is Obama going to take us over the cliff?

don't these Democrats voters sound like sheep?

they just repeat over and over what the elected masters in their party says the reason for all this is, Tea party, Republicans, tea party, republicans, tea party, blame goes to their party WHATSOEVER
it's embarrassing but they don't seem to care
Anyone remember Syria?

Anyone remember how the nuts around here were so confident that was going to bring down President Obama?

Anyone remember the fake scandals of Benghazi, the IRS??

Anyone remember how the nuts around here were so certain one of those affairs would bring down Obama,

get him impeached,

get him tried for treason???

Listen, you people, your nonsensical analyses of these situations are ALWAYS wrong.

You all need to learn to think.
It's up to the House. All it needs to do is pass the Senate's CR without strings.

in other words, allow obama to dictate and just kowtow to him. you are an idiot, snake.

Yes. ACA is a law. Even you should be able to figure out how laws are repealed.

how many repeal ACA votes has Reid allowed in the senate? Is he afraid one might pass?

the problem is that the ACA law is a very poorly written law that is full of crap that has nothing to do with medical care. It is terrrible legislation and should at a minimum be delayed for a year so the people affected by it will have time to understand what is doing to and for them.

the compromises put out by the house are very sensible and reasonable.

the problem is that obama and the dems cannot bring themselves to admit that obama's signature accomplishment is a heap of steaming dog shit.

I'm sure as hell no expert on congressional parlimentary procedure, but wouldn't it make sense to take regular votes on a clear CR and THEN "negotiate" if it didn't pass?


They are putting forth the bills that their electorate hired them to put forth. They were not elected to bow to the opposition

Ohh, this is rich.

Repubs: electorate hired them, they should not bow to opposition

Dems: electorate hired them, they should cave or its all their fault

what are we, twelve years old?

You should email that pricky and petulant piece of fecal matter who is the most pathetic and putrid excuse for a President and tell him to negotiate with Congress as all other Presidents have done before him.
Anyone remember Syria?

Anyone remember how the nuts around here were so confident that was going to bring down President Obama?

Anyone remember the fake scandals of Benghazi, the IRS??

Anyone remember how the nuts around here were so certain one of those affairs would bring down Obama,

get him impeached,

get him tried for treason???

Listen, you people, your nonsensical analyses of these situations are ALWAYS wrong.

You all need to learn to think.

Putin made obama look like a child on Syria

Benghazi is far from over, the truth will eventually get out and it will destroy hillary

IRS targeting political opponents has been proven, that too is not over

I don't think anyone believes that obama will be impeached, the country would not impeach the first black president if he took a shit on the original constitution and replaced it with Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

The corruption and ineptness of this administration will go down in history as the worst ever, and its really a shame because obama had the perfect opportunity to heal the country, instead he made the wounds deeper and more permanent.
They are putting forth the bills that their electorate hired them to put forth. They were not elected to bow to the opposition

Ohh, this is rich.

Repubs: electorate hired them, they should not bow to opposition

Dems: electorate hired them, they should cave or its all their fault

what are we, twelve years old?

You should email that pricky and petulant piece of fecal matter who is the most pathetic and putrid excuse for a President and tell him to negotiate with Congress as all other Presidents have done before him.

^seething hatred and jealousy
Does he figure he has no worries about reelection so America be damned as long as he gets his way? Brinkmanship is going to cost us dearly. Transform America indeed

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that blame will be apportioned equally. So far, it doesn't appear it's going to go down that way.

Or maybe, like Carb suggested, you know very well the Prez won't get as much blame as the guys you're rooting for and you're just being a troll. I won't bother asking you which it is, cuz I know you won't admit it anyway.
They are putting forth the bills that their electorate hired them to put forth. They were not elected to bow to the opposition

Ohh, this is rich.

Repubs: electorate hired them, they should not bow to opposition

Dems: electorate hired them, they should cave or its all their fault

what are we, twelve years old?

You should email that pricky and petulant piece of fecal matter who is the most pathetic and putrid excuse for a President and tell him to negotiate with Congress as all other Presidents have done before him.

He made that mistake two years ago.

Btw, love that bitterness. :badgrin:
Boehner was told by TeaPs they would bolt the caucus if he did not do as they say.

Boehner will bolt the TeaPs soon enough. Watch.
Hey Obama...stop running your big mouth and use those Dumbo size ears to listen to the American people. We don't want your health care plan.

For Pete's sake, we lost, do you know that?

When you lose a game, do you stop playing completely? Do you give up and concede the future to the guy who beat you in one game?

ACA is terrible law, it needs to be repealed or changed. if its not stopped now, it can never be stopped. We are balancing on the edge of the cliff, we can hold on or give up and fall into the abyss.
Then we need to get the votes to change it, Redfish.

The American people are not going to give us a chance to do so if we keep this up.
Boehner was told by TeaPs they would bolt the caucus if he did not do as they say.

Boehner will bolt the TeaPs soon enough. Watch.

then the country loses, and fools like you will celebrate :cuckoo:

We lose if we do it your way. We lose everything, BECAUSE we can't win this way.

We need to elect a majority in the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, and the TeaP was is the Death Way. You are going to have to give way to women and minorities in order to build the majority you want.
Boehner was told by TeaPs they would bolt the caucus if he did not do as they say.

Boehner will bolt the TeaPs soon enough. Watch.

then the country loses, and fools like you will celebrate :cuckoo:

We lose if we do it your way. We lose everything, BECAUSE we can't win this way.

We need to elect a majority in the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, and the TeaP was is the Death Way. You are going to have to give way to women and minorities in order to build the majority you want.

the tea party is not what you and the libtard media make it out to be. There are plenty of women and minorities who believe in smaller less intrusive govt and lower taxes.

Doing what is right, although temporarily painful, will get us where we want to be.

Caving to the dems and the biased media is the worst possible thing to do.
Boehner was told by TeaPs they would bolt the caucus if he did not do as they say.

Boehner will bolt the TeaPs soon enough. Watch.

then the country loses, and fools like you will celebrate :cuckoo:

We lose if we do it your way. We lose everything, BECAUSE we can't win this way.

We need to elect a majority in the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, and the TeaP was is the Death Way. You are going to have to give way to women and minorities in order to build the majority you want.

BTW, filling congress and the whitehouse with RINOS is no better than filling it with democraps.
The fact this thread exists shows how clueless many of you are about the way our system works.

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