Is it possible for flu or cold symptoms to be hidden then hit you like a mack truck in 2 or 3 hours?

Usually I can feel a bug coming on and head it off at the pass but today after work it just jumped up and bitch slapped me.
By the time you read this your question will be answered. It starts with a feeling that you don't feel very good, and the the temp starts to go up to about 101 or higher, anything higher than 103 you might want to take a trip to the docs,. Keep drinking water or juice take something for temp, get to bed. Hope you have someone to check on you, just might have to go to the EM room. Hope you don't have it......let me know
Usually I can feel a bug coming on and head it off at the pass but today after work it just jumped up and bitch slapped me.

Absolutely it is. In fact I'd say that's the norm for me. When I'm wrapped up in a project pushing to get it done in a finite time there may be nothing or at most the slightest nuisance symptoms. Then when the point comes where the activity is finished, in comes the flu with a rush. It's as if it sits on the side and waits for its opportunity --- as soon as the activity subsides ---- BAM, Show Time.

I'm thinking the most significant phrase in your OP is "after work".
I've had it happen to me at least three times and sadly going to bed thinking that you will feel better when you wake up does not work.

God bless you always!!!

Yes, I can't count the times the school has called me to fetch a child who seemed 100% healthy that morning.

Fluids and rest...juice and such, not alcohol.
It is flu season. Just got my shot. Hopefully your not down for the count too long. Get a shot as soon as you’re better. Remember to thoroughly wash your hands after going to the bathroom, and don’t pee on them while going. Best wishes.

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Abso-fucking-lutely in the case of that swine flu that ravaged the west coast back in 2014. I caught it at the time and holy shit, I spent the next 2 weeks coughing, hacking up so many gelatinous fluids, and filled with feverish hot-flash, hot-cold-sweating dizziness bursts. I was feeling so physically-ravaged sick it was actually difficult to sleep at the time. What was scary is that it managed to kill around 200 people in my state, most of whom younger than me! But obviously I managed to gradually recover on my own.

In the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, people used to catch it in the morning and get so violently sick, they'd be dead that evening. Which happened to millions of people back then.
Usually I can feel a bug coming on and head it off at the pass but today after work it just jumped up and bitch slapped me.

It’s Ebola.


I think it was poorly prepared food from Big Whiskey. It started shortly after eating there. The fever broke quick but the stomach problems persist.

Shit happens.
Too often right now lol

Think of all the reading you can catch up on.
Usually I can feel a bug coming on and head it off at the pass but today after work it just jumped up and bitch slapped me.

It’s Ebola.


I think it was poorly prepared food from Big Whiskey. It started shortly after eating there. The fever broke quick but the stomach problems persist.

Shit happens.
Too often right now lol

Think of all the reading you can catch up on.
One would think but after dealing with a flooded basement this morning I went to work for about 3 hours. Got a customers master bath suite completely torn apart so i had to at least work a few hours. Had 2 days of nothing but rest before that tho.
Usually I can feel a bug coming on and head it off at the pass but today after work it just jumped up and bitch slapped me.

It’s Ebola.


I think it was poorly prepared food from Big Whiskey. It started shortly after eating there. The fever broke quick but the stomach problems persist.

Shit happens.

Cold-blooded as it sounds, I know these occasional pandemics are a form of natural selection; people with weak immune systems die and those with stronger ones survive. In the 2014 swine-flu California epidemic (worst H1N1 breakout of all time here), hundreds of people died, but I recovered from it well. Because I have a tough enough immune system I scientifically earned the right to survive it.

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