Is it dangerous for a girl to sleep around a lot?

Oh get real! There's nothing wrong with a woman having many partners. It's healthy and you know it. Remember free love in the 60s?
From some one who grew up in the 60s. I know a lot of people still looking for their real fathers and their mental states are not good. A lot of pent up anger toward the mother and who ever their real father is.
Men and women are different. Behavior that a man would walk away from, without... being damaged goods, would destroy a woman.
I never said that men and women were not different. I am saying that societies reaction to them, to what they do is not based on those innate differences. FRather it is based on societal norms and expectations which are largely sexist and male dominated
I never said that men and women were niot different. I am saying that societies reaction to them, to what they do is not based on those innate differences. FRather it is based on societal norms and expectations which are largely sexist and male dominated

Are men physically stronger than women?
Leave god out of this. More later . Dinner time with my lovely wife who is my equal in every way

You could have left God out of it, and addressed my point. YOu choose to ignore my point and talk about God.

My point stands.

Men and women are different. Behavior that a man would walk away from, without... being damaged goods, would destroy a woman.
Can girls have health problems besides STDs if they sleep around quite a bit? Any infections or so forth that can happen? I personally love a girl who sleeps around, find it sexy.
Are you taking about the rash on your crotch that is getting painful you stupid fuck

Quit socking it you retard
Can girls have health problems besides STDs if they sleep around quite a bit? Any infections or so forth that can happen? I personally love a girl who sleeps around, find it sexy.

Do you ask the same question about men?
Do you ask the same question about men?
Men don't carry the infections that get inside a woman's hoo hoo. It causes infections that men just don't get. Just factual. Not to say men can't get stuff too. But not in the smae ballpark we don't have hoo hoos
Can girls have health problems besides STDs if they sleep around quite a bit? Any infections or so forth that can happen? I personally love a girl who sleeps around, find it sexy.

I find it sick.

Oh get real! There's nothing wrong with a woman having many partners. It's healthy and you know it. Remember free love in the 60s?

Yes there it is. It's called loyalty which you obviously don't know anything about.

Yes they are judged, while men get away with all sorts of shit and lauded for it as real men. I know. I am a man who has been around

Ladies and gentlemen, these are the next two contestants on The Bachelor.

Your mind is made up. Why did you ask?

Because he's an idiot. Any other questions?
Yes. Aside from STDs; mental health issues plague promiscuous women. With each successive sexual partner a woman has, biologically, her ability to pair bond is diminished. This leads to anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal tendencies as said woman passes into middle age exiting her prime fertility window.
Thank you for that brilliant, thoughtful and well researched dissertation on women’s sexuality. You clearly have advanced degrees from the finest institutions of higher learning in sociology, and psychology with a concentration in women’s studies and sexuality. Please share more about your vast knowledge of women and how they are all exactly alike and are victimes of their own sexuality
Thank you for that brilliant, thoughtful and well researched dissertation on women’s sexuality. You clearly have advanced degrees from the finest institutions of higher learning in sociology, and psychology with a concentration in women’s studies and sexuality. Please share more about your vast knowledge of women and how they are all exactly alike and are victimes of their own sexuality
You just keep on, keepin' on like you have been. And when it don't work out... Reference this thread...
Is this what they mean when they say cuck? I've seen that word used a lot on here. I'm not looking it up, though.
"Cuck" is used primarily by those whose first language is of clicks and whistles. They say cuck instead of click. I find it most (click click) helpful to communicate (whistle click) as much as (whistle) possible in their native language.
Liberals are always trying to reinvent the wheel.

A woman sleeping around a lot, is going to be judged. People might talk shit about it, and claim they are not judging her, but they will be.
What wheel is it that I am trying to reinvent? I agree a woman sleeping around a lot, is going to be judged. The issue is, should she be judged by a different standard than a man engaging in the same behavior?

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