Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

Really? Because I know people who have died from this. I don't remember the last time someone I know dying from the flu.

Perhaps you should investigate what they actually died from. My Uncle died last month from colon cancer. The VA rated it a Covid death. He never had Covid because he couldn't walk and never went anywhere. Anybody that came over his sons house never had it, and after the VA said my Uncle did, they quarantined or were tested, one including my 89 year old father.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
Red herring question, since most states offer early voting so no one waits that long.

However under no circumstances should we allow a system that is ripe for corruption like mail in voting.

Then shouldn't the president lead the way and vote in person?
Very poor attack. Normal people going to the voting booth doesn’t require mass amount of secret service men, shutting down and securing the area and putting everyone in danger... even in normal election years ANY president would be irresponsible for doing so... so pleas grow up

Presidents voted in person for years.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

If that's what you want to do, fine. But it shouldn't be the only option.

I recommend the following:
  • Standardized nationwide voter id with the voter's picture on it
  • Standardized nationwide balloting hardware
  • Standardized 30 day early voting periods for federal elections
  • Wherever you are in the nation, you go into the local court house, swipe your card, and your local ballot pops up. You make your choices and get on with your day.
But if you want to stand in line to do this on election day, god bless you and feel free. You're stupid but you have the right to be stupid.

What is there to prevent a state from putting one or two of those machines at a court house for hundreds of thousands of people? What is there to stop a state from only allowing voting to happen at one or two court houses?

The problem is purposely putting few machines or machines that are out dated or machines that don't work properly or a "glitch" in the software to cause long lines and suppress voting. Or closing down most of the places to vote or moving those places to areas that people can't get to or public transportation doesn't go to.

Long lines can and will be created at the court houses in minority areas just as the voting places are in minority areas now. And it's mostly in red states.

Get the republicans to stop using these suppression tactics and there won't be such a problem.

That wasn't the upper limit I described. That was the standard. Meaning that if you currently have 20 voting booths at a school now, you replace it with 20 of these machines.

Glitches happen regardless of the system.

You're right about voter suppression which is why I think we need a standardized rule--nationwide--about early voting starting a month before the "Tuesday after the first Monday in November".

The thing about the ease-in-voting measures I listed is this... Lets say you're soft in the head and believe all of this Hunter Biden bullshit; that motivates you to vote for Trump whereas before, you really didn't care. So you're out one day on a day off and after listening to right wing talk radio, you get angry and go vote somewhere. In our system, that is perfectly valid. You needn't go to some website and look up where you can vote at or wait until election day when you may be working... Anger=action=voting. Now, I would disagree with the entire premise of why you're angry and po'd at the world but that isn't for me to say. Its preferred that they, of course, study the issues, evaluate the veracity of the claims made by the candidates, etc... But they can be as ill informed as they want.

Anyway....the above items I listed; standardized picture ID, universal standardization of voting hardware, standardized early voting dates...thats just part of it. When I did disaster response for the County, our grant monies were tied to training. We literally had to do table top exercises, simulations, constant training--I have about 30 certificates from these silly classes FEMA and the National Fire Academy put on... I didn't know there was a national fire academy but that is another topic. Anyway, every few months, we would assemble these people--nurses, restaurant inspectors, animal control folks, administrators, logisticians like myself and do this exercise to be ready for hurricanes, H5N1, etc... As I understand it, no such parallel training happens for the tens of thousands of precincts that run our elections. And they rely on volunteers. I'd mandate regular rigorous testing and training for the election staff the same way DHS did for us.

What happens if there is a hurricane on election day and it's about to hit Florida or Houston? Is there a back-up for the hardware I listed above? That is the value of voting early and that is the value of the training. At some point, you have to rely on some technology that may not be glitch-free. Its just the nature of the system and how we are currently oriented.
Or until the middle class has disappeared.
Nobody gives a fuck about "middle class" or keeping up with the Joneses. Damn democrat labor-union cops just need to stay off the property and out of other people's pocketbooks.
Nobody give a fuck about the middle class? You mean you Republicans don't give a fuck about the middle class. That I agree.
Which "class" will end up paying for Biden's welfare jobs for the dregs? It won't be his rich buddies.
Yes it will.

And no, you won’t get the bush tax break you got if biden wins. Biden isn’t trying to win your vote he’s worrying about struggling middle class people. The gap between the rich and poor needs to be fixed. So rich people will pay higher taxes so your college won’t be so expensive. This is how liberals fight against the greedy rich.

Google roll back the Reagan tax breaks and educate yourself.
Or until the middle class has disappeared.
Nobody gives a fuck about "middle class" or keeping up with the Joneses. Damn democrat labor-union cops just need to stay off the property and out of other people's pocketbooks.
Nobody give a fuck about the middle class? You mean you Republicans don't give a fuck about the middle class. That I agree.
Which "class" will end up paying for Biden's welfare jobs for the dregs? It won't be his rich buddies.
Yes it will.

And no, you won’t get the bush tax break you got if biden wins. Biden isn’t trying to win your vote he’s worrying about struggling middle class people. The gap between the rich and poor needs to be fixed. So rich people will pay higher taxes so your college won’t be so expensive. This is how liberals fight against the greedy rich.

Google roll back the Reagan tax breaks and educate yourself.

Obama said he would rescind the Bush tax cut but then extended it. "Liberals" might do it differently but corporate Democrats do not.
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.

Nope, it isn't at all right. I moved to Oregon last year and they auto-register you when you get a driver's license. To get that license I had to bring a birth certificate, property tax bill, my previous license (which they destroy) - the title on my truck, pass a fairly difficult test that I studied like hell for, and pass a safety inspection.

All voting is mail in voting and there is no need to request a ballot. Just filled mine out in 5 minutes and it'll go out today postage paid. Oregon did an audit in 2016 and found TWO total instances of voter fraud.

Mail in voting is VERY secure. The bright red state of Utah has been doing it for eight years with ZERO issues.

And Ray, a self proclaimed intelligent Republican, who is a truck driver, didn't even know this??? WOW.

I didn't know Trump was letting Mexican truckers in either. I thought Bush tried and the unions stopped him. I didn't know this is happening today. Just like they say Mexicans are only here doing jobs Americans won't do, Ray will admit that there are many American companies who need drivers and can't find them. So I am all for Mexican truck drivers. If Trump and Bush let them in I'm all for Mexican truckers competing with Ray and bringing his wages down.

That's the Democrat way, be against the American people. However if you read my link earlier when you brought this up, it was shown how letting those drivers cross through America will actually help our transportation industry creating even more jobs for Americans. More jobs means higher offers.
I missed that link. Would love to see that
Or until the middle class has disappeared.
Nobody gives a fuck about "middle class" or keeping up with the Joneses. Damn democrat labor-union cops just need to stay off the property and out of other people's pocketbooks.
Nobody give a fuck about the middle class? You mean you Republicans don't give a fuck about the middle class. That I agree.
Which "class" will end up paying for Biden's welfare jobs for the dregs? It won't be his rich buddies.
Yes it will.

And no, you won’t get the bush tax break you got if biden wins. Biden isn’t trying to win your vote he’s worrying about struggling middle class people. The gap between the rich and poor needs to be fixed. So rich people will pay higher taxes so your college won’t be so expensive. This is how liberals fight against the greedy rich.

Google roll back the Reagan tax breaks and educate yourself.

Obama said he would rescind the Bush tax cut but then extended it. "Liberals" might do it differently but corporate Democrats do not.
Pick and choose your battles. Did you want him to rescind them?
Really? Because I know people who have died from this. I don't remember the last time someone I know dying from the flu.

Perhaps you should investigate what they actually died from. My Uncle died last month from colon cancer. The VA rated it a Covid death. He never had Covid because he couldn't walk and never went anywhere. Anybody that came over his sons house never had it, and after the VA said my Uncle did, they quarantined or were tested, one including my 89 year old father.
So the VA is against trump?
Or should something be done about that so that it's made as quick, easy and efficient as possible?

Give your reasons for your answer.
Red herring question, since most states offer early voting so no one waits that long.

However under no circumstances should we allow a system that is ripe for corruption like mail in voting.

Then shouldn't the president lead the way and vote in person?
I thought he did vote in person last time. And Melania voted for Hillary

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In the first election, she probably didn’t want him to win. They lost billions and he went from a beloved celebrity to the most defamed person in US history!
Yea she didn’t want to be a First Lady. Sure.
Or until the middle class has disappeared.
Nobody gives a fuck about "middle class" or keeping up with the Joneses. Damn democrat labor-union cops just need to stay off the property and out of other people's pocketbooks.
Nobody give a fuck about the middle class? You mean you Republicans don't give a fuck about the middle class. That I agree.
Trump gave the middle class a tax break.
Not worth it. I got a tax break but then trumps trade war with China cost me more. It’s why we only had 2.3% growth in 2019.

Canidate trump said under 3% was unacceptable
Or until the middle class has disappeared.
Nobody gives a fuck about "middle class" or keeping up with the Joneses. Damn democrat labor-union cops just need to stay off the property and out of other people's pocketbooks.
Nobody give a fuck about the middle class? You mean you Republicans don't give a fuck about the middle class. That I agree.
Which "class" will end up paying for Biden's welfare jobs for the dregs? It won't be his rich buddies.
Yes it will.

And no, you won’t get the bush tax break you got if biden wins. Biden isn’t trying to win your vote he’s worrying about struggling middle class people. The gap between the rich and poor needs to be fixed. So rich people will pay higher taxes so your college won’t be so expensive. This is how liberals fight against the greedy rich.

Google roll back the Reagan tax breaks and educate yourself.

Obama said he would rescind the Bush tax cut but then extended it. "Liberals" might do it differently but corporate Democrats do not.
Pick and choose your battles. Did you want him to rescind them?

Yes. I supported probably 90% of what Candidate Obama promised. I ended up supporting maybe 10% of what President Obama actually did.
I did. We shouldn't give tax breaks to companies that take jobs from Americans and give them to people elsewhere.

You seem to be OK with that.

Yes I am. I'm conservative which means I believe everybody should get equal treatment from the government. I don't believe in the Democrat strategy of taxing people into submission. That's not what taxes are supposed to be used for. If you want to get rid of moving expenses as a write-off, I'm fine with that as long as it applies to all Americans equally.
Or give it to someone moving from ny to Arkansas but not if they are going to Ireland
So the VA is against trump?

I don't know what goes on there, but hospitals who treat Covid patients do get extra money from the federal government. I'm not sure about the VA. However a few weeks after his death, my cousin got a call from the VA to ask what he thought about the treatment his father received. My cousin told them he was treated fine, but..........

The person he spoke with told my cousin his complaint was far from the only one. A lot of families of people who died there wanted to know how their relative could have gotten Covid when like my Uncle, they never left the house or were ever in contact with anybody that had Covid.
And no, you won’t get the bush tax break you got if biden wins. Biden isn’t trying to win your vote he’s worrying about struggling middle class people. The gap between the rich and poor needs to be fixed. So rich people will pay higher taxes so your college won’t be so expensive. This is how liberals fight against the greedy rich.

So tax the greedy rich people and give that money to the greedy colleges?

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