Is it possible….was the covid virus engineered by China and Democrats and used as a tool to remove Trump from office?

So where is Bidens impeachment? Hunters arrest & conviction? Pelosi's?? Schumers??? Fauci's? Gates? Where is Epsteins little black book, with all those names? And there's a gazillion more such questions that aren't getting answered.

Well, we know where the first half are: they are waiting for a GOP-controlled Congress to effect next year once in office. All the rest are good questions! Hopefully some republicans will try to find out!

Since the Dems got away with the last election, do you really think the midterms will be any better???

Yes. Absolutely. They are fighting 500 elections this time not just one guy and this time, republicans everywhere are doing all they can to be ready to catch fraud.

Maybe, but surely not 2024. If they fail bad enough this November, you can bet your ass they won't 'fail' 24.

How can they fail this Fall? Every indicator is a red wave not seen in 70-80 years.

Personally I believe in the Almighty and the Bible is His Word. In it, we are in the last which the liar and his minions work for evil at an ever rapid in, the rapid decline of this country and the world is following suit. So in that respect, no there's really nothing we can do but hold on to our hats and loved ones cause it won't be long now.

You might be right, but in case you are wrong, do you really want to risk 4 more years of THIS?

PS.........I really do hope you are right, Trump will win and throw them all to the gallows for their crimes and save the day and life will go back to normal with more conservative ideals and we all sang Kumbya

Can't say about Trump yet though I'm practically certain he'll be running for reelection next year, but if the GOP doesn't clean house this Fall, either another scam has been pulled by the left or the GOP Elite like Kevin McCarthy are throwing it content with just a large enough win to take the House, but not enough win to have any real decisive responsibility, which is why RINOS MUST get out and get replaced by MAGA candidates working for the people.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
It's far more possible for partisans to take advantage of, as well as twist any opportunity, towards a partisan attack....
After all, Covid-19 is exactly what Fauci described in a video interview in 2012 as being just the thing he needed or was looking for. And now we know he was actively looking for gain of function.
Which he was lambasted for in Congress
After the initial outbreak of COVID‑19, misinformation and disinformation regarding the origin, scale, prevention, treatment, and other aspects of the disease rapidly spread online.[415][416][417]

Our own government sources changed their tune many times, fact is they tried to make the call on ALL these issues, and had to, because they got it WRONG.

Wiki said it so its true….you are all strictly forbidden from having an opposing opinion….right?

opposing narrative Broke one, bit of a dif......

Still, the article says little to really address its potential origin, says nothing of Fauci's prior and current work and involvement, and simply concludes that U.S intelligence agencies found that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon and that it is unlikely for it to have been genetically engineered, which of course, if US intelligence HAD been involved, this is exactly what you would EXPECT them to say, so, I'd kinda like to hear other source's opinions.

So all those biolabs uncovered via warfare in Ukraine exist for what reason?

Getting Trump out (and KEEPING him out) is PIVOTAL to all the left's deep state plans.
1/6 bread & circus...
So where is Bidens impeachment? Hunters arrest & conviction? Pelosi's?? Schumers??? Fauci's? Gates? Where is Epsteins little black book, with all those names? And there's a gazillion more such questions that aren't getting answered.

Methinks we both know what to expect for 'official responses' when 'da man' is investigating 'da man' Nut

I hear a lot of talk but I don't see the substantiation to back it up! Seems to me calling someone bat shit crazy, must mean that you can prove it with one arm tied behind your back! I'd love to see that evidence! Or at least hear the "sane, rational" version of what Covid REALLY was!
LOL Is that how it works in the trumptard world? You, idiots, make up a crazy theory and we are the ones who have to prove it is not real?

No wonder Rump loved his poorly educated retards.
LOL Is that how it works in the trumptard world? You, idiots, make up a crazy theory and we are the ones who have to prove it is not real?

No wonder Rump loved his poorly educated retards.
Hahaha….”crazy theory”? You mean like supporting the theory that a man can become a woman by proclamation?
Well, we know where the first half are: they are waiting for a GOP-controlled Congress to effect next year once in office. All the rest are good questions! Hopefully some republicans will try to find out!

Yes. Absolutely. They are fighting 500 elections this time not just one guy and this time, republicans everywhere are doing all they can to be ready to catch fraud.

How can they fail this Fall? Every indicator is a red wave not seen in 70-80 years.

You might be right, but in case you are wrong, do you really want to risk 4 more years of THIS?

Can't say about Trump yet though I'm practically certain he'll be running for reelection next year, but if the GOP doesn't clean house this Fall, either another scam has been pulled by the left or the GOP Elite like Kevin McCarthy are throwing it content with just a large enough win to take the House, but not enough win to have any real decisive responsibility, which is why RINOS MUST get out and get replaced by MAGA candidates working for the people.

I guess it will all depend on just how crazy they do get between now & then. But what happens when they do lose their asses??? If you think it's been a wild ride so far, can you imagine how cray-cray they'll be by 2025?

For the record, NO i don't want 4 more of this shit. I don't even want this 4. But I have lost faith in politics, elections and people to save the day.
Hahaha….”crazy theory”? You mean like supporting the theory that a man can become a woman by proclamation?
Do you mean like the Republican Caitlyn Jenner who adores Rump? LOL

So, in your retard world, people like Caityn Jenner are strange but the theory that Dems created a pandemic just to overthrow the orange douche bag, is not?

And you idiots wonder why people laugh at you. :itsok:
Quick Q to you Mag

do YOU trust what da gub'mit tells you

Y/N plz

Ol' Sparky wants to play. Before, I respond, here is one for you...

do YOU trust Rump's claim that the elections were stolen

Y/N plz

Do you mean like the Republican Caitlyn Jenner who adores Rump? LOL

So, in your retard world, people like Caityn Jenner are strange but the theory that Dems created a pandemic just to overthrow the orange douche bag, is not?

And you idiots wonder why people laugh at you. :itsok:
BRUCE Jenner isn’t strange….HE’S completely fucked in the head and everybody even half sane knows it.
HIM “adoring” Trump doesn’t change that.
HE’S twisted and all fucked up but his politics are on point….weird huh?
Anyhoo….the idea that Dems with China concocted Covid isn’t all that “strange“ at all….All one has to do is have the courage to connect the dots and look at the timing and chain of events surrounding the scamdemic…it all becomes quite obvious for anyone with balls…..Ain’t that right Dont Taz Me Bro ?
much more then trump. the great reset, cashless society,china social credit score, universal basic income etc..., nwo.


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