is obama a lame duck ?

Spark up a stoogie's ovah..

Mitt's a shoo-in..

I really hope all the Republicans feel that way.
this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...

He got our troops out of Iraq, which McCain never would have done, and he also oversaw the operation to finally capture/kill Bin Laden, which Bush wouldn't do. Good enough for me for a first term, based on the Congress he has been forced to deal with.
He did not get our troops out IRAQ told him to get out. NICE try though.. Seals killed Bin Ladin .. Next

Check your constitution.

The President is Commander-in-Chief of the Military. He deserves praise when they succeed and blame when they screw up. Because for the most part..military policy originates at the White House.
No. Obama is NOT a lame duck. That title cannot be assigned until AFTER the election and he's lost.

Holy cripes. What in the HELL makes you MORONS think you are qualified to discuss politics when you don't even understand the FRICKING TERMS used and what they mean.

A lame duck is an elected official who is approaching the end of his or her tenure, and especially an official whose successor has already been elected.

Does it HURT to be so dumb? Do you work at NOT finding any new information that MIGHT contradict your original conclusions? What I mean to say is it an ACTIVE process whereby you don't FUCKING LEARN anything or is it easy and your brain just switches off? How do you deal with it when it's shown that you fundamentally misunderstood the issue, or in this case, basic political terminology. I mean I would be embarrassed personally to be shown to be such a dolt.

He got our troops out of Iraq, which McCain never would have done, and he also oversaw the operation to finally capture/kill Bin Laden, which Bush wouldn't do. Good enough for me for a first term, based on the Congress he has been forced to deal with.
He did not get our troops out IRAQ told him to get out. NICE try though.. Seals killed Bin Ladin .. Next

Check your constitution.

The President is Commander-in-Chief of the Military. He deserves praise when they succeed and blame when they screw up. Because for the most part..military policy originates at the White House.

16 dead afghani's agree with your post.
I hate Obama, but I bet he wins this election even easier than he won the last one.

If Santorum..or Newt is chosen as vice? Which now seems a real possibility?


Mitt has no chance no matter who his vice prez is.

Indies aren't gonna flock to Mitt, and Mitt's gonna lose a chunk of the fundamentalist crowed, it's gonne be a bloodbath much to your delight I'm sure. Me, since it won't be Paul, I couldn't care less who wins.
He did not get our troops out IRAQ told him to get out. NICE try though.. Seals killed Bin Ladin .. Next

Check your constitution.

The President is Commander-in-Chief of the Military. He deserves praise when they succeed and blame when they screw up. Because for the most part..military policy originates at the White House.

16 dead afghani's agree with your post.

Don't think I've posted anything different. Personally..I think it was a mistake to double down on Afghanistan. Obama should have went with Biden's advice on it.

Tough call..either way.
I hate Obama, but I bet he wins this election even easier than he won the last one.

If Santorum..or Newt is chosen as vice? Which now seems a real possibility?


Mitt has no chance no matter who his vice prez is.

Indies aren't gonna flock to Mitt, and Mitt's gonna lose a chunk of the fundamentalist crowed, it's gonne be a bloodbath much to your delight I'm sure. Me, since it won't be Paul, I couldn't care less who wins.

Pawlenty or Portman would be a vanilla choice..neither hurting or helping. I thought Huntsman might be good to reach out to moderates and independents. Christie would do the same thing and have a bit more star power. Martinez would be a real interesting choice..a latin woman. It would be a real eye opener it might help with both groups.

The others I've seen? Daniels, Rubio, Ryan, Jindal and McDonnell all come with a certain amount of baggage that while not in the same league as Newt or Rick..definitely would be a drag on the ticket.

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