Is it because of Fracking or were rivers always known to catch fire?

We are going to end up with a country full of Centralia, Pa's.

Alarmist much?

Please tell me you understand the difference between mining a coal seam, and fracturing rock and sucking out the natural gas that results from it.....

Doesn't change the fact you could end up with an underground fire.

We are going to end up with a country full of Centralia, Pa's.
I'm not gonna watch an hour long video just to see propaganda. I'll assume it's an anti-fracking flick.
So blame your hero hack president's reimposition of offshore drilling restrictions on the fracking problem you allege. If fracking is a problem for you, blame yourself.

No, it's a story about a mining town where the mine under the city caught fire and has been burning for over 40 years and has basically forced everyone out of the city... and how it has created an environmental nightmare.

Doesn't change the fact that it is not an apt comparison.

No, natural gas pockets can catch fire and burn continuously as well.

Door to Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are going to end up with a country full of Centralia, Pa's.

Alarmist much?

Please tell me you understand the difference between mining a coal seam, and fracturing rock and sucking out the natural gas that results from it.....

Doesn't change the fact you could end up with an underground fire.

We are going to end up with a country full of Centralia, Pa's.
I'm not gonna watch an hour long video just to see propaganda. I'll assume it's an anti-fracking flick.
So blame your hero hack president's reimposition of offshore drilling restrictions on the fracking problem you allege. If fracking is a problem for you, blame yourself.

No, it's a story about a mining town where the mine under the city caught fire and has been burning for over 40 years and has basically forced everyone out of the city... and how it has created an environmental nightmare.

Doesn't change the fact that it is not an apt comparison.

No, natural gas pockets can catch fire and burn continuously as well.

Door to Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yeah, that was intentionally lit, and is a surface burn. You found "one". congrats.

Haha, one? It doesn't take much research to find all kinds of information on the dangers that can be caused. It's a pretty easy thing to understand. If you have necessary evils, you try to minimize how much you have to use them. What's so difficult about that? Do I need to write it in crayon so you understand?
So you must give up all of the conveniences you use or else you're a hypocrite.
See how many people can actually read your internet grievances when you have to write them on stone tablets.

You are creating a strawman argument. I never said such a thing.
Aren't you railing against mining?

There is a difference in railing against mining, and taking a stance on process that is not well studied and that involves destabilizing the ground beneath us. Not to mention the hazardous waste water it produces that many times has been found to contaminate drinking water. So what good it that i-pad you have, if you are dead from drinking poisonous water? I know there is a place in this world for oil, gas, and coal. You can't make steel and several other essential materials without coal, BUT there are several other things we use on a daily basis that we use these types of fuels for, that we can find alternative sources for. Which in turn dramatically decreases the need to have so many mines, drilling, and fracking sites running simultaneously.

So you jumped the shark on my opinion, and created a strawman argument.
You're the one who bitched about mining without considering the benefits you enjoy.

No, I did not. I just mentioned one of the bad results of mining. You have brought absolutely no substance to this argument other than, "hey yo, do you want to you rocks to scratch out messages?"
But you blamed it on mining. You need to be more specific lest you appear hypocritical. If there is one mine you object to then that's one thing. But your premise is more comprehensive. And political.
Yeah....because we all know methane doesnt seep out of the bottom of lakes and rivers.

Yeah but Methane isnt water dumbass LMAO:laugh2:

You dumbass.
Methane is a gas that floats to the surface and will burn.
What a tard.

I know...thats why those guys arent burning WATER like in my clip. They are burning GAS or to put it more plainly. That isnt water.

How do you know it's not methane?
You are creating a strawman argument. I never said such a thing.
Aren't you railing against mining?

There is a difference in railing against mining, and taking a stance on process that is not well studied and that involves destabilizing the ground beneath us. Not to mention the hazardous waste water it produces that many times has been found to contaminate drinking water. So what good it that i-pad you have, if you are dead from drinking poisonous water? I know there is a place in this world for oil, gas, and coal. You can't make steel and several other essential materials without coal, BUT there are several other things we use on a daily basis that we use these types of fuels for, that we can find alternative sources for. Which in turn dramatically decreases the need to have so many mines, drilling, and fracking sites running simultaneously.

So you jumped the shark on my opinion, and created a strawman argument.
You're the one who bitched about mining without considering the benefits you enjoy.

No, I did not. I just mentioned one of the bad results of mining. You have brought absolutely no substance to this argument other than, "hey yo, do you want to you rocks to scratch out messages?"
But you blamed it on mining. You need to be more specific lest you appear hypocritical. If there is one mine you object to then that's one thing. But your premise is more comprehensive. And political.

No it isn't political, it's rational. There is not one educated person on this planet, that will argue that mining doesn't have a negative effect on the environment. Instead, they will do like you did, and argue that if not for mining we wouldn't be able to live the lives we have. Well I have absolutely no problem with that, BUT my argument, as is the argument of many other people, is to limit the need for coal, oil, and natural gas. There is no reason to rely so heavily on it, and have so many irons in the fire so to speak. It takes tens of thousands of years for the environment to fix the damage we do to it, so why is it so difficult to get behind the idea of limiting the amount of damage we do during a certain period of time?

You continue to try to build something out of what I'm saying, that I haven't said...obviously I'm wasting my time discussing this with you.
Yeah....because we all know methane doesnt seep out of the bottom of lakes and rivers.

Yeah but Methane isnt water dumbass LMAO:laugh2:

You dumbass.
Methane is a gas that floats to the surface and will burn.
What a tard.

I know...thats why those guys arent burning WATER like in my clip. They are burning GAS or to put it more plainly. That isnt water.

How do you know it's not methane?

It very well could be methane but there is a difference between natural methane and methane being pushed into the water with Fracking Techniques.
Swamp fire, big whoop lol. Only imbecilic city dwelling enviro hysterics think anything about it.
Then how is that shit getting in the water then?

There was a chemical spill into Lake Huron from Ontario the other day.....just because there's more EPA laws on the books doesn't mean things of that nature don't still happen. Obviously water doesn't was a floating solvent that caught....better to light it off than let it sink into the riverbed.
Then how is that shit getting in the water then?

There was a chemical spill into Lake Huron from Ontario the other day.....just because there's more EPA laws on the books doesn't mean things of that nature don't still happen. Obviously water doesn't was a floating solvent that caught....better to light it off than let it sink into the riverbed.

Did you see my question?
Aren't you railing against mining?

There is a difference in railing against mining, and taking a stance on process that is not well studied and that involves destabilizing the ground beneath us. Not to mention the hazardous waste water it produces that many times has been found to contaminate drinking water. So what good it that i-pad you have, if you are dead from drinking poisonous water? I know there is a place in this world for oil, gas, and coal. You can't make steel and several other essential materials without coal, BUT there are several other things we use on a daily basis that we use these types of fuels for, that we can find alternative sources for. Which in turn dramatically decreases the need to have so many mines, drilling, and fracking sites running simultaneously.

So you jumped the shark on my opinion, and created a strawman argument.
You're the one who bitched about mining without considering the benefits you enjoy.

No, I did not. I just mentioned one of the bad results of mining. You have brought absolutely no substance to this argument other than, "hey yo, do you want to you rocks to scratch out messages?"
But you blamed it on mining. You need to be more specific lest you appear hypocritical. If there is one mine you object to then that's one thing. But your premise is more comprehensive. And political.

No it isn't political, it's rational. There is not one educated person on this planet, that will argue that mining doesn't have a negative effect on the environment. Instead, they will do like you did, and argue that if not for mining we wouldn't be able to live the lives we have. Well I have absolutely no problem with that, BUT my argument, as is the argument of many other people, is to limit the need for coal, oil, and natural gas. There is no reason to rely so heavily on it, and have so many irons in the fire so to speak. It takes tens of thousands of years for the environment to fix the damage we do to it, so why is it so difficult to get behind the idea of limiting the amount of damage we do during a certain period of time?

You continue to try to build something out of what I'm saying, that I haven't said...obviously I'm wasting my time discussing this with you.
Tell that to people who die without the resources we currently utilize and rely on.
Once an alternative becomes practical then go for it. Until then, it is reckless to pretend an alternative already exists.
There is a difference in railing against mining, and taking a stance on process that is not well studied and that involves destabilizing the ground beneath us. Not to mention the hazardous waste water it produces that many times has been found to contaminate drinking water. So what good it that i-pad you have, if you are dead from drinking poisonous water? I know there is a place in this world for oil, gas, and coal. You can't make steel and several other essential materials without coal, BUT there are several other things we use on a daily basis that we use these types of fuels for, that we can find alternative sources for. Which in turn dramatically decreases the need to have so many mines, drilling, and fracking sites running simultaneously.

So you jumped the shark on my opinion, and created a strawman argument.
You're the one who bitched about mining without considering the benefits you enjoy.

No, I did not. I just mentioned one of the bad results of mining. You have brought absolutely no substance to this argument other than, "hey yo, do you want to you rocks to scratch out messages?"
But you blamed it on mining. You need to be more specific lest you appear hypocritical. If there is one mine you object to then that's one thing. But your premise is more comprehensive. And political.

No it isn't political, it's rational. There is not one educated person on this planet, that will argue that mining doesn't have a negative effect on the environment. Instead, they will do like you did, and argue that if not for mining we wouldn't be able to live the lives we have. Well I have absolutely no problem with that, BUT my argument, as is the argument of many other people, is to limit the need for coal, oil, and natural gas. There is no reason to rely so heavily on it, and have so many irons in the fire so to speak. It takes tens of thousands of years for the environment to fix the damage we do to it, so why is it so difficult to get behind the idea of limiting the amount of damage we do during a certain period of time?

You continue to try to build something out of what I'm saying, that I haven't said...obviously I'm wasting my time discussing this with you.
Tell that to people who die without the resources we currently utilize and rely on.
Once an alternative becomes practical then go for it. Until then, it is reckless to pretend an alternative already exists.

Have you been living under a rock? There are numerous alternative resources. The one I like best is the one where they grow algae to use as a source.

Arup unveils world's first algae-powered building
You're the one who bitched about mining without considering the benefits you enjoy.

No, I did not. I just mentioned one of the bad results of mining. You have brought absolutely no substance to this argument other than, "hey yo, do you want to you rocks to scratch out messages?"
But you blamed it on mining. You need to be more specific lest you appear hypocritical. If there is one mine you object to then that's one thing. But your premise is more comprehensive. And political.

No it isn't political, it's rational. There is not one educated person on this planet, that will argue that mining doesn't have a negative effect on the environment. Instead, they will do like you did, and argue that if not for mining we wouldn't be able to live the lives we have. Well I have absolutely no problem with that, BUT my argument, as is the argument of many other people, is to limit the need for coal, oil, and natural gas. There is no reason to rely so heavily on it, and have so many irons in the fire so to speak. It takes tens of thousands of years for the environment to fix the damage we do to it, so why is it so difficult to get behind the idea of limiting the amount of damage we do during a certain period of time?

You continue to try to build something out of what I'm saying, that I haven't said...obviously I'm wasting my time discussing this with you.
Tell that to people who die without the resources we currently utilize and rely on.
Once an alternative becomes practical then go for it. Until then, it is reckless to pretend an alternative already exists.

Have you been living under a rock? There are numerous alternative resources. The one I like best is the one where they grow algae to use as a source.

Arup unveils world's first algae-powered building
You conveniently overlook the term practical.
Seems Fracking is just like Global warming to the terminally stupid!


  • Research university hides results of fracking study which fails to prove it’s dangerous
    Hot Air ^ | April 26, 2016 | Jazz Shaw
    What happens when a university research department is tasked with conducting a study of the harmful effects of fracking on ground water and other environmental concerns? Well, that depends on who provides their research money and what the results turn out to be. In the case of the University of Cincinnati, a lot of their funding comes from groups which have a vested interest in proving how harmful fracking is so it’s hardly a surprise that they lost interest in the study when it failed to produce any evidence of ground water contamination near commercial fracking sites. Jeff Stier, senior...

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