Is Islam the One World Religion?


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
Many claim the Bible speaks of a one world religion. In the not so distant past and indeed most probably even today, some point toward Catholicism as being that religion pointed to by the Scriptures. I will put forward my argument that it is Islam that will come to be that one world religion.

While it may be true that the United States is presently engaged in waging war upon radical Islam in countries in the Middle East, we are at the same time opening our hearts and arms toward refugees fleeing those countries as well as toward those immigrating into our country from those countries. Our Homeland Security Agency and FBI have both admitted that among those refugees and immigrants will be intermingled among them some radical Islamists. These will spread over our nation, build communities, erect mosques, and spread their religion whether it be of a radical nature or a peaceful one. Fighting them on one front while extending a welcome to our homeland is beyond stupid. It is especially telling when our political leaders are inclined to support their migrations with our tax dollars.

These refugees and immigrants are spreading over Europe and the rest of the world as well. Soon, there will be Islamists in every nation in which they are permitted to sojourn. Those nations that do not accept them will see an increase in terrorism within.

Some, including myself, read our Bibles to point out that the one called the anti-Christ will see his genesis from either Northern Iraq or Turkey. We do not see this evil entity as being the Catholic Pope or any other Catholic as has been so often proclaimed. The Bible refers to this entity as the "Assyrian".

Anyhow, it is obvious that Christianity is despised by many in our society. Far more despise Christianity while embracing Islam. The Liberals, the Courts, and our elected political officials have come out against Christian values, the family unit, and traditional marriage and have given over to the pagan practice of abortion. The Democrat Party has even gone as far as voting to remove the word "God" from their Party platform. We have become a nation of self-indulgence and self-gratification. In twenty years, most Christian churches within this nation will be bankrupt and vacant. Millennials are not attending church. Christians are ridiculed, mocked, and scoffed at. They are considered ignorant, without scientific knowledge, and despised.

With the way this country is now going, I will even go as far as to say that American military will most probably be right there alongside the Islamic armies and the Russian army when the nation of Israel is surrounded signaling the return of the Christ.
Many claim the Bible speaks of a one world religion. In the not so distant past and indeed most probably even today, some point toward Catholicism as being that religion pointed to by the Scriptures. I will put forward my argument that it is Islam that will come to be that one world religion.

While it may be true that the United States is presently engaged in waging war upon radical Islam in countries in the Middle East, we are at the same time opening our hearts and arms toward refugees fleeing those countries as well as toward those immigrating into our country from those countries. Our Homeland Security Agency and FBI have both admitted that among those refugees and immigrants will be intermingled among them some radical Islamists. These will spread over our nation, build communities, erect mosques, and spread their religion whether it be of a radical nature or a peaceful one. Fighting them on one front while extending a welcome to our homeland is beyond stupid. It is especially telling when our political leaders are inclined to support their migrations with our tax dollars.

These refugees and immigrants are spreading over Europe and the rest of the world as well. Soon, there will be Islamists in every nation in which they are permitted to sojourn. Those nations that do not accept them will see an increase in terrorism within.

Some, including myself, read our Bibles to point out that the one called the anti-Christ will see his genesis from either Northern Iraq or Turkey. We do not see this evil entity as being the Catholic Pope or any other Catholic as has been so often proclaimed. The Bible refers to this entity as the "Assyrian".

Anyhow, it is obvious that Christianity is despised by many in our society. Far more despise Christianity while embracing Islam. The Liberals, the Courts, and our elected political officials have come out against Christian values, the family unit, and traditional marriage and have given over to the pagan practice of abortion. The Democrat Party has even gone as far as voting to remove the word "God" from their Party platform. We have become a nation of self-indulgence and self-gratification. In twenty years, most Christian churches within this nation will be bankrupt and vacant. Millennials are not attending church. Christians are ridiculed, mocked, and scoffed at. They are considered ignorant, without scientific knowledge, and despised.

With the way this country is now going, I will even go as far as to say that American military will most probably be right there alongside the Islamic armies and the Russian army when the nation of Israel is surrounded signaling the return of the Christ.

Really, the anti Christ is Jews.
I have yet to see anywhere in this country where Islam has taken over and Sharia law has been implemented. Islam won't take over this country, no matter how much you scare yourself into thinking it will.
I have yet to see anywhere in this country where Islam has taken over and Sharia law has been implemented. Islam won't take over this country, no matter how much you scare yourself into thinking it will.

I think the Saudi Arabia will be the ones spreading Sharia law. This lady is one to watch. We just can't tolerate any extremism here. The say Dearborn does not have Sharia Law and even has an Irish Catholic mayor.

Farhat Hashmi

Al-Huda Institute which follows the Wahhabi ideology.

Al-Huda Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One world religion was refering to the present tense not future tense as what Rome was creating mixing all cults and mystery religions into one fold, this is why they teach Rome will do the same in our day using a false prophet to spread their bad this already occured in 70ad according to various verses that combine to point to that era John of Patmos was in.
Actually it's not to hard to figure out when you study the pattern of Rome and how they conquered and controlled kingdoms and cultures. Always setting themselves up as new authority & new temple to the people's deities.
Rome was the adversary at the time of the writings, thus being warned about by John of Patmos as the one world religion ploy occuring in his time not a later time.
Motive: Their expansion was being met with resistance, &revolts were taking place against their authority and taxes. For Rome to make kingdoms submit to their whims and authority and to collect money from them they had to now cleverly hide the Political power behind the mask of religious authority with cultural familiar masks thus converged deities and mythologies pleasing each culture they ruled over. This is called the two horn (power) system, which is why the symbolism of the devil is the scarlet (color of Rome) with two horns (powers) both political hidden behind it's religious authority. Now Rome could stick it's feet in many kingdoms like warned, and be unsuspected nor challenged, while also collected taxes without revolt in the form of tithes to the cultures gods. Collecting money for salvation and homage to their deities when that money was lifting high Romes power and authority as the real god of this world speaking ehind the mask of the one world religious image named Jesus.
One of the characters used for the Jesus image had warned, they will "come in my name" (meaning his name) and say I am christ (saying HE IS Christ-not they are) and deceive many. Throuout the NT they speak of son of man third person tense as another future person not that he is son of man. Rome the adversary created his mage using many christ figures and mythical deities to draw Jews and other cultures to this new religion under their control. Baal worship given new name and mask to get revolting Jews to worship Baal under he guise of fulfilled prophecy.
People forget that Jesus is accepted in Islam to not thesame degree as chistianity but still part of thneir base therefore the one world religion still is ased on tis image Rome created and it permeated Islamas well making the "fish" tat triedto swallow up Israel whole very large inhdeed....
One world religion was refering to the present tense not future tense as what Rome was creating mixing all cults and mystery religions into one fold, this is why they teach Rome will do the same in our day using a false prophet to spread their bad this already occured in 70ad according to various verses that combine to point to that era John of Patmos was in.
Actually it's not to hard to figure out when you study the pattern of Rome and how they conquered and controlled kingdoms and cultures. Always setting themselves up as new authority & new temple to the people's deities.
Rome was the adversary at the time of the writings, thus being warned about by John of Patmos as the one world religion ploy occuring in his time not a later time.
Motive: Their expansion was being met with resistance, &revolts were taking place against their authority and taxes. For Rome to make kingdoms submit to their whims and authority and to collect money from them they had to now cleverly hide the Political power behind the mask of religious authority with cultural familiar masks thus converged deities and mythologies pleasing each culture they ruled over. This is called the two horn (power) system, which is why the symbolism of the devil is the scarlet (color of Rome) with two horns (powers) both political hidden behind it's religious authority. Now Rome could stick it's feet in many kingdoms like warned, and be unsuspected nor challenged, while also collected taxes without revolt in the form of tithes to the cultures gods. Collecting money for salvation and homage to their deities when that money was lifting high Romes power and authority as the real god of this world speaking ehind the mask of the one world religious image named Jesus.
One of the characters used for the Jesus image had warned, they will "come in my name" (meaning his name) and say I am christ (saying HE IS Christ-not they are) and deceive many. Throuout the NT they speak of son of man third person tense as another future person not that he is son of man. Rome the adversary created his mage using many christ figures and mythical deities to draw Jews and other cultures to this new religion under their control. Baal worship given new name and mask to get revolting Jews to worship Baal under he guise of fulfilled prophecy.

The last book in the Bible is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It was supposedly a revelation given to John while he was exiled sometime between the years AD 90 to AD 95. This was some twenty to twenty-five years after the defiling and destruction of the Temple in AD 70. Further, in the very beginning of the revelation, Christ plainly states that the things revealed are to take place in the future. The Book of Revelation has nothing to do with AD 70.
I have yet to see anywhere in this country where Islam has taken over and Sharia law has been implemented. Islam won't take over this country, no matter how much you scare yourself into thinking it will.

I don't know anyone who is scared. The purpose of the OP was to elicit opinions as to which religion is to become the one world religion spoken of in the Bible.
One world religion was refering to the present tense not future tense as what Rome was creating mixing all cults and mystery religions into one fold, this is why they teach Rome will do the same in our day using a false prophet to spread their bad this already occured in 70ad according to various verses that combine to point to that era John of Patmos was in.
Actually it's not to hard to figure out when you study the pattern of Rome and how they conquered and controlled kingdoms and cultures. Always setting themselves up as new authority & new temple to the people's deities.
Rome was the adversary at the time of the writings, thus being warned about by John of Patmos as the one world religion ploy occuring in his time not a later time.
Motive: Their expansion was being met with resistance, &revolts were taking place against their authority and taxes. For Rome to make kingdoms submit to their whims and authority and to collect money from them they had to now cleverly hide the Political power behind the mask of religious authority with cultural familiar masks thus converged deities and mythologies pleasing each culture they ruled over. This is called the two horn (power) system, which is why the symbolism of the devil is the scarlet (color of Rome) with two horns (powers) both political hidden behind it's religious authority. Now Rome could stick it's feet in many kingdoms like warned, and be unsuspected nor challenged, while also collected taxes without revolt in the form of tithes to the cultures gods. Collecting money for salvation and homage to their deities when that money was lifting high Romes power and authority as the real god of this world speaking ehind the mask of the one world religious image named Jesus.
One of the characters used for the Jesus image had warned, they will "come in my name" (meaning his name) and say I am christ (saying HE IS Christ-not they are) and deceive many. Throuout the NT they speak of son of man third person tense as another future person not that he is son of man. Rome the adversary created his mage using many christ figures and mythical deities to draw Jews and other cultures to this new religion under their control. Baal worship given new name and mask to get revolting Jews to worship Baal under he guise of fulfilled prophecy.

The last book in the Bible is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It was supposedly a revelation given to John while he was exiled sometime between the years AD 90 to AD 95. This was some twenty to twenty-five years after the defiling and destruction of the Temple in AD 70. Further, in the very beginning of the revelation, Christ plainly states that the things revealed are to take place in the future. The Book of Revelation has nothing to do with AD 70.

John of Patmos said the anti anointed ones (anti Temple priests) already existed in his day including The anti Moshiach, hence describing Rome set up their imposter temple on the seven hills.
Scripture about the time of these events, clearly show these events were to occur in that generation, even specifically mentioning that, like in: (I John 2:18, Rev 1:1,3,9,19, Rev 3:11,
Rev 22:6,7,10,12,Matthew 24:31-34?)
So the beast is not to come, John of Patmos said the anti anointed was already there in his day.
the destruction of Jerusalem in 70ad occurred after Michael left according to Rev 12, just as in Daniels time. So this will not occur in our time, it was fulfilled.
example: by combining Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad.
Now read the events that already occured:
REV 13:3 One of it's (3)heads seemed to have a mortal wound (gashes of thorns), but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with wonder. (This describes Jesus who is compiled of 3 messiah figures=3 heads plus used as a trinity father Baal the mythology being the word and spirit and morning star being the son who had a mortal wound on his head that healed.)

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