Is It Worth It?

I think we should announce that when the three years is up that's it. It's been a pleasure hosting and footing most of the bill for the UN for decades, but now it's time for another country to step up and share the wonderful experience with their citizens. And in the new location we look forward to just paying a pro rated share of the costs with our fellow members.

And as an added bonus we'll let all you foreign assholes skip on the unpaid parking tickets and whatnot.
I think Wall Street and American corporate interests would be most unhappy if we stopped funding the United Nations. So, that won't happen anytime soon.
If we had any brains, and could learn to think outside the box, we'd bring all our troops home, seal the borders and tell the rest of the world to try to live without us.

They'd come crawling back within a week. "Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease take us back! We'll be good, we promise!"

We never use our real power. Wouldn't even need a military if we did.
If we had any brains, and could learn to think outside the box, we'd bring all our troops home, seal the borders and tell the rest of the world to try to live without us.

They'd come crawling back within a week. "Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease take us back! We'll be good, we promise!"

We never use our real power. Wouldn't even need a military if we did.

Very true.
If we had any brains, and could learn to think outside the box, we'd bring all our troops home, seal the borders and tell the rest of the world to try to live without us.

They'd come crawling back within a week. "Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease take us back! We'll be good, we promise!"

We never use our real power. Wouldn't even need a military if we did.

Very true.

Think about it.

A weeks worth of container ships sitting empty, backed up in Shanghai harbor. Hundreds of thousands of layoffs all across China, with no safety net. One hundred million people who have just recently been pulled out of abject poverty being faced with the reality of returning to two handfuls of rice and a bicycle ..................................

Their government would capitulate within a week to our demand that they allow their currency to freely flow to its natural level, and play on an even field. Or they'd have a massive rebellion on their hands.

We wouldn't have to fire a shot.

They gonna destroy their best customer?

We're idiots. It's our greatest weapon, and we never use it.
Granny says dey gonna downgrade our credit rating - again...
Budget Stand-off Could Again Impact US Credit Rating
January 06, 2013 WASHINGTON — Republican lawmakers are not ruling out using America’s debt limit as a bargaining chip in looming deficit reduction battles with congressional Democrats and the Obama administration. A similar partisan dynamic in 2011 led to a downgrade of the nation’s credit rating.
A new year and the swearing in of a new Congress have not erased familiar battle lines between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to reining in America’s runaway national debt. The Senate’s top Republican, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, appeared on numerous U.S. television programs Sunday. He repeatedly was asked if his party will link raising the federal government’s borrowing limit to deep spending cuts. This was his response on CBS’ Face the Nation program. What I am willing to say is, if the president will not lead us in the direction of reducing this massive spending addiction that we have, then we have to use whatever leverage we have. And there are some examples of leverage coming along. The debt ceiling is one of them," he said.

Failure to grant additional borrowing authority could cause the federal government to run out of funds in coming months, and could shake global confidence in U.S. credit worthiness. As in 2011, many Republicans today are demanding a dollar in spending cuts for every dollar increase in the debt ceiling. But unlike two years ago, President Barack Obama says he will not bargain over the debt limit - a stance that all but dares Republicans to follow through on a threat that economists warn could inflict massive damage to the U.S. and global economy.

Democrats, like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, point out that a higher debt ceiling is required to cover spending Congress already approved. She argues it is a separate issue from looming budget battles over future federal spending. “Right now we have to pay the bill that has been incurred. If you want to cut spending for what we do next, [that is] fine. But you cannot say, ‘I am not paying the past debt’," she said. Republicans counter that absent dire consequences for inaction Congress will never agree to the painful spending cuts and reforms required to solve America’s fiscal woes. Democrats point out they have already voted in favor of more than $1 trillion in federal spending cuts. President Obama has said he is open to reforming costly programs that provide health care and other benefits to retirees.

Last week, Congress approved a measure to avert automatic tax hikes and delay deep spending cuts mandated under the so-called “fiscal cliff." The last-minute deal raised income tax rates for top earners. President Obama says a mix of spending cuts and additional revenues will be needed to reduce America’s trillion-dollar federal deficit. Republicans say taxes have already been dealt with, and debt-reduction efforts must now focus on spending alone.

If we had any brains, and could learn to think outside the box, we'd bring all our troops home, seal the borders and tell the rest of the world to try to live without us.

They'd come crawling back within a week. "Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease take us back! We'll be good, we promise!"

We never use our real power. Wouldn't even need a military if we did

Interesting...but would the US be able to live without the rest of the world? I'd worry about the ability of the country to sustain itself, especially with its oil dependency. And look at the trade situation with China. Without the US, China, as was pointed out, would collapse. But the US would equally suffer from a cessation of trade with China. Statistics show that the US imported 400 billion dollars worth of goods from China in 2011. The US and China depend on each other to survive. The US depends on the rest of the world as much as the rest of the world depends on the US.

Considering the American bankrolling of the UN, they should cease it of course, considering the fact that they ignored the UN in 2003 in order to invade another country.
As of late, nothing favorable to the U.S. comes out of the U.N. so why subsidize them. They scoff at our laws and chastize and margainalize us whenever the opportunity presents itself.

In simpler terms. If we say yes...they say no and vice-versa.
If we had any brains, and could learn to think outside the box, we'd bring all our troops home, seal the borders and tell the rest of the world to try to live without us.

They'd come crawling back within a week. "Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease take us back! We'll be good, we promise!"

We never use our real power. Wouldn't even need a military if we did.

Very true.

Think about it.

A weeks worth of container ships sitting empty, backed up in Shanghai harbor. Hundreds of thousands of layoffs all across China, with no safety net. One hundred million people who have just recently been pulled out of abject poverty being faced with the reality of returning to two handfuls of rice and a bicycle ..................................

Their government would capitulate within a week to our demand that they allow their currency to freely flow to its natural level, and play on an even field. Or they'd have a massive rebellion on their hands.

We wouldn't have to fire a shot.

They gonna destroy their best customer?

We're idiots. It's our greatest weapon, and we never use it.

yeah just think nothing on our shelves in our stores so no sales and our retail industry crashes...
No shoes or clothes for our children, no electronics, no food from Mexico and south America...
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Very true.

Think about it.

A weeks worth of container ships sitting empty, backed up in Shanghai harbor. Hundreds of thousands of layoffs all across China, with no safety net. One hundred million people who have just recently been pulled out of abject poverty being faced with the reality of returning to two handfuls of rice and a bicycle ..................................

Their government would capitulate within a week to our demand that they allow their currency to freely flow to its natural level, and play on an even field. Or they'd have a massive rebellion on their hands.

We wouldn't have to fire a shot.

They gonna destroy their best customer?

We're idiots. It's our greatest weapon, and we never use it.

yeah just think nothing on our shelves in our stores so no sales and our retail industry crashes...

The same argument when Japan was the "China of the Day" a few decades ago.
Think about it.

A weeks worth of container ships sitting empty, backed up in Shanghai harbor. Hundreds of thousands of layoffs all across China, with no safety net. One hundred million people who have just recently been pulled out of abject poverty being faced with the reality of returning to two handfuls of rice and a bicycle ..................................

Their government would capitulate within a week to our demand that they allow their currency to freely flow to its natural level, and play on an even field. Or they'd have a massive rebellion on their hands.

We wouldn't have to fire a shot.

They gonna destroy their best customer?

We're idiots. It's our greatest weapon, and we never use it.

yeah just think nothing on our shelves in our stores so no sales and our retail industry crashes...

The same argument when Japan was the "China of the Day" a few decades ago.

You are talking about closing our borders to all.
And Japan never had the market penetration here that Chinese products do.
yeah just think nothing on our shelves in our stores so no sales and our retail industry crashes...

The same argument when Japan was the "China of the Day" a few decades ago.

You are talking about closing our borders to all.
And Japan never had the market penetration here that Chinese products do.

I have a funny feeling that we will somehow survive. Besides, with the gutless creatures running our country...we wouldn't have the balls to do it anyway. So fear not.
The same argument when Japan was the "China of the Day" a few decades ago.

You are talking about closing our borders to all.
And Japan never had the market penetration here that Chinese products do.

I have a funny feeling that we will somehow survive. Besides, with the gutless creatures running our country...we wouldn't have the balls to do it anyway. So fear not.

their corporate masters would not let them do it.

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