is Obama going to take us over the cliff?

Does he figure he has no worries about reelection so America be damned as long as he gets his way? Brinkmanship is going to cost us dearly. Transform America indeed
Hummmmm....... "Brinkmanship is going to cost us dearly." Hummm............
What we have seen from day one of the Obama presidency is OBSTRUCTIONISM! Their continuing goal is to deny President Obama any success regardless of who gets hurt. Thanks to the republican party we have seen one crisis after another. There is your "brinkmanship" and make no mistake about it, the American public see who is responsible for it. In the last poll I saw 70% of Americans see the gop as the party responsible for our current crisis. If republican stupidity puts the US in default by not passing the debt ceiling it will be the death of the republican party. If the US defaults it will cost Americans billions of dollars with the drop in the markets. America will know where the fault lies. Republicans may tap dance around this and go into their normal denial mode but the truth is the truth.
The house has already sent bills over to fund the govt. This one is on O and the senate for refusing to negotiate.

"negotiate" being code word for give in to demands

If the dems aren't willing to negotiate they'll also be responsible for the default.

Not in the eyes of most people.
The Democrats have the media completely in their pocket. Which is why people, like above, think they are blameless. I watched both ABC and CBS's news on the shutdown - neither provide any discussion on WHY or WHAT Republicans want - only show all the terrible things happening because of "their" shutdown.
Neither mention Republican offers, not in anyway dare offer an opinion on how Obama and Reid have consistently refused to negotiate or even sit and talk about spending cuts.
The house has already sent bills over to fund the govt. This one is on O and the senate for refusing to negotiate.

"negotiate" being code word for give in to demands

If the dems aren't willing to negotiate they'll also be responsible for the default.
The Dems have negotiated. There original budget which was sent to the House several months ago called for the sequester funds to be restored. It was rejected by the gop. The current budget DOES NOT call for the sequester funds to be restored. The current budget is much smaller than the original budget. THAT IS COMPROMISE!
And how has the gop compromised? What have they given up? Nothing! Actually they have offered something: Give us everything we want or we will destroy the economy. THAT is called extortion. How is that for showing their love and concern for America?
Oh, and by the way, the Dems current budget figure (which republicans reject) is very close to the Ryan budget (which the gop is has been pushing for).
Wrong, Boehner has put several workable compromises on the table, its reid and obama who are refusing to do their jobs.

BTW, obama is not a fucking dictator. His job is to find common ground and keep the country moving.

Correction - Boehner was pressured by tea party stupids to tie demands on ACA to funding the government. He initially was opposed to tying ACA to funding the government.

ACA is terrible law, if this it what it takes to get it delayed or changed, then so be it.

why do you think obama and reid are fighting it so hard? because they know that when the american people find out what it will do to them, they will reject it completely.

they are determined to ram it home before the people are aware of what it really is.

Now there is some logic that will make mama proud.
Wrong, Boehner has put several workable compromises on the table, its reid and obama who are refusing to do their jobs.

BTW, obama is not a fucking dictator. His job is to find common ground and keep the country moving.

Correction - Boehner was pressured by tea party stupids to tie demands on ACA to funding the government. He initially was opposed to tying ACA to funding the government.

ACA is terrible law, if this it what it takes to get it delayed or changed, then so be it.

why do you think obama and reid are fighting it so hard? because they know that when the american people find out what it will do to them, they will reject it completely.

they are determined to ram it home before the people are aware of what it really is.
That is illogical. If they know it's going to be horrible why would they not try to stop it? What's more logical is that the cons are scared to death that people might actually like it and no one will listen to their bullshit scare tactics anymore.
Obama is doing a news conference right now and I must say, he's making Boehner and the Teaparty look pretty damn dumb.
I don't think he would care if we did

he believes he's WINNING something for HIS PARTY

that's more important to him than any of us
It's up to the House. All it needs to do is pass the Senate's CR without strings.

in other words, allow obama to dictate and just kowtow to him. you are an idiot, snake.

They're the ones who were stupid enough to shut government down, they can be the same idiots who will bring it back up. Democrats had nothing to do with this. It's all Boehner and the Teaparty.

I'm sure as hell no expert on congressional parlimentary procedure, but wouldn't it make sense to take regular votes on a clear CR and THEN "negotiate" if it didn't pass?


They are putting forth the bills that their electorate hired them to put forth. They were not elected to bow to the opposition

Ohh, this is rich.

Repubs: electorate hired them, they should not bow to opposition

Dems: electorate hired them, they should cave or its all their fault

what are we, twelve years old?
Hey Obama...stop running your big mouth and use those Dumbo size ears to listen to the American people. We don't want your health care plan.
Wrong, Boehner has put several workable compromises on the table, its reid and obama who are refusing to do their jobs.

BTW, obama is not a fucking dictator. His job is to find common ground and keep the country moving.

Correction - Boehner was pressured by tea party stupids to tie demands on ACA to funding the government. He initially was opposed to tying ACA to funding the government.

ACA is terrible law, if this it what it takes to get it delayed or changed, then so be it.

why do you think obama and reid are fighting it so hard? because they know that when the american people find out what it will do to them, they will reject it completely.

they are determined to ram it home before the people are aware of what it really is.

Hey, genius, the ACA is already here. It's not going anywhere. Boehner and the Insane Caucus will not get it defunded or delayed because Democrats will not play their game. Time to move on, sore losers.

Wrong, Boehner has put several workable compromises on the table, its reid and obama who are refusing to do their jobs.

BTW, obama is not a fucking dictator. His job is to find common ground and keep the country moving.

Correction - Boehner was pressured by tea party stupids to tie demands on ACA to funding the government. He initially was opposed to tying ACA to funding the government.

Bullshit. Stop repeating the lie.

Can't you libs ever tell the truth?

Boehner: 'It is time for us to stand and fight'

House Speaker John Boehner says he wasn't pulled into demanding concessions from Democrats to keep funding the government - he willingly joined with fellow Republicans.

"I and my members decided that the threat of Obamacare and what was happening was so important that it was time for us to take a stand. And we took a stand," the Ohio Republican said Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

That's even though he had offered a clean government funding bill to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) over the summer. "There was a conversation about doing this ... several," Boehner said, but he ultimately decided against it.

"I, working with my members, decided to do this in a unified way," the speaker said -- with demands to defund, delay or otherwise alter the Affordable Care Act

Boehner: 'It is time for us to stand and fight' -

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