Is Purging Voter Rolls "Cheating?"

Yeah. Trump claimed that in 2016 3-5 million illegals voted, but he did nothing about it. 😂
He secured the borders letting far less illegals in. Fact. He also deported as many as he could find. Another fact.
It isn't cheating.

Then why do you Nazis go to court to block it - EVERY TIME?

Oh, because "deceased Americans" are a CRITICAL voting bloc for your Reich.

Nor is it cheating to have a bunch of long-inactive voters on the voter rolls.

The simple solution to this is as follows:

Every 10 years--Lets say a year that ends in a 5 (2025, 2035, 2045, etc...) if someone hasn't used their Voter Registration Card, void the card. I was looking at an old VRC of mine yesterday at an address I no longer live at in a state where I no longer live. I wouldn't be surprised to see that I'm still on the rolls in that state. I didn't contact anyone at the voter registration office when I moved.

When you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone", the person who could be doing the above loses their job. It is the price you pay for a "small" government. Elections should be expensive.

Better idea - you have to register - in person - with photo ID - for EVERY major election.

I have to get a background check with photo ID for EVERY gun I buy. Not once every 10 years if I haven't bought one recently, EVERY single time.
I honestly don't see the need to take a dead person off the rolls. A few or several months ago, it was announced that Facebook now has more dead people as users than live ones. People have died without having the courtesy to delete their accounts and young people are trending away from Facebook. Since they don't post anymore who cares?

I know voting is far more important Facebooking, I'm not making that comparison. But the principle is the same. As long as they aren't active, they can't affect anything.

I agree with that, and I'm not sure that most felons are that policially active anyway. Just leave them on the rolls, but make it a felony to even try to vote if you're a felon.

I don't think this should be done at all. There is no requirement that one vote with a certain frequency to maintain the right to vote.

I'm sure lots of people who had foresakened the political process due to the clear collusion between the so-called two parties were suddenly interested again when Trump ran. Many who did not even bother voting for Trump in 2016 likely saw how good he was for the country and turned out for him in 2020.

Unless they had been purged.

Mail in ballots are ALL about dead people.

Those millions of dead voters are mailed ballots - which count toward the democrats.
in california you get 1 shot....if the person who is on that card they get sent doesnt reply it says on the card you may get purged and will have to re-register......


I talk about my dad voting for Biden, and how he never would have done that when he was alive. He died in 2017 and was mailed a ballot for the 2018 and 2020 election. Mom died and I sold their Covina Hills house. As executor, I had their mail forwarded to my Yorba Linda home. I got ballots for both mother and father for the 2022 election.

AND THAT is the source of 90% of the election fraud democrats depend on.

I talk about my dad voting for Biden, and how he never would have done that when he was alive. He died in 2017 and was mailed a ballot for the 2018 and 2020 election. Mom died and I sold their Covina Hills house. As executor, I had their mail forwarded to my Yorba Linda home. I got ballots for both mother and father for the 2022 election.

AND THAT is the source of 90% of the election fraud democrats depend on.
did the registrar of voters know they died?....
did the registrar of voters know they died?....
How would they?

There is no mechanism to maintain valid voter roles in California.

The people must DEMAND free and fair elections - and we don't have them at this point. Registration is a two year affair - one major election - then you must register again. Using photo id in person.

Those cards you were talking about are ONLY sent out if a drivers license lapses.
How would they?

There is no mechanism to maintain valid voter roles in California.

The people must DEMAND free and fair elections - and we don't have them at this point. Registration is a two year affair - one major election - then you must register again. Using photo id in person.

Those cards you were talking about are ONLY sent out if a drivers license lapses.
no you are a letter carrier in Anaheim the register used to send out cards every other year to registered voters for the people to "upgrade" their status....if you sent those cards back with "deceased" on them the register,if they do their job, would then take them off the rolls,.......i dealt with this shit for many years....the only real problems were with Apt complexes because people come and go out of them and many never change their addresses....
How would they?

There is no mechanism to maintain valid voter roles in California.

The people must DEMAND free and fair elections - and we don't have them at this point. Registration is a two year affair - one major election - then you must register again. Using photo id in person.

Those cards you were talking about are ONLY sent out if a drivers license lapses.
Exactly why voter rolls should be purged.
How would they?

There is no mechanism to maintain valid voter roles in California.

The people must DEMAND free and fair elections - and we don't have them at this point. Registration is a two year affair - one major election - then you must register again. Using photo id in person.

Those cards you were talking about are ONLY sent out if a drivers license lapses.

The word is "rolls".
Then why do you Nazis go to court to block it - EVERY TIME?
Nothing was blocked. It was laughed out of court.
Oh, because "deceased Americans" are a CRITICAL voting bloc for your Reich.
Well thanks to Obama care, people are living longer than ever.
Better idea - you have to register - in person - with photo ID - for EVERY major election.
Major election? The most important elections are local elections. Better idea...same day registration for voting for all citizens, a month of early voting; excuse free mail in balloting.

You do want people to vote, don't you Adolph?
I have to get a background check with photo ID for EVERY gun I buy. Not once every 10 years if I haven't bought one recently, EVERY single time.
Well, you're clearly an unhinged lunatic who is out to hurt someone. I mean...look at your rhetoric on this message board. The feds are on the ball.
no you are a letter carrier in Anaheim the register used to send out cards every other year to registered voters for the people to "upgrade" their status....if you sent those cards back with "deceased" on them the register,if they do their job, would then take them off the rolls,.......i dealt with this shit for many years....the only real problems were with Apt complexes because people come and go out of them and many never change their addresses....

As a Yorba Linda resident born in Sierra Madre and Raised in Covina Hills, I nor anyone in my family ever got such a card UNTIL my dad got too old to drive and let his license lapse. Then I found out that it is a lapse in a driver's license that triggers the registrar of voters to send them. Remember, California has the motor voter (give illegals the vote) law. The DMV controls voter registration.
I would not call it cheating unless it somehow reduces the ability of certain people to vote in a deliberate way, that is illegitimate.

For example, purging the voter rolls of dead people to keep dead people from voting is legitimate. Purging voter rolls of people who haven't voted in several elections is also legitimate. Purging voter rolls of people who are not citizens or not old enough to vote is legitimate.

But it could lead to problems that cause disenfranchisement.

For example, if Peter Mayfield - a name I randomly made up - has not voted in a decade, purging his name is legitimate. But what if the wrong Peter Mayfield is taken off? I searched on that name - again I made it up about a minute ago - and found a Peter Mayfield in the Dallas restaurant promotion business, a Peter Mayfield on Facebook, a Peter Mayfield in the 1940 census, and a Peter Mayfield who is a stuntman.

Purging dead people could cause the same issue. But the solution is easy and obvious. It need not be at all partisan.

Require picture ID to register, and then picture ID to vote. Then who cares of a dead guy is still on the voter rolls? He won't show up with a picture ID unless the Democrats people wishing to cheat go through much more effort than cheaters are usually willing to put forth.

Picture ID doesn't make it impossible to cheat, but it makes it harder which is all Republicans people who want to stop election cheating can reasonbly ask.

Typically, no. But it can be. I recall Florida compiling a list of names of felons that should have been purged but the list was flawed and had relatively few Hispanics. In Florida, Cubans tend to vote Republican.
Typically, no. But it can be. I recall Florida compiling a list of names of felons that should have been purged but the list was flawed and had relatively few Hispanics. In Florida, Cubans tend to vote Republican.
The Florida felon voter purge was done with lax matching rules. So that common names matched the wrong people.
If John Andrew Smith was a felon, they would match John A. Smith
even if that John A. Smith was John Allen Smith, or John Aaron Smith, or John Alvin Smith, living at a different address.
The Florida felon voter purge was done with lax matching rules. So that common names matched the wrong people.
If John Andrew Smith was a felon, they would match John A. Smith
even if that John A. Smith was John Allen Smith, or John Aaron Smith, or John Alvin Smith, living at a different address.

Even worse, they did something to filter out Hispanics. In a list of some 50K names, it included only a few dozen. That list was so corrupt, there were counties which refused to use it.
As a Yorba Linda resident born in Sierra Madre and Raised in Covina Hills, I nor anyone in my family ever got such a card UNTIL my dad got too old to drive and let his license lapse. Then I found out that it is a lapse in a driver's license that triggers the registrar of voters to send them. Remember, California has the motor voter (give illegals the vote) law. The DMV controls voter registration.
well then they changed.....when i was carrying mail they sent cards out every 2 years in the summertime...
Even worse, they did something to filter out Hispanics. In a list of some 50K names, it included only a few dozen. That list was so corrupt, there were counties which refused to use it.

The Florida sec of state tried to use plausible deniability in putting out the list. They said that voting boards should use the list, but didn't mandate it. And later said that it was up to the local voting board to check the list for accuracy before using it to purge voters.

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