Is MSNBC turning on Obama?

The buck stops with Obama- how many times does he have to say it...

OP- What an exciting, ADHD world Pub dupes inhabit LOL...

The UNCHANGING facts are SO boring in comparison to the imaginary infotainment/hate Pub propaganda machine...
I can just hear Obama at a press conference.

"IRS scandal? I heard it just like you, in the news. In fact, I was going to be debriefed earlier but my dog ate the report."

"Why do you keep asking me questions about the death of the Libyan ambassador? For the last time, I knew nothing about the attacks when they were happening. Now if you will excuse me, I will go try to find those responsible on Google Earth like I promised."

"NSA spying? The US government must know everything about everybody all over the world. However, this is the first I've heard about it, so if you would, please debrief me after the press conference."
You know, I don't know that I want anyone or any entity to "turn" on Obama... All I want is a little unbiased honesty from those in the fourth estate. They are supposed to monitor the political process, they are supposed ensure that political players don't abuse the democratic process.

It's been too long since they actually did this, I'm not even sure there a member of the media these days who capable of unbiased honesty. Jake Tapper maybe...

Perhaps they are finally waking up to their shortcomings, perhaps they are merely gearing up to help elect their next candidate.

Only time will tell...
Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States.

[ame=]I See Nothing - Sgt Schultz - YouTube[/ame]
You know, I don't know that I want anyone or any entity to "turn" on Obama... All I want is a little unbiased honesty from those in the fourth estate. They are supposed to monitor the political process, they are supposed ensure that political players don't abuse the democratic process.

It's been too long since they actually did this, I'm not even sure there a member of the media these days who capable of unbiased honesty. Jake Tapper maybe...

Perhaps they are finally waking up to their shortcomings, perhaps they are merely gearing up to help elect their next candidate.

Only time will tell...
If the media had practiced journalism instead of fawning advocacy, Obama would never have been elected.

In a normal world, one wouldn't equate reporting news honestly with turning on someone, but it's like we live in the Twilight Zone these days. Lately, there seems to be more honesty coming from the media and it does make you wonder what has changed.

Is it because the media is still pissed about being spied on by the Obama administration? That had to shake their trust and it was so mean considering how loyal they had been to him. It's like he had to test them to see who he could trust or not. If any of them had gone against him, even in private, there would be hell to pay. It's all so ugly. I recall many who refused to attend the off the record meeting Obama called with reporters, the one that no one was allowed to report on, and there have been so many reports of threats to reporters who didn't play along. Have they finally had enough of that bullshit?

The ratings of many liberal news shows is just as pitiful as Obama's approval rating. At some point, maybe salvaging their own reputation and careers became more important than throwing all their scruples out the window just to keep Obama out of hot water.

There are so many people hurting because of Obama's policies. People have lost jobs, homes, insurance and there is little hope on the horizon for many. When the number of angry people get to unmanageable levels, they can't be ignored and when the lies stop working, it's time to get real. Maybe the general public is becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Whether the media is bending to pressure from the people or developing a conscience of their own, who cares, as long as they actually report facts.

At least the media has to deal with the public in a professional manner. Once they lose their credibility completely, they are done. Obama is losing credibility, too, and I don't want to know how the administration, with it's massive stockpiles of ammo, intends to deal with an angry and disenfranchised public.

In a normal world, one wouldn't equate reporting news honestly with turning on someone, but it's like we live in the Twilight Zone these days. Lately, there seems to be more honesty coming from the media and it does make you wonder what has changed.

Is it because the media is still pissed about being spied on by the Obama administration? That had to shake their trust and it was so mean considering how loyal they had been to him. It's like he had to test them to see who he could trust or not. If any of them had gone against him, even in private, there would be hell to pay. It's all so ugly. I recall many who refused to attend the off the record meeting Obama called with reporters, the one that no one was allowed to report on, and there have been so many reports of threats to reporters who didn't play along. Have they finally had enough of that bullshit?

The ratings of many liberal news shows is just as pitiful as Obama's approval rating. At some point, maybe salvaging their own reputation and careers became more important than throwing all their scruples out the window just to keep Obama out of hot water.

There are so many people hurting because of Obama's policies. People have lost jobs, homes, insurance and there is little hope on the horizon for many. When the number of angry people get to unmanageable levels, they can't be ignored and when the lies stop working, it's time to get real. Maybe the general public is becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Whether the media is bending to pressure from the people or developing a conscience of their own, who cares, as long as they actually report facts.

At least the media has to deal with the public in a professional manner. Once they lose their credibility completely, they are done. Obama is losing credibility, too, and I don't want to know how the administration, with it's massive stockpiles of ammo, intends to deal with an angry and disenfranchised public.

And so, the great Socialist Experiment is failing?

Say it ain't so!
There is so much shit that has yet to hit the fan.

Just wait until the "website" is running full-tilt. Tens of millions of Americans will realize that they've been sold down the river and fucked up the ass at the same time.

The ACA may very well usher in the demise of the Democratic Party.

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