Is Joe Biden the only hope for Democrats?

Too bad health he has. Looks very bad, I wonder if he's able to do some sums after cerebral aneurism.
I think Biden's a much better bet that Hilbat is.
Why? Because he has a smaller dynasty? It will expand if he become POTUS and then you'll hate him.
The establishment won't allow this video to be embedded, but it is critical viewing, so watch it.

Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel
Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel - YouTube

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) got into a heated confrontation with constituents during a town hall in his home state this past weekend. After a woman in the crowd asked Sanders about a Senate resolution that condemned Hamas but “said nothing” about Israel’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza, the senator became defensive, fighting off angry residents with shouts of “Excuse me! Shut up!”

So, to say he is ridiculous, docile and old is just an closely guarded image they are crafting in the CFR media. He is an dangerous DC insider.
Weird, when Black Lives Matter interupts him, he was as weak as a lamb. Here, he's telling people to shut up

Chris Hedges on Bernie Sanders and the Corporate Democrats
Chris Hedges on Bernie Sanders and the Corporate Democrats

“We’ve seen that routine before,” Nader said. “Unfortunately, Dennis Kucinich had to toe the line. He was done by April. They even kept him out of some of the debates. Yes, we have seen it before. They are done by April. And then they are forced into a loyalty oath to whoever wins the nomination. And of course, it’s invariably the corporate Democrats.”

Ralph Nader Radio Hour co-host Steve Skrovan asked Hedges what a liberal feeding frenzy within the Democratic Party would look like and why the Democratic Party was so afraid of a vigorous debate.

“Because the party is completely captive to corporate power,” Hedges said. “And Bernie has cut a Faustian deal with the Democrats. And that’s not even speculation. I did an event with him and Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein and Kshama Sawant in New York the day before the Climate March. And Kshama Sawant ,the Socialist City Councilwoman from Seattle and I asked Sanders why he wanted to run as a Democrat. And he said — because I don’t want to end up like Nader.”

“He didn’t want to end up pushed out of the establishment,” Hedges said. “He wanted to keep his committee chairmanships, he wanted to keep his Senate seat. And he knew the forms of retribution, punishment that would be visited upon him if he applied his critique to the Democratic establishment. So he won’t.”

“The lie of omission is still a lie,” Hedges said. “Bernie’s decision to play the game within the Democratic Party and in essence lend credibility to the party and lend credibility to Hillary Clinton is very destructive. A liberal feeding frenzy within the Democratic Party would see a rise of an actual liberal establishment within the party – I’m not sure one exists any more — that challenged the Party for selling out working men and women.”

This is What Happens When We Follow the Democrat Sheepdog. And What Can Happen If We Don't
This is What Happens When We Follow the Democrat Sheepdog. And What Can Happen If We Don t Black Agenda Report

Last month I called Bernie Sanders' Democratic party primary run “sheepdogging” my term for a move the national Democratic party seems to execute every presidential primary season when there's no incumbent White House Democrat. The job of the sheepdog candidate is to herd leftish voters and activists back into the Democratic party one more time by giving perhaps sincere but limited and ineffectual voice to some of their issues.

Of course every sheepdog candidate since Jesse Jackson in '84 and 88 always folds his tent at the end of primary season to support the main corporate stooge Democrat for the November election. The hopeful word is always that the defeated sheepdog remains firmly committed to pushing the Democratic nominee leftward, both on the campaign trail and even more hopefully in the White House. But this never happens either. Losing Democratic nominees Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry adopted none of the positions of their sheepdog primary opponents on peace or climate change or mass transit or housing or racial and economic justice, and Democratic winners Clinton and Obama ignored them in the White House as well.

Even though the sheepdog candidates are never able push their opponents leftward, they appear to do the corporate-run Democratic party a priceless favor. Their doomed campaigns ending in endorsement of the party's nominees serve to firmly attach the leftish brands of the losing sheepdogs to the Democratic party, burnishing its populist, peace and leftish credentials for Democrats.

Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
Reagan ran for the nomination and lost. Bush the first ran for the nomination and lost. Both went on to win the presidency.
The difference is neither of them suffered from foot in mouth disease the way Biden does.
All politicians make gaffes occasionally. Is it really so important?
Let's ask Governor Perry or Dan Quayle. Generally, it all depends on the media. The masses can't do their own thinking, so it depends on how often those gaffs are replayed and how much is the pundits make of them. Even Obama could have been destroyed by his gaffs, if the media had cared to, but they didn't.
I think Biden's a much better bet that Hilbat is.

Yes, and he's 50 IQ points higher in intelligence!

Poor dear. I guess Hillary derangement syndrome will be the follow-up to Obama derangement syndrome.

No need she wont be there. you need to worry about your own leftist throwing her overboard. she a pathetic candidate anyway.
1) The Clintons are burdened by so many scandals:

Essay - The China Connection -

Marc Rich presidential pardon How Eric Holder facilitated the most unjust presidential pardon in American history.

Alleged Bill Clinton Sexual Harassment Victim Hillary Clinton is the War on Women

Another big problem: Seven Reasons Hillary s Email Problems Won t Go Away RealClearPolitics

There's also her sense of privilege and her unattractive personality:

2) Bernie Sanders seems like a ridiculous old goat completely out of touch with today's voters, particularly minority voters:

3) O'Malley's chances declined when his city of Baltimore exploded.

O Malley s Baltimore record under scrutiny after riots -

Repubs are looking to have trump. Any dem can win.
1) The Clintons are burdened by so many scandals:

Essay - The China Connection -

Marc Rich presidential pardon How Eric Holder facilitated the most unjust presidential pardon in American history.

Alleged Bill Clinton Sexual Harassment Victim Hillary Clinton is the War on Women

Another big problem: Seven Reasons Hillary s Email Problems Won t Go Away RealClearPolitics

There's also her sense of privilege and her unattractive personality:

2) Bernie Sanders seems like a ridiculous old goat completely out of touch with today's voters, particularly minority voters:

3) O'Malley's chances declined when his city of Baltimore exploded.

O Malley s Baltimore record under scrutiny after riots -

The only hope for democrats is to disband the party and spend a year thinking about the past crimes their party participated in against people of color.
Please don't put in another Obama CLONE. we need these progressives out of our government and out of LIVES. you see what we've had to live with under eight years of that THUG Obama

You think things like the OWS, now the blacklivesmatters, taxes out the ass, growing Government, is bad NOW
"There is not a single candidate in the Democratic Party that is not bought and paid for by the establishment."

Just as there is not one candidate in the Republican party who is not a shill for corporations. With the exception of Trump who I am liking more and more, the rest of the GOP are puppets controlled by their corporate masters...with walker being the biggest puppet. I could not vote for him as I have lived in wisconsin my whole life and it isnt doing very well but 250 million dollars of taxpayer money was given to rich donors to build a new basketball stadium, (not that our roads need alot of help or anything). Trump is gaining respect because he is his own man, not bought and paid for by the corporate heads who want nothing more than to control every last aspect of this nation.

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