

Then you are a foolish agnostic. Get it through your thick skull!!!! I don't care a rip about Hillary. What I DO CARE about is keeping the insane scum that has become the GOP out of the white house. Are the RWer lies any less lies whether I am a liberal or not? Will it make the mentally ill RWers any more or less crazy if I am or am not a liberal? GOOD! Then you will just have to go with MY definition of my political leanings. I am an Eisenhower/Goldwater republican that no longer has a party that represents me. YOU don't get to assign me a political party so shove your stupid opinions up your ass.
If I was in government I'd want a cloud so I can access any "secure" location and use it to access my personal desktop.

She's not in trouble for using private email.
She's in trouble for using her own server, instead of a secure government one, for government business.
She's in trouble for mishandling top secret documents on her private, non-secure server.
She's in trouble for not turning over all this material after she left office.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

You really can't admit that Hillary Clinton has been caught telling one lie after another, can you, Huggy?

Do you not get how ridiculous that makes you appear?

I don't care. Honestly. I really don't. The RWers are so very dishonest and have been for a few decades that these cheesy little snafus that Clinton has been accused of are seriously trivial.

I don't give a rip about Benghazi. From what I could tell yes, she misreported the events surrounding that terrorist attack. Did she do that with some ulterior motive? I doubt it. The RWers are trying to make this the biggest thing since the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor. I'll concede that she should have waited til the evidence was totally in as to what exactly happened and what motivated the attack. THAT is all that she should have/could have done. BIG FYUCKIN WHOOP!!! The ambassador is the one that screwed the pooch and paid for it with his life. THAT is the TRUTH and all this other crap is just RWer hate propaganda.

I REALLY don't give a flying FYCK about the stupid e-mails. The SOS has to communicate DUH!!! Could she have found a more secure way to handle her own account/s? I don't know COULD SHE HAVE??? These accounts both private and government issue get hacked all the time. The bed wetting over this non issue is so ridiculous it goes way past mental illness on the part of these ahole RWers. This so called "national security issue" is ten steps lower than Arnold Schwarzenegger screwing the nanny IMHO. Really??? e-mails??? If that's all you idiots have against her then let's just forgo the election and put her in the white house because I'm totally good with those creds.

Frankly I think the RWers in Congress should be investigated for wasting the taxpayer's money on this total nonsense. Hows Them Cherries?

I would rather they just lined Cheney, Rove and Bush up against a wall and fill em full of lead for all the hideous damage they caused in and outside of this country.

You people are all in a tizzy about issues that will not be changed like abortion.. SO you think you can say and do any stupid thing that comes to mind and it's all good. Well ..it is most certainly NOT ALL GOOD. The RWers have MURDERED hundreds of thousands of people in TWO unnecessary wars, THREE is you count Bush's daddy's war ...which I do. There was NO need to go to war to save those thieving Kuaittis. They brought it on to themselves.

But NNOOOOOOOooo...!!!!!!! Benghazi!!!!!! E-mails..!!!!!!! Good grief!!! Are you people REALLY THIS delusional?????

Hillary lied!!!! I honestly don't give a crap. I'll trade a few lies for 100,000's of murders any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

"Cheesy little snafus"? Really, Huggy? Clinton knew what happened in Benghazi and she lied to the families of the dead men as their caskets were coming off the plane at Andrews Air Force Base for political reasons. Who does that, Huggy? What kind of person looks someone's mother in the eye and lies to them about why their child died?
And I could care less about whether items on Clinton's server were or were not classified. What infuriates me about what Hillary Clinton did...what Lois Lerner did...what Lisa Jackson did...is that they deliberately used private e-mail accounts instead of official e-mail accounts and hid those private accounts from Congressional oversight because they didn't want us, the public, to know how they were conducting the public's business. Lisa Jackson didn't use the alias "Richard Windsor" as a joke...Lois Lerner didn't use her dog's name as a joke...they used aliases like those to conceal things that they knew they shouldn't be doing from scrutiny.

Think about that long and hard. Rules were put into place way back in the Carter Administration so that government officials couldn't do what these Obama Administration officials have done...and not a one of them was fired or disciplined in any way for breaking the rules.
And I could care less about whether items on Clinton's server were or were not classified. What infuriates me about what Hillary Clinton did...what Lois Lerner did...what Lisa Jackson did...is that they deliberately used private e-mail accounts instead of official e-mail accounts and hid those private accounts from Congressional oversight because they didn't want us, the public, to know how they were conducting the public's business. Lisa Jackson didn't use the alias "Richard Windsor" as a joke...Lois Lerner didn't use her dog's name as a joke...they used aliases like those to conceal things that they knew they shouldn't be doing from scrutiny.

Think about that long and hard. Rules were put into place way back in the Carter Administration so that government officials couldn't do what these Obama Administration officials have done...and not a one of them was fired or disciplined in any way for breaking the rules.

Neither was Dick Cheney, George Bush, or Karl Rove...


Unless you want to call the RNC email server a government server, lol.
There is a MASSIVE difference between what officials in the Obama White House have been doing with private e-mail accounts and what the Bush White House was doing back then. The separate e-mail account was set up by the Bush White House because it was illegal to conduct reelection efforts through e-mail accounts paid for by the Federal Government. The Bush people set up that separate account so that they wouldn't be in violation of the law not to skirt an existing law.

Now compare THAT to how officials in the Obama White House have set up private e-mail accounts under aliases and then used those e-mail accounts to conduct business that wouldn't be scrutinized by Congressional oversight. Lisa Jackson at the EPA used a totally made up name for the e-mail account she communicated with environmental groups through because she didn't want anyone to see what it was that they were conspiring about. Lois Lerner used an e-mail account with the name of her dog so that she could communicate with people in the Justice Department and the Obama White House and not have it be in the public record. Hilary Clinton used a private server kept at her house so that Congressional wouldn't be able to look at the communications between her and her aides, hid the existence of that server from Congressional investigators and then erased 50,000 e-mails when the server's existence was discovered.
So tell me, board progressives...who in the "most transparent Administration ever" has been punished for deliberately hiding their activities from Congress"? Give me one name...
There is a MASSIVE difference between what officials in the Obama White House have been doing with private e-mail accounts and what the Bush White House was doing back then. The separate e-mail account was set up by the Bush White House because it was illegal to conduct reelection efforts through e-mail accounts paid for by the Federal Government. The Bush people set up that separate account so that they wouldn't be in violation of the law not to skirt an existing law.

Now compare THAT to how officials in the Obama White House have set up private e-mail accounts under aliases and then used those e-mail accounts to conduct business that wouldn't be scrutinized by Congressional oversight. Lisa Jackson at the EPA used a totally made up name for the e-mail account she communicated with environmental groups through because she didn't want anyone to see what it was that they were conspiring about. Lois Lerner used an e-mail account with the name of her dog so that she could communicate with people in the Justice Department and the Obama White House and not have it be in the public record. Hilary Clinton used a private server kept at her house so that Congressional wouldn't be able to look at the communications between her and her aides, hid the existence of that server from Congressional investigators and then erased 50,000 e-mails when the server's existence was discovered.

Rove deleted 22 million emails from his private server. You're going to try to tell me all those that were deleted were entirely partisan related to Bush's reelection? Please:

During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.

And this is just for the Scooter Libby scandal....who knows what else those 22 million emails had in them? There was probably all kinds of talk about the Iraq War they wanted out of the spotlight, not to mention talk about Katrina, foreign affairs, tax cuts, etc etc etc. The private server was used by almost everyone in the Bush Administration, they literally all had accounts on the thing.

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