Is Officer Wilson Expendable?

it makes more sense today because we are dealing with a more vicious enemy. even a few decades ago, it was taboo to kill a cop. todays criminals could care less. in fact, their perspective is its better to kill one. and if you can't get them, go after their families. we need guns today more than ever. when you eliminate crime, personal attacks, murders, rapes and tame the animals you love to support with welfare, then talk to me about whether guns are needed. fact is liberal policies have made guns more necessary than ever. never mind they are our rights.

btw, if your analogy held any water about the founding fathers using bleeding to cure strep throat, which it doesn't. then ever right is suspect. hell even racial profiling and killing gays is ok because there rights are nos suspect.

Well, as I've said many times.

There are no "rights". There are privileges society lets you have. and those privileges are based on what society accepted. which is why for centuries, gays were persecuted, until someone actually evaluated the "right" and say, "Hey, when you take out the religious stupidity and the ick factor, you really don't have a leg to stand on with your homophobia."

So again, I ask, does it make sense for the whole society to be armed.

Not really. The main reason why cops are armed as heavily as they are is because they know every drunken guy in a wife-beater t-shirt might be potentially armed. More guns aren't going to fix that problem.

Neither will less guns.

You think criminals are going to ask for permission to buy or own a gun? DERP!

Neither will less guns.

You think criminals are going to ask for permission to buy or own a gun? DERP!

You mean like every other industrialized Democracy that either bans private gun ownership or severely limits who can buy a gun?


They all have a small fraction of our murder and crime rates.


But let's pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Neither will less guns.

You think criminals are going to ask for permission to buy or own a gun? DERP!

You mean like every other industrialized Democracy that either bans private gun ownership or severely limits who can buy a gun?


They all have a small fraction of our murder and crime rates.


But let's pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Triple DERP to you jackass, because those countries weren't founded with firearm rights in the first place.and their societies are nowhere near comparable to ours because of that fact.

Even if some dumbass like you actually tried to outlaw guns, that wouldn't make the millions that are in the country automagically disintegrate, and it wouldn't stop people from having them imported.

It's a global economy, and people are going to do whatever they need to do in order to have the upper hand. When that comes to protecting my family and home, I'll break any fucking law there is to keep them alive, because being legal don't mean shit if you're dead.

Fucking DERP!

Triple DERP to you jackass, because those countries weren't founded with firearm rights in the first place.and their societies are nowhere near comparable to ours because of that fact.

Even if some dumbass like you actually tried to outlaw guns, that wouldn't make the millions that are in the country automagically disintegrate, and it wouldn't stop people from having them imported.

It's a global economy, and people are going to do whatever they need to do in order to have the upper hand. When that comes to protecting my family and home, I'll break any fucking law there is to keep them alive, because being legal don't mean shit if you're dead.

Fucking DERP!

A gun in one's home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in that home than a bad guy. Maybe you should just get a rabid pit bull to protect your home. It would have about the same effect.

Triple DERP to you jackass, because those countries weren't founded with firearm rights in the first place.and their societies are nowhere near comparable to ours because of that fact.

Even if some dumbass like you actually tried to outlaw guns, that wouldn't make the millions that are in the country automagically disintegrate, and it wouldn't stop people from having them imported.

It's a global economy, and people are going to do whatever they need to do in order to have the upper hand. When that comes to protecting my family and home, I'll break any fucking law there is to keep them alive, because being legal don't mean shit if you're dead.

Fucking DERP!

A gun in one's home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in that home than a bad guy. Maybe you should just get a rabid pit bull to protect your home. It would have about the same effect.

No matter how many times you repeat what has been debunked countless times, it's still not going to make it true.

Face it Joe, you got pwned in every aspect of this discussion. Bow out gracefully.
it makes more sense today because we are dealing with a more vicious enemy. even a few decades ago, it was taboo to kill a cop. todays criminals could care less. in fact, their perspective is its better to kill one. and if you can't get them, go after their families. we need guns today more than ever. when you eliminate crime, personal attacks, murders, rapes and tame the animals you love to support with welfare, then talk to me about whether guns are needed. fact is liberal policies have made guns more necessary than ever. never mind they are our rights.

btw, if your analogy held any water about the founding fathers using bleeding to cure strep throat, which it doesn't. then ever right is suspect. hell even racial profiling and killing gays is ok because there rights are nos suspect.

Well, as I've said many times.

There are no "rights". There are privileges society lets you have. and those privileges are based on what society accepted. which is why for centuries, gays were persecuted, until someone actually evaluated the "right" and say, "Hey, when you take out the religious stupidity and the ick factor, you really don't have a leg to stand on with your homophobia."

So again, I ask, does it make sense for the whole society to be armed.

Not really. The main reason why cops are armed as heavily as they are is because they know every drunken guy in a wife-beater t-shirt might be potentially armed. More guns aren't going to fix that problem.
We do have rights. They are called the bill of rights. Only short sighted people like you see them as otherwise and believe you can infringe on them.

More guns have resulted in fewer deaths. The numbers have shown that. The number of guns increases every year and the number of deaths continue to decline.

Most people who don't like homosexuality dont have religious issues. They simply find it wrong and offensive.

Triple DERP to you jackass, because those countries weren't founded with firearm rights in the first place.and their societies are nowhere near comparable to ours because of that fact.

Even if some dumbass like you actually tried to outlaw guns, that wouldn't make the millions that are in the country automagically disintegrate, and it wouldn't stop people from having them imported.

It's a global economy, and people are going to do whatever they need to do in order to have the upper hand. When that comes to protecting my family and home, I'll break any fucking law there is to keep them alive, because being legal don't mean shit if you're dead.

Fucking DERP!

A gun in one's home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in that home than a bad guy. Maybe you should just get a rabid pit bull to protect your home. It would have about the same effect.
Repeating the same misinformation over and over doesn't make it right. Time to come up with some new spin

No matter how many times you repeat what has been debunked countless times, it's still not going to make it true.

Face it Joe, you got pwned in every aspect of this discussion. Bow out gracefully.

Pouting and saying "I don't WANT Kellerman to be true!!!" isn't refuting it.

Refuting it if conducting another study and finding it not to be the case.

Except when Kellerman came out, the National Rampage Association went to Congress and cut all funds to study gun violence. Shiiiiit, they didn't want some study proving guns kill more innocent people than they protect.
We do have rights. They are called the bill of rights. Only short sighted people like you see them as otherwise and believe you can infringe on them.

More guns have resulted in fewer deaths. The numbers have shown that. The number of guns increases every year and the number of deaths continue to decline.

Most people who don't like homosexuality dont have religious issues. They simply find it wrong and offensive.

If a right exists, it should be a physical thing.

But you are right on one point. Most of you assholes are just using religion to cover up your homophobia. Because you know, "I think the butt sex is icky" isn't a very compelling argument by itself.

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