Is Obama Obligated To Enforce The Law?


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Jul 21, 2009
Seems that the White House has looked at the executive powers of the president closely and have decided that they will apply the law whichever way they choose. Can they do this? Well apparently so:

Chicago lawyer Joseph A Morris, explains why this is impossible (to force the White House to enforce the law) riffing off Professor Adler's blog at Volokh Conspiracy

"It seems to me that, as a general proposition, the Executive has great discretion in deciding whether or not to refrain from enforcing law (as in deciding whether or not to prosecute any particular crime).

(As an aside, there is a conceptual nexus here to the Second Amendment debate. Governments -- Federal and State -- have authority to protect me from crime, and they have authority to prosecute people who commit crimes against me. But they have has no duty, enforceable by me, to protect me from crime, nor a duty, enforceable by me, to undertake any particular prosecution. There are exceptions, I suppose, as when government systematically refuses to protect me because of my race while it protects everyone of another race; or if I become a victim of crime because government somehow wrongfully put me in harm's way; but my remedies, even then, are likely to be civil damages rather than injunctions commanding government to protect or to prosecute. The absence of a cognizable "duty to protect" coupled with the practical inability to protect in many places and circumstances makes a compelling case in the interests of self-protection alone for the vindication of Second Amendment rights.)

Thus the remedy for the Executive's exercise of discretion not to enforce law is not judicial but political, that is, at the polls or by impeachment. [snip] Rather than impeaching Mr. Obama for refraining from enforcing ObamaCare, we should confer upon him a medal for admitting that his law is improvident, unenforceable, and, ineluctably, stupid and injurious to the people.

That medal should be conferred visibly, loudly, and repeatedly in public discourse from now through the elections of 2014 and probably all the way to 2016, for it is at the polls that the best, surest, and most resounding remedy will be found.

I call attention to the reference to an observation made by Randy Barnett that appears at the very end of Adler's post on VC [ed: Volokh Conspiracy]. Mr. Obama himself sets the precedent for a decision by a future President not to enforce ObamaCare in gross.

[snip] I observe that, in the absence of the conferment by a statute of some cognizable right that the statute makes assertable against a person (or entity) with a cognizable duty to yield to or satisfy the right (be it the government itself or a third party), it's hard to see how anyone has standing to seek judicial compulsion of executive action. And that's probably a good thing. If it is true that, in the real world, not every law can be enforced and not all laws can be enforced at all times, then someone has to decide which laws get enforced and which laws don't, and when. That, it seems to me, is a decision soundly committed by the Constitution to the Executive and not to the Legislature or the Judiciary. That the Legislature doesn't get to enforce the laws it makes is a check on the legislative power; that the Judiciary doesn't get to pick which cases come before it is a check on the judicial power. The Executive's power of inaction is thus a legitimate check on the powers of the other two branches, and the proper venue for review of the exercise of that is not the courtroom but the debating chamber or the hustings."

Read more: Articles: White House Down: Obama Version
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Articles: White House Down: Obama Version

The Volokh Conspiracy » The Implications of Delaying the Employer Mandate
Guess what folks.

Obama knows if a Republican gains the White House Obamacare is history. He set the precedent himself.

Makes one wonder what the Dems are willing to do to hang onto the White House from here on out.
Obama refuses to enforce our immigration laws and he also openly flaunted it last year when he announced he would no longer apply the law to immigrants of specific age groups.

Basically, he's made it life or death for Democrats to hang onto the White House. I expect them to try to get away with anything and everything the next couple of elections.
obamacard is not a health care issure. It's a pozzie scheme to brink more money into the treasury
Remember SS was supposed to be social security and was supposed to be off budget but has found it's way into the general fund and has used mainly to finance wars and such.
Obamacare will be in the general fund and who knows what it will be used for
obamacard is not a health care issure. It's a pozzie scheme to brink more money into the treasury
Remember SS was supposed to be social security and was supposed to be off budget but has found it's way into the general fund and has used mainly to finance wars and such.
Obamacare will be in the general fund and who knows what it will be used for

Some of it will be going to the NAACP, some to SEIU to get out the vote.
just a little fine tuning, before full implementation 2014 - nothing new there.
Guess what folks.

Obama knows if a Republican gains the White House Obamacare is history. He set the precedent himself.

Makes one wonder what the Dems are willing to do to hang onto the White House from here on out.

How's a republican president going to get rid of obamacare when the supreme court sanctioned it?
I wonder if courts can issue a "Writ of Mandamus" (Malbury vs Madison), if a law is not being equally applied (by race, religion, culture, ethnicity, etc).
Guess what folks.

Obama knows if a Republican gains the White House Obamacare is history. He set the precedent himself.

Makes one wonder what the Dems are willing to do to hang onto the White House from here on out.

He did admit somewhere that Obamacare is unworkable. Now that monstrosity is smattered all over our existing healthcare system...

Republicans had better get it in gear, this is their absolute last chance to impress me.
Obama is above the law. Obama is a god. Just ask Chris Matthews.
Guess what folks.

Obama knows if a Republican gains the White House Obamacare is history. He set the precedent himself.

Makes one wonder what the Dems are willing to do to hang onto the White House from here on out.

Well, from past experiences the Dems have used a wide variety nefarious things sometimes criminal to achieve their ends. In reference to your original post above. Obama choosing not to enforce the laws of the US government is a criminal violation of the oath he has taken twice. Whether it's ordering the DOJ or the FBI not to investigate Fast & Furious, Benghazi, or the IRS scandals to releasing detained illegal aliens.

Remember the following:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Just as every military officer Navy, Marine, Army and Air Force person must take the oath to support and defend the United States and the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic when entering our armed forces. They are expected to fulfill their jobs efficiently, never violating their vows. Why isn't our president expected to keep his oath to the PEOPLE that have elected him?B]
Guess what folks.

Obama knows if a Republican gains the White House Obamacare is history. He set the precedent himself.

Makes one wonder what the Dems are willing to do to hang onto the White House from here on out.

Well, from past experiences the Dems have used a wide variety nefarious things sometimes criminal to achieve their ends. In reference to your original post above. Obama choosing not to enforce the laws of the US government is a criminal violation of the oath he has taken twice. Whether it's ordering the DOJ or the FBI not to investigate Fast & Furious, Benghazi, or the IRS scandals to releasing detained illegal aliens.

Remember the following:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Just as every military officer Navy, Marine, Army and Air Force person must take the oath to support and defend the United States and the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic when entering our armed forces. They are expected to fulfill their jobs efficiently, never violating their vows. Why isn't our president expected to keep his oath to the PEOPLE that have elected him?B]

What if Obama decides he has very little ability or desire to defend, protect and defend the Constitution?
obama always thought he was elected king. That's what he meant when right after the election he appeared before congressmen and said "I won".
You guys got it all wrong.

obama isn't the threat. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is.

If the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM wanted to, they could end obama's presidency within a Month.

They could raise dozens of questions about his past, hammer him on his decisions and mistakes and generally make "The People" aware of what a scumbag he is.

If the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM wanted to.

But that ain't gonna happen.

And you know what can be done about it?

Nothing. Not a goddamned thing.

We can sit around and bitch and piss and moan all we want, but nothing can be done about the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. They and the dimocrap party are one and the same.

Did you guys in here have a thread on the cross-breeding between the obama White House and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM? I'm sure you did and I just missed it.

That's not an accident, folks. That's the way it is.

Totally, completely and absolutely. They don't even try to hide anymore.

If we are even to be a Free Country ever again... dimocraps are not the enemy, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is.

We can handle dimocraps. In a fair election, with fair advertising time, and with fair coverage of political campaigns and politicians....?? We'd kick dimocrap ass.... Bad.

But with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lying for dimocraps, with them carrying their water, with them omitting and refusing to report on their crimes, mistakes and oversights and with them hi-liting every single thing any Republican says or does that is even slightly off-color while ignoring MAJOR dimocrap crimes and disgusting behavior....

We got no chance. No amount of money will change that.
You guys got it all wrong.

obama isn't the threat. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is.

If the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM wanted to, they could end obama's presidency within a Month.

They could raise dozens of questions about his past, hammer him on his decisions and mistakes and generally make "The People" aware of what a scumbag he is.

If the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM wanted to.

But that ain't gonna happen.

And you know what can be done about it?

Nothing. Not a goddamned thing.

We can sit around and bitch and piss and moan all we want, but nothing can be done about the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. They and the dimocrap party are one and the same.

Did you guys in here have a thread on the cross-breeding between the obama White House and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM? I'm sure you did and I just missed it.

That's not an accident, folks. That's the way it is.

Totally, completely and absolutely. They don't even try to hide anymore.

If we are even to be a Free Country ever again... dimocraps are not the enemy, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is.

We can handle dimocraps. In a fair election, with fair advertising time, and with fair coverage of political campaigns and politicians....?? We'd kick dimocrap ass.... Bad.

But with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lying for dimocraps, with them carrying their water, with them omitting and refusing to report on their crimes, mistakes and oversights and with them hi-liting every single thing any Republican says or does that is even slightly off-color while ignoring MAJOR dimocrap crimes and disgusting behavior....

We got no chance. No amount of money will change that.

Well, we could change their names to Disgustingly Filthy LaimStream Media or DFLSM.

I've been bitching about the MSM for over 10 years and it hasn't done any good. The only thing I can do is not watch them. It practically turns my stomach watching them for any period of time because they are so warped. And every year they and the president have a black-tie affair to celebrate what kind of wool they pulled over the public's eyes.
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There are really two different questions.

1.) Is it his job to enforce the laws Congress has passed?

2.) Is there a punishment waiting for him if he does NOT enforce the laws as passed?

The answers, of course, are: (1) Yes, and (2) No.

Ourr government was designed around people who would pay attention to the former.

The Democrats care only about the latter.
There are really two different questions.

1.) Is it his job to enforce the laws Congress has passed?

2.) Is there a punishment waiting for him if he does NOT enforce the laws as passed?

The answers, of course, are: (1) Yes, and (2) No.

Ourr government was designed around people who would pay attention to the former.

The Democrats care only about the latter.

Our government was designed around people that had this nation's best interest in mind.

They assume that the President would have at least of modicum of integrity to get elected.
Guess what folks.

Obama knows if a Republican gains the White House Obamacare is history. He set the precedent himself.

Makes one wonder what the Dems are willing to do to hang onto the White House from here on out.

can you say immigration reform and selling out the middle class?
You guys got it all wrong.

obama isn't the threat. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is.

If the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM wanted to, they could end obama's presidency within a Month.

They could raise dozens of questions about his past, hammer him on his decisions and mistakes and generally make "The People" aware of what a scumbag he is.

If the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM wanted to.

But that ain't gonna happen.

And you know what can be done about it?

Nothing. Not a goddamned thing.

We can sit around and bitch and piss and moan all we want, but nothing can be done about the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. They and the dimocrap party are one and the same.

Did you guys in here have a thread on the cross-breeding between the obama White House and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM? I'm sure you did and I just missed it.

That's not an accident, folks. That's the way it is.

Totally, completely and absolutely. They don't even try to hide anymore.

If we are even to be a Free Country ever again... dimocraps are not the enemy, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is.

We can handle dimocraps. In a fair election, with fair advertising time, and with fair coverage of political campaigns and politicians....?? We'd kick dimocrap ass.... Bad.

But with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lying for dimocraps, with them carrying their water, with them omitting and refusing to report on their crimes, mistakes and oversights and with them hi-liting every single thing any Republican says or does that is even slightly off-color while ignoring MAJOR dimocrap crimes and disgusting behavior....

We got no chance. No amount of money will change that.

Well, we could change their names to Disgustingly Filthy LaimStream Media or DFLSM.

I've been bitching about the MSM for over 10 years and it hasn't done any good. The only thing I can do is not watch them. It practically turns my stomach watching them for any period of time because they are so warped. And every year they and the president have a black-tie affair to celebrate what kind of wool they pulled over the public's eyes.

I have an idea that would work but would be painful for the Republican Party.

Don't go on the TV. Don't give interviews to newspapers.

Not all of them. FNC is fair. The WSJ and a couple others are pretty fair.

Just don't go. "Meet The Depressed" calls and wants Speaker Boehner on Sunday Morning?

Tell them to eat shit.

The New Yawk Slimes wants an interview with Ted Cruz? Suck on it.

Just don't go on their programs. Just don't give the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM the opportunity to ambush you or ask the question, "Mr Republican, America wants to know if you've stopped beating your wife?"

A total boycott. Wanna get your message out? Use FNC.

Don't even buy advertising on LSM outlets. AT all. Not a penny.

Doesn't matter anyway. If you watch, about half the time when they run a PAID Republican ad on TV, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM usually has a panel on immediately afterwards to debunk it or runs a dimocrap ad immediately afterward to contradict it.

If we run an expensive ad in the Slimes, it's usually close to an Editorial slamming us.

A complete blackout. It's the only thing we can do to get them to stop.

It would hurt. A lot. They'd tell us it's all our own fault. But they'd have to cave after a while. I think a few Months. Maybe a year. But they'd have to cave.

The Network and Newspaper owners? They want their money.

Is there any chance of this happening?

Somewhere between slim and none. And Slim just walked out the door.

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