Is it possible….was the covid virus engineered by China and Democrats and used as a tool to remove Trump from office?

I hear a lot of talk but I don't see the substantiation to back it up! Seems to me calling someone bat shit crazy, must mean that you can prove it with one arm tied behind your back! I'd love to see that evidence! Or at least hear the "sane, rational" version of what Covid REALLY was!

Here you go

I don't think so, BL, I think it is being moved because the Biden Administration TOLD them to move it, or at least discredit it with a lack of visibility and respect. Funny how no one wants to discuss a matter of such obvious IMPORTANCE.

I’m not sure there’s a thread in politics right now that is more political than this one is.
Dont Taz Me Bro maybe you were a little hasty…huh?
Anything is possible in this day & age BUT I'd have to say a GLOBAL pandemic is a little overkill

Why? When the goal is global domination and control--- Disease (health), economy, war (by banking), guns, energy, and now: FOOD--- Ukraine and now look at what the Dutch are doing!

Can you think of any better way to gain global domination? And Joe just happens to have the perfect scapegoat to blame it all on!-- Pootin!

Yeah, crazy, right?
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics….Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?
Wow. So the Dems not only engineered a worldwide pandemic, but they also massively cheated all just to remove the orange douche bag?

Who knew they were so powerful? And the Repubs just took it and laid down and died, didn't they? The useless good-for-nothing Repubs.
Why? When the goal is global domination and control--- Disease (health), economy, war (by banking), guns, energy, and now: FOOD--- Ukraine and now look at what the Dutch are doing!

Can you think of any better way to gain global domination? And Joe just happens to have the perfect scapegoat to blame it all on!-- Pootin!

Yeah, crazy, right?

Buuuttt........the thread is about da flu to get Trump out of office........and that I don't agree with and was my argument.,,,,,,that da flu and all else that's been happening was for much larger reasons GLOBALLY. Not just to get Trump out,
You quite literally theorized a conspiracy.

Conspiracies are real, just another word for PLANNING--- they happen all of the time, it is only a conspiracy theory when there is obvious available proof to the contrary.

Love to see it.

Freedom requires ever-vigilence. But then, any real American already knows that.
He simply followed the leftist inspired protocol.
“I don’t agree with your opinion therfore I declare your opinion to be misinformation / conspiracy.”
Sad times.

Well, I don't know that it true neither, you are just conjecturing, but it would be sad if it were true because it really accomplishes nothing really other than to expose the left's weakness and true fears. Like someone said, anyone who wants to see and read and follow the thread obviously still can, at least so long as they are a member here. Not sure otherwise. Still, again, I can't believe so few want to discuss or even ASK so important a question, much less RIDICULE those asking!--- I for one have little faith in men when it comes to power, wealth and control.
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics….Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?

What a ridiculous conspiracy theory?

Thanks Taz, but Wiki is not generally considered anything but a generic secondary source of info gathered from other more primary sources, but it is interesting that household soap destroys the SARS virus outside skin.

And that the virus is very close to a bat virus, and that perhaps an agent able to fill the ACE2 receptors in the lungs and digestive tract making them look unavailable might be an effective way of combating the virus.

Still, the article says little to really address its potential origin, says nothing of Fauci's prior and current work and involvement, and simply concludes that U.S intelligence agencies found that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon and that it is unlikely for it to have been genetically engineered, which of course, if US intelligence HAD been involved, this is exactly what you would EXPECT them to say, so, I'd kinda like to hear other source's opinions.
Buuuttt........the thread is about da flu to get Trump out of office........and that I don't agree with and was my argument.,,,,,,that da flu and all else that's been happening was for much larger reasons GLOBALLY. Not just to get Trump out,

Yes, there was so much done trying to get Trump out of office that yes, it rather lowers my threshold to consider the timing of this pandemic as well. I mean, in 2020, many on the left were saying that Covid was their PRIMARY reason for voting against Trump and his losing the election! He took all of the blame while Biden takes none for worse things he obviously did.

Either that, or it was pure happenstance and JUST WHAT THE DEMOCRATS NEEDED when they needed it (along with their 5 month long 350 city riot staged over some deadbeat punk hoodie who died committing a felony).

Do you believe in huge happy coincidences like that?

Getting Trump out (and KEEPING him out) is PIVOTAL to all the left's deep state plans.

yeah, chances slim, very slim that it wasn't any more than a bad lab accident. However thousands of fights were going from Wuhan to both NYC and Los Angeles daily. It was sort of the perfect storm to infect the U.S.
Yes, there was so much done trying to get Trump out of office that yes, it rather lowers my threshold to consider the timing of this pandemic as well. I mean, in 2020, many on the left were saying that Covid was their PRIMARY reason for voting against Trump and his losing the election! He took all of the blame while Biden takes none for worse things he obviously did.

Either that, or it was pure happenstance and JUST WHAT THE DEMOCRATS NEEDED when they needed it (along with their 5 month long 350 city riot staged over some deadbeat punk hoodie who died committing a felony).

Do you believe in huge happy coincidences like that?

Getting Trump out (and KEEPING him out) is PIVOTAL to all the left's deep state plans.

yes getting Trump out and keeping him out is their main focus,. Whatever it takes and anyone that doesn't agree be damned. But what can anyone do about it? Surely you or I or the rest of the pions can't stop them and so far, I don't see a whole lot of establishment Repubs fighting back to stop them either.

But again, that's local issues. I don't see the Dems being fully responsible for the global issues.......take note, I said FULLY responsible.....meaning that yes they may have played a hand in the events leading up to the larger issues, but not all of it.

Global pandemic
Global supply chain issues
Global food shortages
Global economies
Russia/Ukraine War

All these things and many more are just pieces of the larger puzzle. Trump and the Dems are also just pieces of it, but not the entire picture.
Surely you or I or the rest of the pions can't stop them
Why not? Maybe not individually, but collectively, 100 million pions can move mountains.

and so far, I don't see a whole lot of establishment Repubs fighting back to stop them either.
There are a HUGE number of them working hard in the grassroots well up into the House and Senate, they just ain't talking about it a lot on MSM, so, DO WHAT YOU CAN.

But again, that's local issues. I don't see the Dems being fully responsible for the global issues.......take note, I said FULLY responsible.....meaning that yes they may have played a hand in the events leading up to the larger issues, but not all of it.

Global pandemic
Global supply chain issues
Global food shortages
Global economies
Russia/Ukraine War
Don't kid yourself. Other than the pandemic which the courts are still out on (but the democrats DID engineer the shutdowns which are the primary cause of both economic collapse, supply chain issues and some of the food issues), all the other issues you list are very much the doing and desires of Biden and all his Euro buddies.

Just look at the mess with the Dutch attacking the farming industry now, in all places and at the worst of times!
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics….Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?

Possibly. However, I lean more toward COVID-19, and more specifically the vaccines, intended more as a culling and show of force by the planetary powers that be rather an a targeted attack on any one or more politicians.
Why not? Maybe not individually, but collectively, 100 million pions can move mountains.

There are a HUGE number of them working hard in the grassroots well up into the House and Senate, they just ain't talking about it a lot on MSM, so, DO WHAT YOU CAN.

Don't kid yourself. Other than the pandemic which the courts are still out on (but the democrats DID engineer the shutdowns which are the primary cause of both economic collapse, supply chain issues and some of the food issues), all the other issues you list are very much the doing and desires of Biden and all his Euro buddies.

Just look at the mess with the Dutch attacking the farming industry now, in all places and at the worst of times!

So where is Bidens impeachment? Hunters arrest & conviction? Pelosi's?? Schumers??? Fauci's? Gates? Where is Epsteins little black book, with all those names? And there's a gazillion more such questions that aren't getting answered.

Since the Dems got away with the last election, do you really think the midterms will be any better??? Maybe, but surely not 2024. If they fail bad enough this November, you can bet your ass they won't 'fail' 24.

Personally I believe in the Almighty and the Bible is His Word. In it, we are in the last which the liar and his minions work for evil at an ever rapid in, the rapid decline of this country and the world is following suit. So in that respect, no there's really nothing we can do but hold on to our hats and loved ones cause it won't be long now.

PS.........I really do hope you are right, Trump will win and throw them all to the gallows for their crimes and save the day and life will go back to normal with more conservative ideals and we all sang Kumbya

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