Is it possible the GOP doesn't think their policies caused any damage under Bush?

When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.
They let jobs go everseas. They let gas and healthcare costs skyrocket. They stopped going after companies that hied illegals and they deregulated bank and mortgage giants and that caused the crash. Plus sent millions of jobs overseas

Or they didn't do any of these things. They are completely innocent.
So which is it?
Certainly not option 2
When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.
They let jobs go everseas. They let gas and healthcare costs skyrocket. They stopped going after companies that hied illegals and they deregulated bank and mortgage giants and that caused the crash. Plus sent millions of jobs overseas

Or they didn't do any of these things. They are completely innocent.
They let gas costs skyrocket
sorry bobo....your fellow lefties here have said numerous times,the president has little to do with gas prices....
They stopped going after companies that hied illegals
like the democrats did?.....
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.

Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.
When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.
They let jobs go everseas. They let gas and healthcare costs skyrocket. They stopped going after companies that hied illegals and they deregulated bank and mortgage giants and that caused the crash. Plus sent millions of jobs overseas

Or they didn't do any of these things. They are completely innocent.
They let gas costs skyrocket
sorry bobo....your fellow lefties here have said numerous times,the president has little to do with gas prices....
They stopped going after companies that hied illegals
like the democrats did?.....
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.

Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.
Actually, Bush followed Republican policies perfectly. Tax cuts for the rich. Wars. Lack of infrastructure spending. The problem for the GOP is that their policies simply don't work. Doesn't matter if you are president or governor. If you follow GOP policies, you will fail. 150 years of conservative policies in Red States prove it.
CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer’s hypothetical question about whether an uninsured 30-year-old working man in coma should be treated prompted one of the most boisterous moments of audience participation in the CNN/Tea Party Express.

“What he should do is whatever he wants to do and assume responsibility for himself,” Paul responded, adding, “That’s what freedom is all about, taking your own risk. This whole idea that you have to compare and take care of everybody…”

The audience erupted into cheers, cutting off the Congressman’s sentence.

After a pause, Blitzer followed up by asking “Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?” to which a small number of audience members shouted “Yeah!”

I had no idea a small number of members in a studio audience was representative of a whole party.....
Maybe in deannie's little world....
Not so small.
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.
They let jobs go everseas. They let gas and healthcare costs skyrocket. They stopped going after companies that hied illegals and they deregulated bank and mortgage giants and that caused the crash. Plus sent millions of jobs overseas

Or they didn't do any of these things. They are completely innocent.
They let gas costs skyrocket
sorry bobo....your fellow lefties here have said numerous times,the president has little to do with gas prices....
They stopped going after companies that hied illegals
like the democrats did?.....
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices. I guess the government isnt responsible other than allowing wallstreet speculaters to needlessly jack up the price of oil.

As for worrying about bleeding heart liberals. Stop chasing illegal immigrants. Just go after illegal employers then the out of work illegal worker won't have a leg to stand on. No jobs they'll go home.

You guys go after the illegal workers. They are doing what anyone would do if jobs are availabe. So jobs should not be available.

No one is protesting for illegal employers. They are crying to make it so illegal immigrants can stay here. They wouldnt want to stay if the jobs dried up.

Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers. Bush did not. Obama has also deported a lot of illegals. My russian buddy got deported.
The problem for the GOP is that their policies simply don't work. Doesn't matter if you are president or governor. If you follow GOP policies, you will fail. 150 years of conservative policies in Red States prove it.

Don't ya think that's why it is easy to be contemptible of Republicans? They have no success's to point out.

But they have this smug, holier than thou, I know better than you attitude, for no good reason. . Pisses me off.
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
Stop using facts dude! Its not fair.
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
You said: Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.

What has Obama spent money on? Beside the two wars Obama was handed and all the unemployment for the millions of people who lost their jobs when those jobs were moved to China. Then of course, there was the cost of medical care f the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq. The money invested in the economy to keep it from imploding. Obama had hoped to do great things in America. Instead, he's had to keep the country afloat after what the GOP did to America under Bush. Then there were the hurricames along the east coast. And that's just the beginning.
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
You said: Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.

What has Obama spent money on? Beside the two wars Obama was handed and all the unemployment for the millions of people who lost their jobs when those jobs were moved to China. Then of course, there was the cost of medical care f the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq. The money invested in the economy to keep it from imploding. Obama had hoped to do great things in America. Instead, he's had to keep the country afloat after what the GOP did to America under Bush. Then there were the hurricames along the east coast. And that's just the beginning.

Obama argued against deficit spending and then tripled the debt. You are forgetting the number of food stamp participants that have grown under his watch. What has Obama done to bring back the lost jobs to China and create more jobs? Is the Middle Class bringing more home from their paycheck or less? The way to save an economy is to grow the Middle Class and Small Business. That has not happened yet the debt has tripled. So, has Obama's policy kept US American Economy afloat or has it simply deferred the hemorragging for later that cannot sustain modest deficit spending?
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
You said: Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.

What has Obama spent money on? Beside the two wars Obama was handed and all the unemployment for the millions of people who lost their jobs when those jobs were moved to China. Then of course, there was the cost of medical care f the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq. The money invested in the economy to keep it from imploding. Obama had hoped to do great things in America. Instead, he's had to keep the country afloat after what the GOP did to America under Bush. Then there were the hurricames along the east coast. And that's just the beginning.

Obama argued against deficit spending and then tripled the debt. You are forgetting the number of food stamp participants that have grown under his watch. What has Obama done to bring back the lost jobs to China and create more jobs? Is the Middle Class bringing more home from their paycheck or less? The way to save an economy is to grow the Middle Class and Small Business. That has not happened yet the debt has tripled. So, has Obama's policy kept US American Economy afloat or has it simply deferred the hemorragging for later that cannot sustain modest deficit spending?
Actually things are improving but dont for a second try to pretend the GOP wants to help labor/ the middle class.

Your only advice to them is start your own business or go back to school if you arent happy working for someone else.

What is the gop"'s plan to increase wages? You better not say lower taxes for business owners and deregulations. Lol
When you look at GOP policies that were passed under the Bush regime, it seems the USMB Republicans live in a parallel world. Everything bad that happened wasn't their fault. So did anything bad happen when they controlled the entire government? If anything bad did happen, was it the result of anything the GOP did?

OK, say that all the damage that was caused was the fault of the Democrats. Was there really any damage? Were there successes? Still, the GOP was able to use reconciliation three times, what did they use it on and was that a success?

Was the GOP so ineffective that even though they controlled the entire government, they couldn't do anything? Does that mean the three times they used reconciliation nothing actually happened?

We need USMB right wingers to tell us what actually happened under Bush and GOP leadership that was good for the country and good for the world. Don't rag on Democrats. Tell us what Republicans did that was a success. Expect to be challenged.
They let jobs go everseas. They let gas and healthcare costs skyrocket. They stopped going after companies that hied illegals and they deregulated bank and mortgage giants and that caused the crash. Plus sent millions of jobs overseas

Or they didn't do any of these things. They are completely innocent.
They let gas costs skyrocket
sorry bobo....your fellow lefties here have said numerous times,the president has little to do with gas prices....
They stopped going after companies that hied illegals
like the democrats did?.....
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices. I guess the government isnt responsible other than allowing wallstreet speculaters to needlessly jack up the price of oil.

As for worrying about bleeding heart liberals. Stop chasing illegal immigrants. Just go after illegal employers then the out of work illegal worker won't have a leg to stand on. No jobs they'll go home.

You guys go after the illegal workers. They are doing what anyone would do if jobs are availabe. So jobs should not be available.

No one is protesting for illegal employers. They are crying to make it so illegal immigrants can stay here. They wouldnt want to stay if the jobs dried up.

Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers. Bush did not. Obama has also deported a lot of illegals. My russian buddy got deported.
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices
i would love to see you prove that i have blamed any President for gas prices....i aint as foolish as "you guys" are....
Stop chasing illegal immigrants
so now im chasing the illegals.....hey bobo....i live among them....lots of them....i dont need to chase anyone....
Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers
not out here....they are to afraid to try that here....dont want the bigot label....
Obama has also deported a lot of illegals
sure he has....he sends a 100 home and a 100 come in....but i guess he can say he is deporting them....
They let jobs go everseas. They let gas and healthcare costs skyrocket. They stopped going after companies that hied illegals and they deregulated bank and mortgage giants and that caused the crash. Plus sent millions of jobs overseas

Or they didn't do any of these things. They are completely innocent.
They let gas costs skyrocket
sorry bobo....your fellow lefties here have said numerous times,the president has little to do with gas prices....
They stopped going after companies that hied illegals
like the democrats did?.....
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices. I guess the government isnt responsible other than allowing wallstreet speculaters to needlessly jack up the price of oil.

As for worrying about bleeding heart liberals. Stop chasing illegal immigrants. Just go after illegal employers then the out of work illegal worker won't have a leg to stand on. No jobs they'll go home.

You guys go after the illegal workers. They are doing what anyone would do if jobs are availabe. So jobs should not be available.

No one is protesting for illegal employers. They are crying to make it so illegal immigrants can stay here. They wouldnt want to stay if the jobs dried up.

Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers. Bush did not. Obama has also deported a lot of illegals. My russian buddy got deported.
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices
i would love to see you prove that i have blamed any President for gas prices....i aint as foolish as "you guys" are....
Stop chasing illegal immigrants
so now im chasing the illegals.....hey bobo....i live among them....lots of them....i dont need to chase anyone....
Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers
not out here....they are to afraid to try that here....dont want the bigot label....
Obama has also deported a lot of illegals
sure he has....he sends a 100 home and a 100 come in....but i guess he can say he is deporting them....
You dont attack the workers go after employers who hire illegals. This is why they get away with it. They get you racists fighting the bleeding hearts meanwhile the illegal employers get away with it. It should be impossible to hire an illegal worker but its easily done. Why? Because they want it that way. I'm too tired to explain it right now. You just dont want to realize half the GOP wants illegals in. Cheap labor.
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
You said: Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.

What has Obama spent money on? Beside the two wars Obama was handed and all the unemployment for the millions of people who lost their jobs when those jobs were moved to China. Then of course, there was the cost of medical care f the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq. The money invested in the economy to keep it from imploding. Obama had hoped to do great things in America. Instead, he's had to keep the country afloat after what the GOP did to America under Bush. Then there were the hurricames along the east coast. And that's just the beginning.

Obama argued against deficit spending and then tripled the debt. You are forgetting the number of food stamp participants that have grown under his watch. What has Obama done to bring back the lost jobs to China and create more jobs? Is the Middle Class bringing more home from their paycheck or less? The way to save an economy is to grow the Middle Class and Small Business. That has not happened yet the debt has tripled. So, has Obama's policy kept US American Economy afloat or has it simply deferred the hemorragging for later that cannot sustain modest deficit spending?
Actually things are improving but dont for a second try to pretend the GOP wants to help labor/ the middle class.

Your only advice to them is start your own business or go back to school if you arent happy working for someone else.

What is the gop"'s plan to increase wages? You better not say lower taxes for business owners and deregulations. Lol

The last time I checked, this is the USA, land of opportunity. Economic success stories are replete with people who were not happy with their low wages. They went out and got market-driven skills sets to go work for better wages or start a business. Arbitrarily mandated wages is not a sustainable answer. How about more tax breaks and incentives for small businesses who source their goods and services from domestic or other small businesses? How about incentives for businesses who maintain a workforce of US Citizens making above a cost index for a given region. How about more incentives for job creation and sustainment growth rates?

Here is what is not working nor will it ever work;

- demonizing entrepreneurship
- taking from high earners
- punishing capital gains
- redistribution of wealth
- incentives to stay on welfare and entitlement from cradle to grave
- avoiding personal accountability
- increased regulation
- increased legal liability
- mandates

As for going back to school, let's make higher education more affordable. It's time to break up Big Education. Salaries of tenured professors not teaching skills needed in the workplace need to be cut. Incentives need to be provided to students to develop needed skills sets in the workforce that pay high salaries.

Fat cat 6 digit salary educrats need to stop taking from students and putting those students in debt. The excessive fees and books and content that professors mandate their students to purchase all in the name of profit. How are profits made from mandates more acceptable than profits made from risk and the free market?
They let gas costs skyrocket
sorry bobo....your fellow lefties here have said numerous times,the president has little to do with gas prices....
They stopped going after companies that hied illegals
like the democrats did?.....
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices. I guess the government isnt responsible other than allowing wallstreet speculaters to needlessly jack up the price of oil.

As for worrying about bleeding heart liberals. Stop chasing illegal immigrants. Just go after illegal employers then the out of work illegal worker won't have a leg to stand on. No jobs they'll go home.

You guys go after the illegal workers. They are doing what anyone would do if jobs are availabe. So jobs should not be available.

No one is protesting for illegal employers. They are crying to make it so illegal immigrants can stay here. They wouldnt want to stay if the jobs dried up.

Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers. Bush did not. Obama has also deported a lot of illegals. My russian buddy got deported.
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices
i would love to see you prove that i have blamed any President for gas prices....i aint as foolish as "you guys" are....
Stop chasing illegal immigrants
so now im chasing the illegals.....hey bobo....i live among them....lots of them....i dont need to chase anyone....
Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers
not out here....they are to afraid to try that here....dont want the bigot label....
Obama has also deported a lot of illegals
sure he has....he sends a 100 home and a 100 come in....but i guess he can say he is deporting them....
You dont attack the workers go after employers who hire illegals. This is why they get away with it. They get you racists fighting the bleeding hearts meanwhile the illegal employers get away with it. It should be impossible to hire an illegal worker but its easily done. Why? Because they want it that way. I'm too tired to explain it right now. You just dont want to realize half the GOP wants illegals in. Cheap labor.
you dont know much about "illegals" do you?.....they been coming here without much resistance since the beginning of last century and now,after however many millions are here....NOW you people have had just dont want to realize that half the DNC want them in also for that nice cheap labor and you guys get a group of people you can exploit for your own hang with a nice crowd bobo....
Case in point. Many fiscal conservatives criticized and blamed Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending. Many Liberals were not pleased with this as well; including, Presidential Candidate Obama. Then, Obama tripled the debt and fought tooth and nail for every debt level increase......all the while, blaming Bush. It makes no sense.

Damn dude, you gave the source of Obama's "spending" problem in the beginning of your statement.
"Bush Cheney for their level of deficit spending",.
The bills for the war, the drug program, the tax cuts, All those decisions to deficit spend came back to bite Obama because he was in office when the big bills started coming due.

It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House after Bush was gone. The same thing would have happened.
The debt would have exploded because the deficit spending on all those Bush decisions continues.

War is still being paid for, care for Vets grows, prescription drugs grows, lowered tax rates continue, all those decisions to spend money on those programs were made by Bush.

Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.
You said: Go ahead and say what Obama has spent all those trillions on. I have asked people like you before for this info, but no luck.

What has Obama spent money on? Beside the two wars Obama was handed and all the unemployment for the millions of people who lost their jobs when those jobs were moved to China. Then of course, there was the cost of medical care f the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq. The money invested in the economy to keep it from imploding. Obama had hoped to do great things in America. Instead, he's had to keep the country afloat after what the GOP did to America under Bush. Then there were the hurricames along the east coast. And that's just the beginning.

Obama argued against deficit spending and then tripled the debt. You are forgetting the number of food stamp participants that have grown under his watch. What has Obama done to bring back the lost jobs to China and create more jobs? Is the Middle Class bringing more home from their paycheck or less? The way to save an economy is to grow the Middle Class and Small Business. That has not happened yet the debt has tripled. So, has Obama's policy kept US American Economy afloat or has it simply deferred the hemorragging for later that cannot sustain modest deficit spending?
Actually things are improving but dont for a second try to pretend the GOP wants to help labor/ the middle class.

Your only advice to them is start your own business or go back to school if you arent happy working for someone else.

What is the gop"'s plan to increase wages? You better not say lower taxes for business owners and deregulations. Lol

The last time I checked, this is the USA, land of opportunity. Economic success stories are replete with people who were not happy with their low wages. They went out and got market-driven skills sets to go work for better wages or start a business. Arbitrarily mandated wages is not a sustainable answer. How about more tax breaks and incentives for small businesses who source their goods and services from domestic or other small businesses? How about incentives for businesses who maintain a workforce of US Citizens making above a cost index for a given region. How about more incentives for job creation and sustainment growth rates?

Here is what is not working nor will it ever work;

- demonizing entrepreneurship
- taking from high earners
- punishing capital gains
- redistribution of wealth
- incentives to stay on welfare and entitlement from cradle to grave
- avoiding personal accountability
- increased regulation
- increased legal liability
- mandates

As for going back to school, let's make higher education more affordable. It's time to break up Big Education. Salaries of tenured professors not teaching skills needed in the workplace need to be cut. Incentives need to be provided to students to develop needed skills sets in the workforce that pay high salaries.

Fat cat 6 digit salary educrats need to stop taking from students and putting those students in debt. The excessive fees and books and content that professors mandate their students to purchase all in the name of profit. How are profits made from mandates more acceptable than profits made from risk and the free market?
I knew it! Same ole lame old
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices. I guess the government isnt responsible other than allowing wallstreet speculaters to needlessly jack up the price of oil.

As for worrying about bleeding heart liberals. Stop chasing illegal immigrants. Just go after illegal employers then the out of work illegal worker won't have a leg to stand on. No jobs they'll go home.

You guys go after the illegal workers. They are doing what anyone would do if jobs are availabe. So jobs should not be available.

No one is protesting for illegal employers. They are crying to make it so illegal immigrants can stay here. They wouldnt want to stay if the jobs dried up.

Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers. Bush did not. Obama has also deported a lot of illegals. My russian buddy got deported.
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices
i would love to see you prove that i have blamed any President for gas prices....i aint as foolish as "you guys" are....
Stop chasing illegal immigrants
so now im chasing the illegals.....hey bobo....i live among them....lots of them....i dont need to chase anyone....
Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers
not out here....they are to afraid to try that here....dont want the bigot label....
Obama has also deported a lot of illegals
sure he has....he sends a 100 home and a 100 come in....but i guess he can say he is deporting them....
You dont attack the workers go after employers who hire illegals. This is why they get away with it. They get you racists fighting the bleeding hearts meanwhile the illegal employers get away with it. It should be impossible to hire an illegal worker but its easily done. Why? Because they want it that way. I'm too tired to explain it right now. You just dont want to realize half the GOP wants illegals in. Cheap labor.
you dont know much about "illegals" do you?.....they been coming here without much resistance since the beginning of last century and now,after however many millions are here....NOW you people have had just dont want to realize that half the DNC want them in also for that nice cheap labor and you guys get a group of people you can exploit for your own hang with a nice crowd bobo....
Before Reagan they came picked fruit then went back home. Now they come do landscaping housekeeping work in factories. Went from 1 million to 10 on Reagans watch. Did it on purpose to flood the market with workers.
I've already shown righties that clinton and Obama went after illegal employers and bush did not.

Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch? That really hurt when you consider it was during Bush's recession. Almost on purpose. They wanted the crash. Disaster capitalism.
bobo i live in a State that has more illegals than anywhere President or party has gone after anyone out here,if they did they would be quickly labeled a "racist" by the far left and the pro-illegal activist out here....
Why was gas $4 a gallon on bushs watch?
according to your fellow lefties the President has very little or nothing to do with gas ask one of them about that....
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices. I guess the government isnt responsible other than allowing wallstreet speculaters to needlessly jack up the price of oil.

As for worrying about bleeding heart liberals. Stop chasing illegal immigrants. Just go after illegal employers then the out of work illegal worker won't have a leg to stand on. No jobs they'll go home.

You guys go after the illegal workers. They are doing what anyone would do if jobs are availabe. So jobs should not be available.

No one is protesting for illegal employers. They are crying to make it so illegal immigrants can stay here. They wouldnt want to stay if the jobs dried up.

Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers. Bush did not. Obama has also deported a lot of illegals. My russian buddy got deported.
you guys are the ones who tried to blame Obama for gas prices
i would love to see you prove that i have blamed any President for gas prices....i aint as foolish as "you guys" are....
Stop chasing illegal immigrants
so now im chasing the illegals.....hey bobo....i live among them....lots of them....i dont need to chase anyone....
Clinton and Obama have both gone after illegal employers
not out here....they are to afraid to try that here....dont want the bigot label....
Obama has also deported a lot of illegals
sure he has....he sends a 100 home and a 100 come in....but i guess he can say he is deporting them....
You dont attack the workers go after employers who hire illegals. This is why they get away with it. They get you racists fighting the bleeding hearts meanwhile the illegal employers get away with it. It should be impossible to hire an illegal worker but its easily done. Why? Because they want it that way. I'm too tired to explain it right now. You just dont want to realize half the GOP wants illegals in. Cheap labor.
you dont know much about "illegals" do you?.....they been coming here without much resistance since the beginning of last century and now,after however many millions are here....NOW you people have had just dont want to realize that half the DNC want them in also for that nice cheap labor and you guys get a group of people you can exploit for your own hang with a nice crowd bobo....
Hispanics use to be conservatives but your party lost them

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