Is Joe Biden the only hope for Democrats?

The only hope for democrooks and everyone else in this country is that Ted Cruz gets elected and rolls back not only the liberalism of the moonbat messiah's regime, but all of the bullshit laws GWB "compromised" on.

If any democrook gets elected, the car will keep hauling ass toward the cliff.

If a RINO piece of shit gets elected the car will be pushed off the cliff.

I choose a candidate that will turn the car around.

A RINO ain't it, nor is any democrook.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but Cruz is a bought and paid for stooge of the establishment as well as any of the Democrats.

Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press
In the same realm, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz—whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence—has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor. A tea party favorite, Cruz—the son of a Christian Zionist minister—is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/pro-Israel agenda.

A Wife Committed to Cruz’s Ideals, but a Study in Contrasts to Him

A vegetarian with a Harvard M.B.A., Mrs. Cruz is a managing director at Goldman Sachs, one of the Wall Street firms that helped set off the populist rage that ushered Mr. Cruz into the Senate in 2012. She works for Goldman in Houston, where she lives with the couple’s two young children, and as her husband’s fame has increased — depending on the audience, he is among the most pilloried or revered members of the Senate — she has maintained a low profile.


Mrs. Cruz’s Goldman colleagues and the company’s political action committee also did their part, giving more than $65,000, making them the campaign’s second-largest source of contributions.

You're a 9/11 truthtard aren't you?

I honestly didn't know what a "truthtard" was, so I Googled it. :lmao: Kind of entertaining. This was the first hit. . .

I honestly didn't know what a "truthtard" was, so I Googled it. :lmao: Kind of entertaining. This was the first hit. . .


Usually when people start rambling about Rothchilds and zionists they're 9/11 truthtards.

I'll stick with my support for Cruz. His wife eating vegetables isn't an issue.

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Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
I honestly didn't know what a "truthtard" was, so I Googled it. :lmao: Kind of entertaining. This was the first hit. . .


Usually when people start rambling about Rothchilds and zionists they're 9/11 truthtards.

I'll stick with my support for Cruz. His wife eating vegetables isn't an issue.

But the fact that her bank owns him isn't either?
Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
Reagan ran for the nomination and lost. Bush the first ran for the nomination and lost. Both went on to win the presidency.
Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
Reagan ran for the nomination and lost. Bush the first ran for the nomination and lost. Both went on to win the presidency.
The difference is neither of them suffered from foot in mouth disease the way Biden does.
Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
Reagan ran for the nomination and lost. Bush the first ran for the nomination and lost. Both went on to win the presidency.
The difference is neither of them suffered from foot in mouth disease the way Biden does.
All politicians make gaffes occasionally. Is it really so important?
Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
Reagan ran for the nomination and lost. Bush the first ran for the nomination and lost. Both went on to win the presidency.
The difference is neither of them suffered from foot in mouth disease the way Biden does.
All politicians make gaffes occasionally. Is it really so important?
Occasionally yes but not with the frequency Biden seems to make them. Should they really matter no but in the world of politics they do look what happened to Romney for saying binders full of women.
That event in Seattle was staged, he and Hillary paid those BLM protesters. A thinking person can see a stage production for what it is. Bernie is Hillary's puppet ala Frank Underwood. He is a DC insider. Nothing in politics like this happens by chance.

His whole mission is to activate and motivate the far left that is disgusted with Hillary. When he goes to the Democrat convention, he will endorse Hillary, and all of his supporters will get on board like lemmings, completely forgetting what a corporate-industrialist war monger she is and who is funding and backing her.

This is Bernie's true character. He is a Zionist piece of shit. He came out as such, and when his progressive base called him on it, he went all ape shit.

The establishment won't allow this video to be embedded, but it is critical viewing, so watch it.

Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel
Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel - YouTube

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) got into a heated confrontation with constituents during a town hall in his home state this past weekend. After a woman in the crowd asked Sanders about a Senate resolution that condemned Hamas but “said nothing” about Israel’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza, the senator became defensive, fighting off angry residents with shouts of “Excuse me! Shut up!”

So, to say he is ridiculous, docile and old is just an closely guarded image they are crafting in the CFR media. He is an dangerous DC insider.

lmao... :Cuckoo:
Biden has run for President a couple of times before and never won the Democratic nomination in fact was never close to winning it there is a reason why people should think about that.
Reagan ran for the nomination and lost. Bush the first ran for the nomination and lost. Both went on to win the presidency.
The difference is neither of them suffered from foot in mouth disease the way Biden does.
The establishment won't allow this video to be embedded, but it is critical viewing, so watch it.

Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel
Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel - YouTube

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) got into a heated confrontation with constituents during a town hall in his home state this past weekend. After a woman in the crowd asked Sanders about a Senate resolution that condemned Hamas but “said nothing” about Israel’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza, the senator became defensive, fighting off angry residents with shouts of “Excuse me! Shut up!”

So, to say he is ridiculous, docile and old is just an closely guarded image they are crafting in the CFR media. He is an dangerous DC insider.
Weird, when Black Lives Matter interupts him, he was as weak as a lamb. Here, he's telling people to shut up
Biden better make sure his hands are washed. No one likes to shake hands with an old pervert who has been playing 'stinky finger' with teenage girls.
The establishment won't allow this video to be embedded, but it is critical viewing, so watch it.

Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel
Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel - YouTube

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) got into a heated confrontation with constituents during a town hall in his home state this past weekend. After a woman in the crowd asked Sanders about a Senate resolution that condemned Hamas but “said nothing” about Israel’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza, the senator became defensive, fighting off angry residents with shouts of “Excuse me! Shut up!”

So, to say he is ridiculous, docile and old is just an closely guarded image they are crafting in the CFR media. He is an dangerous DC insider.
Weird, when Black Lives Matter interupts him, he was as weak as a lamb. Here, he's telling people to shut up

Not sure why Jews support Dems at all
Hillary is going to find a way to bow out gracefully and keep her chances open for 2020
Hillary is going to find a way to bow out gracefully and keep her chances open for 2020
Her chances for what.... president of her cell block?
Hillary has already bought Martha Stewart's old orange jump suit. She had to have it altered though.
When the emails hundreds of classified email are made public Hillary will drop out siting 'health reasons'. Biden will have to step up to the plate.
The GOP is going to have a ball showing Biden 'paw' little girls on-stage where they were too afraid to smack the pervert in public.

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