Is it possible to be more stupid than Maxine Waters ?

Is it possible to be more stupid than Maxine Waters ?

Of course. We call it the GOP.
Is it possible to be more stupid than Maxine Waters ?

Of course. We call it the GOP.
Is it possible to be more stupid than Maxine Waters ?

only if youre a brain dead Trumpdrone.
Possible to be more stupid that Ms. Maxine? Absolutely! I give you Exhibit A...

I figured who is dumber than low IQ Waters. Every single person that has ever voted for or defended her.
I'm pretty sure these are the same pranksters who also tricked Rick Perry into a 20 minute phone call under the guise of being the Ukraine PM recently. So... :eusa_whistle:
By introducing himself as "Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, one of the pranksters started off by informing the clueless Congresswoman that President Putin has now invaded both eastern and western Ukraine, bringing his regular army into the cities of Donetsk and Lvov
Maxine Waters took the news without any surprise, so the prankster went even further to claim that Putin's advisers, Vovan and Lexus, were in charge of the operation.
The acting president of Limpopo, the prankster continued, who lost the elections, is now afraid for his life and wants to move to Ukraine.
What made the conversation go viral was that, in fact, Limpopo is not a country but rather a river in South Africa which featured in the popular Soviet children's story, Ai Bolit written by Korney Chukovsky.
Ai Bolit, whose name can be translated as Ouch, it hurts, is not an African dictator but rather fictional kind doctor who rushes off to Africa to treat sick animals.
Meanwhile "Barmaley" posted a picture of "thousands of Americans who took to the streets in support of the legitimate government of Limpopo and against the Russian aggression towards his home country."

sure it is.... she could be a trump loon.*shrug*
By introducing himself as "Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, one of the pranksters started off by informing the clueless Congresswoman that President Putin has now invaded both eastern and western Ukraine, bringing his regular army into the cities of Donetsk and Lvov
Maxine Waters took the news without any surprise, so the prankster went even further to claim that Putin's advisers, Vovan and Lexus, were in charge of the operation.
The acting president of Limpopo, the prankster continued, who lost the elections, is now afraid for his life and wants to move to Ukraine.
What made the conversation go viral was that, in fact, Limpopo is not a country but rather a river in South Africa which featured in the popular Soviet children's story, Ai Bolit written by Korney Chukovsky.
Ai Bolit, whose name can be translated as Ouch, it hurts, is not an African dictator but rather fictional kind doctor who rushes off to Africa to treat sick animals.
Meanwhile "Barmaley" posted a picture of "thousands of Americans who took to the streets in support of the legitimate government of Limpopo and against the Russian aggression towards his home country."

sure it is.... she could be a trump loon.*shrug*

Or a fake lawyer.
Maxine needs to point out where Limp Popo is on a map.
Before or after it capsized.
Limp Popo sounds like a erection related ailment in men over 70
That would explain why liberals are so eager to support transgender surgery? Would that not require some sort of erectile device implant for Female to Male alterations....which won't go limp ever. But now all that may be out the window along with Obama care.
Maybe that's why Chuck Schumer was crying and Hillary prefers Huma over Bill

which in turn caused Wiener to get sexual gratification from minors
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Maxine needs to point out where Limp Popo is on a map.
Before or after it capsized.
Limp Popo sounds like a erection related ailment in men over 70
It's become a common ailment among the college kids. Limp Popo is what happens to normal men's penis' upon finding out that chick is an SJW feminist. All sexual desire slams into reverse causing Limp Popo.

There is a female version of this illness as well called Dried Poonpoon. It's when an average female sees a hipster SJW male causing all lubrication to the vagina to dry up like a puddle in the Sahara.
Maxine: you know, I believe I have visited Limp Popo, thats a small town in France?,,Germany?,,,Korea?

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