Is Mueller trying to invent a crime to fit his charges?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
It appears so, what is he going to do (I said this before) arrest us all on these anonymous message boards?

The attorney had argued that there is no specific federal law against interfering in a U.S. election. He said there are no previous prosecutions on defrauding the FEC by using fake social media personas.

Robert Mueller’s Russia case difficult to prosecute

Mueller brought the indictment in February against Concord, as well as a Russian trolling farm company and various Russian operatives.

The Concord indictment charges the firm’s chief, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Vladimir Putin confidant, with paying trolling farm operatives to assume fake American identities and spread falsehoods on social media to support Donald Trump for president

The indictment’s major charge is conspiracy to defraud the United States by circumventing federal requirements to disclose “foreign involvement in certain domestic activities.”

Mr. Dubelier’s argument: There is no evidence in the indictment of willful intent; that is, that Concord knew the functions of the FEC and violated them. Proving willful intent is required under federal conspiracy to defraud law, or Section 371


"There is no law or regulation requiring that any such speech be accurate or truthful or that any U.S. or foreign person truthfully or accurately identify herself or himself when engaging in such speech,” he said. “When it comes to political speech, one is free to pretend to be whomever he or she wants to be and to say whatever he or she wants to say.”

And lastly ..

The FEC law bans foreign contributions to U.S. federal campaigns, and it restricts the roles that foreigners can play for candidates. But it does not forbid foreigners from engaging in political debates.
Mueller is just hanging around in case there is some evidence left against Hillary and himself that he can destroy when it shows up. the rest is just political thuggery against Trump.
Dimms fake Russia collusion is fake.

Why should we trust the media, again? I keep forgetting.

We know this is a witch hunt,

Trump is the proverbial fly in the ointment.

Remember when HIllary said it’s fucked up not to accept the results of the election?

Why didn’t the media run that on a 24 hour loop?

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