Is Obama’s strategy really “anti-ISIS strategy”?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Report: American-supplied arms fell into al Qaeda’s hands
September 19th, 2013

Buried in an interesting account by The Wall Street Journal is this nugget of information (emphasis added):

The Supreme Military Council, led by Gen. Idriss, has been the focus of U.S. efforts to bring a command-and-control structure to rebels–but has now lost to the Islamist extremists most of its ability to operate in some parts of the north.
ISIS fighters recently raided a council arms depot filled with lights [sic] weapons and ammunition, funded by the Gulf states and funneled to the council with the guidance of the Central Intelligence Agency, council members said.
How U.S. Weapons Fall Into the Hands of Terrorists
Nov 24, 2014

“But some of the weaponry recently supplied by the army has already ended up on the black market and in the hands of Islamic State fighters, according to Iraqi officers and lawmakers. American officials directed questions to the Iraqi government. “I told the Americans, don’t give any weapons through the army—not even one piece—because corruption is everywhere, and you will not see any of it,” said Col. Shaaban al-Obeidi of the internal security forces, also a Sunni tribal leader in Anbar Province. “Our people will steal it.”

Iraqi forces lose 74,000 machine guns, 40 tanks to ISIS
Jun 03, 2015
As the anti-ISIS coalition prepared to meet in Paris this week, Iraq Prime Minister Haider Abadi dropped a bombshell: Telling Iraqi state television that his forces lost 2,300 armored Humvees when Mosul fell to ISIS last year.
The State Department says the administration has no plans to change its anti-ISIS strategy.”


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
this C-in-C is beyond belief....

either he is a complete dupe or else he has nefarious treasonous objectives...
this C-in-C is beyond belief....

either he is a complete dupe or else he has nefarious treasonous objectives...

ISIS is Obama's creation! At every turn Obama has worked to embolden our enemies and destroy America from within!

Obama has added more to the national debt than any other president;

He has given aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO;

He has attempted to strike a deal with a hostile foreign nation behind closed doors and without the consent of the United State Senate being required as commanded by our Constitution;

He is allowing a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, and swear an allegiance to the United States:

He has transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

He has stood by and allowed an Islamic terrorist state to move forward with producing the component parts for a nuclear arsenal;

He has allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America;

He has decided to prop up the communist government of Cuba by normalizing relations, which in turn will yield a needed infusion of money to strengthen this government’s iron fist around the necks of its citizens;

He has released thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our nation’s population;

He is responsible for undermining our election process by making it easy for ineligible persons to vote;

He has interfered with our nation’s ability to develop our natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel our economy;

He has worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

He has intentionally sabotaged our nation’s health care delivery system:

He has blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

He is responsible for a dramatic increase in the number of people receiving food stamps;

He is responsible for a dramatic drop in fulltime employment;

He is responsible for a dramatic increase in the unemployment rate of our nation’s Black youth;

He has used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transferred $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

He has repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

He has stood by and allowed his Administration to use the force of the federal government to attack "conservatives" who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech;

Who can truthfully deny Obama is intentionally attempting to destroy America from within?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Islamic terrorist activities begin in our southern Border States or cities like New York City?
It isn't already funny at all. All we know who sponsored the ISIS to threaten Iran previously. Now these radicals out of control. We need another power to oppose them. This policy demands more money. Obama won't call it a treason. It looks like another mistake more.

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