Is Racism wrong for a Christian?


Dec 3, 2012
south east Michigan
Most Christians today,at least publicly,would say racism has no place in the life of a Christian. In fact racism has become synonymous with hatred and hatred is clearly condemned in the Bible.

I believe there are different kinds of racism. One is just a pride in one’s own race and wanting to preserve the racial makeup of a certain geographic or national area. Another type of racism is much more sinister in seeking the destruction of all other races. Still there are those who call other races derogatory names. I believe as a Christian it is never right to use course or foul language, including the N word and I don’t allow my children to use language like this.

The reason for negative views of racism can come from many Biblical sources.

The Bible teaches we all come from one blood…the blood of Adam. It also teaches in the book of Revelation that in heaven every tribe,kindred and people will be represented.

“God that made the world and all things therein…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation” Acts 17: 24 & 26

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands” Revelation 7:9

The Bible also teaches us not to not look down on others or treat people differently than we would want to be treated.

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Galatians 5:14

Let’s revisit hatred though for a second. Many Christians do not realize that there is one type of hatred the Bible does not condemn, in fact it encourages it. This is hatred of evil. God hates sin and wants his children to hate sin.

“I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.” Psalm 26:5

“Ye that love the Lord, hate evil” Psalm 97:10

“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” Proverbs 8:13

I do not hate anyone. I do however hate certain behaviours that are prevalent among certain ethnicities and races. This may sound like a cliché, but I have had many friends over the years from different racial backgrounds.

The Bible says that all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, it makes clear that the heart of man is wicked. However we also know that man is capable of some good because he is made in the image and likeness of God. This is why some mothers sacrifice themselves for their children. This is why a solider falls on a grenade to protect his comrades.

I say all this to say - I believe that among every race and ethnicity of people there are those who love their wives and children and would gladly lay down their lives for their family. They respect the private property of their neighbor and work hard to support their families. There are kind and generous people of every race..these things unite us in our common humanity.

This does not mean that every race demonstrates all the good qualities I previously mentioned at the same percentage level. Is it possible that some races of people are more prone to violence and anger than others? Is it possible that some races are more prone to laziness or theft than others? Many would argue these behaviors are all cultural and environmental. Even if it is biological, they would argue it is only at the individual level and not a racial level.

Some would point to passages like this one in Paul’s letter to the Galatians to argue against any difference between races(and gender for that matter):

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

It is true that in Christ, as Christians there are no differences based on our racial or ethnic background, or even our gender. What this refers to is in the Church we should not turn down someone from coming in who is of a different racial or ethnic background. We are Christians first, and then all these other things second. It also refers to the fact that when we leave these earthly bodies and when the new heaven and earth are made there will be no more races or ethnicities or even gender as marriage will be eliminated in the new order.

But that does not mean right now that there are not still differences, in this age and time. In fact the Bible makes it clear when it comes to gender that there is indeed a difference as to the roles and responsibilities of men and women. It makes the man the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. The Bible forbids women from taking on the office of Bishop or deacon so clearly there are still differences.

I do believe that to have pride in one’s own race is not the equivalent of hating all other races. The caucasian race, along with the sub race of northern Europeans who were my ancestors were a great people. They certainly were not perfect, but they built a civilization, one with roads, bridges, schools and churches. A civilization that encouraged the rule of law and a respect for other’s private property. This civilization believed in value of human life, and value of family and human dignity.

Some would raise the argument that the European peoples were not always so civilized and they would be correct in doing so. There were barbaric times where almost every evil imaginable took place, including human sacrifice. But the European peoples outgrew these horrible practices and came to condemn them wherever they occurred. But unlike Europeans who learned to better themselves, many other racial and ethnic groups around the world refused to accept what it means to be a civilized society. There are still places in the world today where cannibalism and human sacrifice exist. There are places were lack of respect for basic things like private property and rampant theft and corruption still exist.

For the reasons I state above I want America to keep its dominate white northern european heritage and see nothing wrong in fighting for that goal. But I don’t meaning fighting in the way that many racists state on the internet and elsewhere. They call for violence and murder of those who are different. I call for a peaceful pride in our race, We still have time to educate our children, we still have time to take back our government by democratic means from those who would give it away to other races and ethnic groups in the name of multiculturalism.

I know it is considered racist to point out how one’s race excels at certain things over others, but I do no believe it has to be based in hatred.

If you are a Christian who believes it is wrong to believe any race is superior in any way to other races then let me ask you these questions:

Do you believe Christianity is superior to all other religions?

Even if you are a missionary in another country with a different race or sub race…can you honestly say you don’t feel something different…more comfort when you come home among your own race?

Can you answer why most people…and probably you in neighborhoods that reflect their own racial or ethnic background?

Why are most churches a majority of one ethnic group? There are black churches,chinese churches,Korean churches and yes white churches in America. Why is this?

I believe the answer is that in our heart of hearts we are all racists. There are certainly different levels of racists..with extreme racists actually wanting to hurt or kill other races which is clearly wrong from a Biblical perspective.

But a person preferring his own race to others and believing his race or ethnic background is superior in some ways to others or wanting to preserve the racial makeup of his country is not wrong.

In the Old Testament there is no way to cover the fact that the Mosaic law is full of what today would be called racist or bigoted rules. While the Israelites were to treat the foreigner in their land with respect, they were forbidden from taking on the customs or ways of the foreigner.

Many rules such as those for charging interest make a difference between how a brother Israelite would be treated and how a foreigner would be treated in different situations.

Later in the Old Testament God had the Israelite men send their wives away back to their homelands because they had intermarried with foreign nations.

Let me restate here in conclusion that I do not hate blacks,Asians or any other ethnic background. I do however believe in attempting to preserve the racial dominance of America that has made this nation the envy of all races and people’s around the world.
Is racism wrong for a Christian? | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative
Most Christians today,at least publicly,would say racism has no place in the life of a Christian. In fact racism has become synonymous with hatred and hatred is clearly condemned in the Bible.

I believe there are different kinds of racism. One is just a pride in one’s own race and wanting to preserve the racial makeup of a certain geographic or national area. Another type of racism is much more sinister in seeking the destruction of all other races. Still there are those who call other races derogatory names. I believe as a Christian it is never right to use course or foul language, including the N word and I don’t allow my children to use language like this.

The reason for negative views of racism can come from many Biblical sources.

The Bible teaches we all come from one blood…the blood of Adam. It also teaches in the book of Revelation that in heaven every tribe,kindred and people will be represented.

“God that made the world and all things therein…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation” Acts 17: 24 & 26

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands” Revelation 7:9

The Bible also teaches us not to not look down on others or treat people differently than we would want to be treated.

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Galatians 5:14

Let’s revisit hatred though for a second. Many Christians do not realize that there is one type of hatred the Bible does not condemn, in fact it encourages it. This is hatred of evil. God hates sin and wants his children to hate sin.

“I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.” Psalm 26:5

“Ye that love the Lord, hate evil” Psalm 97:10

“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” Proverbs 8:13

I do not hate anyone. I do however hate certain behaviours that are prevalent among certain ethnicities and races. This may sound like a cliché, but I have had many friends over the years from different racial backgrounds.

The Bible says that all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, it makes clear that the heart of man is wicked. However we also know that man is capable of some good because he is made in the image and likeness of God. This is why some mothers sacrifice themselves for their children. This is why a solider falls on a grenade to protect his comrades.

I say all this to say - I believe that among every race and ethnicity of people there are those who love their wives and children and would gladly lay down their lives for their family. They respect the private property of their neighbor and work hard to support their families. There are kind and generous people of every race..these things unite us in our common humanity.

This does not mean that every race demonstrates all the good qualities I previously mentioned at the same percentage level. Is it possible that some races of people are more prone to violence and anger than others? Is it possible that some races are more prone to laziness or theft than others? Many would argue these behaviors are all cultural and environmental. Even if it is biological, they would argue it is only at the individual level and not a racial level.

Some would point to passages like this one in Paul’s letter to the Galatians to argue against any difference between races(and gender for that matter):

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

It is true that in Christ, as Christians there are no differences based on our racial or ethnic background, or even our gender. What this refers to is in the Church we should not turn down someone from coming in who is of a different racial or ethnic background. We are Christians first, and then all these other things second. It also refers to the fact that when we leave these earthly bodies and when the new heaven and earth are made there will be no more races or ethnicities or even gender as marriage will be eliminated in the new order.

But that does not mean right now that there are not still differences, in this age and time. In fact the Bible makes it clear when it comes to gender that there is indeed a difference as to the roles and responsibilities of men and women. It makes the man the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. The Bible forbids women from taking on the office of Bishop or deacon so clearly there are still differences.

I do believe that to have pride in one’s own race is not the equivalent of hating all other races. The caucasian race, along with the sub race of northern Europeans who were my ancestors were a great people. They certainly were not perfect, but they built a civilization, one with roads, bridges, schools and churches. A civilization that encouraged the rule of law and a respect for other’s private property. This civilization believed in value of human life, and value of family and human dignity.

Some would raise the argument that the European peoples were not always so civilized and they would be correct in doing so. There were barbaric times where almost every evil imaginable took place, including human sacrifice. But the European peoples outgrew these horrible practices and came to condemn them wherever they occurred. But unlike Europeans who learned to better themselves, many other racial and ethnic groups around the world refused to accept what it means to be a civilized society. There are still places in the world today where cannibalism and human sacrifice exist. There are places were lack of respect for basic things like private property and rampant theft and corruption still exist.

For the reasons I state above I want America to keep its dominate white northern european heritage and see nothing wrong in fighting for that goal. But I don’t meaning fighting in the way that many racists state on the internet and elsewhere. They call for violence and murder of those who are different. I call for a peaceful pride in our race, We still have time to educate our children, we still have time to take back our government by democratic means from those who would give it away to other races and ethnic groups in the name of multiculturalism.

I know it is considered racist to point out how one’s race excels at certain things over others, but I do no believe it has to be based in hatred.

If you are a Christian who believes it is wrong to believe any race is superior in any way to other races then let me ask you these questions:

Do you believe Christianity is superior to all other religions?

Even if you are a missionary in another country with a different race or sub race…can you honestly say you don’t feel something different…more comfort when you come home among your own race?

Can you answer why most people…and probably you in neighborhoods that reflect their own racial or ethnic background?

Why are most churches a majority of one ethnic group? There are black churches,chinese churches,Korean churches and yes white churches in America. Why is this?

I believe the answer is that in our heart of hearts we are all racists. There are certainly different levels of racists..with extreme racists actually wanting to hurt or kill other races which is clearly wrong from a Biblical perspective.

But a person preferring his own race to others and believing his race or ethnic background is superior in some ways to others or wanting to preserve the racial makeup of his country is not wrong.

In the Old Testament there is no way to cover the fact that the Mosaic law is full of what today would be called racist or bigoted rules. While the Israelites were to treat the foreigner in their land with respect, they were forbidden from taking on the customs or ways of the foreigner.

Many rules such as those for charging interest make a difference between how a brother Israelite would be treated and how a foreigner would be treated in different situations.

Later in the Old Testament God had the Israelite men send their wives away back to their homelands because they had intermarried with foreign nations.

Let me restate here in conclusion that I do not hate blacks,Asians or any other ethnic background. I do however believe in attempting to preserve the racial dominance of America that has made this nation the envy of all races and people’s around the world.
Is racism wrong for a Christian? | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

You need to go ask colored people how they're treated in all white churches to find out if there's any kind of racism going on in Christianity.

It's kind of like Obama becoming the first black president in a country where blacks were slaves of the white folks.

Do you think any racism is going on in this country and the churches of Christianity?

What does it matter? God plans on burning up all the flesh on the last day of this age. Then we won't understand racism ever again.
So what you're saying is Christianity doesn't condone racism, but it's okay to be a racist Christian? That believing you're superior to others racially or ethnically i.e. that other races or ethnicities are inferior is not racist (although the rest of the human population on this planet would say that that is the very definition of racism)? Equal is equal. There is no other way. All men were created equal, you either live that or you are racist, sexist, etc.

By the way, I just want to let you know that you're racist.
Let me restate here in conclusion that I do not hate blacks,Asians or any other ethnic background. I do however believe in attempting to preserve the racial dominance of America that has made this nation the envy of all races and people’s around the world.
Is racism wrong for a Christian? | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

What racial dominance is America? It is the melting pot of all nations.
You put all that stuff in there and then you put this quote in there. I'm confused why you do that.
There are probably more Chinese evangelists than there are American. Think about that one.
Let me restate here in conclusion that I do not hate blacks,Asians or any other ethnic background. I do however believe in attempting to preserve the racial dominance of America that has made this nation the envy of all races and people’s around the world.
Is racism wrong for a Christian? | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

What racial dominance is America? It is the melting pot of all nations.
You put all that stuff in there and then you put this quote in there. I'm confused why you do that.
There are probably more Chinese evangelists than there are American. Think about that one.


Check your history my friend, in the first 150 years of this nation white Europeans made up nearly 80 to 90 percent of the population. We even had quotas on immigration based on ethnic origin until the 1960s when they were removed. That America is the melting pot of the world idea including other races than whites is very recent(within the last century). We used to be the melting pot of Europe.
So what you're saying is Christianity doesn't condone racism, but it's okay to be a racist Christian? That believing you're superior to others racially or ethnically i.e. that other races or ethnicities are inferior is not racist (although the rest of the human population on this planet would say that that is the very definition of racism)? Equal is equal. There is no other way. All men were created equal, you either live that or you are racist, sexist, etc.

By the way, I just want to let you know that you're racist.


What I am saying is the Bible does not tell us to be racist but it does not tell us not to be racist.

Some would argue ok - then racism violates loving your neighbor as yourself and being kind to your neighbor. I would argue that only if I act wrongly based on my racist views then I would sinning. For instance if I go and call my black neighbor derogatory names or beat him or tell him he is scum because he is black I would be violating my Christian beliefs.

However if simply believe in the biological differences between humans and the category of race that does not make me in violation of my Christian faith. If I accept the fact that blacks may not ever attain the exact same percentages of engineers, scientists and other fields that require high cognitive ability that does not make in violation of my Christian faith.

Is it a violation of one's Christian faith to believe that some are smarter than others? Is it a violation of one's Christian faith to believe that tall people will generally be better at basketball than short people(while there will always be exceptions).

Is it loving my neighbor to embrace a false notion that all peoples are equal in cognitive ability or creative ability? Is it loving my neighbor to coddle him in the false notion that if it were not for racism blacks would have equal representation in all economic, social and science areas when we know that is NOT true.

And yes sir I am a racist - I clearly acknowledge that on my blog and here. But I contend it is what we do with our racism(the acceptance of differences between races) that makes it bad or good.
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Most Christians today,at least publicly,would say racism has no place in the life of a Christian. In fact racism has become synonymous with hatred and hatred is clearly condemned in the Bible.

I believe there are different kinds of racism. One is just a pride in one’s own race and wanting to preserve the racial makeup of a certain geographic or national area. Another type of racism is much more sinister in seeking the destruction of all other races. Still there are those who call other races derogatory names. I believe as a Christian it is never right to use course or foul language, including the N word and I don’t allow my children to use language like this.

The reason for negative views of racism can come from many Biblical sources.

The Bible teaches we all come from one blood…the blood of Adam. It also teaches in the book of Revelation that in heaven every tribe,kindred and people will be represented.

“God that made the world and all things therein…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation” Acts 17: 24 & 26

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands” Revelation 7:9

The Bible also teaches us not to not look down on others or treat people differently than we would want to be treated.

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Galatians 5:14

Let’s revisit hatred though for a second. Many Christians do not realize that there is one type of hatred the Bible does not condemn, in fact it encourages it. This is hatred of evil. God hates sin and wants his children to hate sin.

“I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.” Psalm 26:5

“Ye that love the Lord, hate evil” Psalm 97:10

“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” Proverbs 8:13

I do not hate anyone. I do however hate certain behaviours that are prevalent among certain ethnicities and races. This may sound like a cliché, but I have had many friends over the years from different racial backgrounds.

The Bible says that all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, it makes clear that the heart of man is wicked. However we also know that man is capable of some good because he is made in the image and likeness of God. This is why some mothers sacrifice themselves for their children. This is why a solider falls on a grenade to protect his comrades.

I say all this to say - I believe that among every race and ethnicity of people there are those who love their wives and children and would gladly lay down their lives for their family. They respect the private property of their neighbor and work hard to support their families. There are kind and generous people of every race..these things unite us in our common humanity.

This does not mean that every race demonstrates all the good qualities I previously mentioned at the same percentage level. Is it possible that some races of people are more prone to violence and anger than others? Is it possible that some races are more prone to laziness or theft than others? Many would argue these behaviors are all cultural and environmental. Even if it is biological, they would argue it is only at the individual level and not a racial level.

Some would point to passages like this one in Paul’s letter to the Galatians to argue against any difference between races(and gender for that matter):

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

It is true that in Christ, as Christians there are no differences based on our racial or ethnic background, or even our gender. What this refers to is in the Church we should not turn down someone from coming in who is of a different racial or ethnic background. We are Christians first, and then all these other things second. It also refers to the fact that when we leave these earthly bodies and when the new heaven and earth are made there will be no more races or ethnicities or even gender as marriage will be eliminated in the new order.

But that does not mean right now that there are not still differences, in this age and time. In fact the Bible makes it clear when it comes to gender that there is indeed a difference as to the roles and responsibilities of men and women. It makes the man the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. The Bible forbids women from taking on the office of Bishop or deacon so clearly there are still differences.

I do believe that to have pride in one’s own race is not the equivalent of hating all other races. The caucasian race, along with the sub race of northern Europeans who were my ancestors were a great people. They certainly were not perfect, but they built a civilization, one with roads, bridges, schools and churches. A civilization that encouraged the rule of law and a respect for other’s private property. This civilization believed in value of human life, and value of family and human dignity.

Some would raise the argument that the European peoples were not always so civilized and they would be correct in doing so. There were barbaric times where almost every evil imaginable took place, including human sacrifice. But the European peoples outgrew these horrible practices and came to condemn them wherever they occurred. But unlike Europeans who learned to better themselves, many other racial and ethnic groups around the world refused to accept what it means to be a civilized society. There are still places in the world today where cannibalism and human sacrifice exist. There are places were lack of respect for basic things like private property and rampant theft and corruption still exist.

For the reasons I state above I want America to keep its dominate white northern european heritage and see nothing wrong in fighting for that goal. But I don’t meaning fighting in the way that many racists state on the internet and elsewhere. They call for violence and murder of those who are different. I call for a peaceful pride in our race, We still have time to educate our children, we still have time to take back our government by democratic means from those who would give it away to other races and ethnic groups in the name of multiculturalism.

I know it is considered racist to point out how one’s race excels at certain things over others, but I do no believe it has to be based in hatred.

If you are a Christian who believes it is wrong to believe any race is superior in any way to other races then let me ask you these questions:

Do you believe Christianity is superior to all other religions?

Even if you are a missionary in another country with a different race or sub race…can you honestly say you don’t feel something different…more comfort when you come home among your own race?

Can you answer why most people…and probably you in neighborhoods that reflect their own racial or ethnic background?

Why are most churches a majority of one ethnic group? There are black churches,chinese churches,Korean churches and yes white churches in America. Why is this?

I believe the answer is that in our heart of hearts we are all racists. There are certainly different levels of racists..with extreme racists actually wanting to hurt or kill other races which is clearly wrong from a Biblical perspective.

But a person preferring his own race to others and believing his race or ethnic background is superior in some ways to others or wanting to preserve the racial makeup of his country is not wrong.

In the Old Testament there is no way to cover the fact that the Mosaic law is full of what today would be called racist or bigoted rules. While the Israelites were to treat the foreigner in their land with respect, they were forbidden from taking on the customs or ways of the foreigner.

Many rules such as those for charging interest make a difference between how a brother Israelite would be treated and how a foreigner would be treated in different situations.

Later in the Old Testament God had the Israelite men send their wives away back to their homelands because they had intermarried with foreign nations.

Let me restate here in conclusion that I do not hate blacks,Asians or any other ethnic background. I do however believe in attempting to preserve the racial dominance of America that has made this nation the envy of all races and people’s around the world.
Is racism wrong for a Christian? | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

You need to go ask colored people how they're treated in all white churches to find out if there's any kind of racism going on in Christianity.

It's kind of like Obama becoming the first black president in a country where blacks were slaves of the white folks.

Do you think any racism is going on in this country and the churches of Christianity?

What does it matter? God plans on burning up all the flesh on the last day of this age. Then we won't understand racism ever again.
colored people?
God is not a respecter of persons

I agree Avatar(and by the way I used to love watching that show with my kids when they were younger).

We are to love all men I agree, that is why we send missionaries around the world.

However we also have the Biblical principle of protecting one's home and family.

We also have the Biblical principle that man should reap what he sows and that if a man does not work he does not eat(so allowing people to come in that would be leaches on society or even people that are already here that are leaches on society if they are able bodied to work is also wrong).

We also have the Biblical principle of nations protecting their culture and people from outside influences.

So if I choose not to move into a mostly black neighbor as a white person and my reasons are that predominantly black neighborhoods have more crime and that I simply generally feel more comfortable around my own race - I have not violated any Biblical command.

If my nation sees that certain ethnic group(whether it be African, or Arab or other) has issues that we don't want to bring into our nation or that would cause division, there is no sin for my nation to make immigration laws that control what type of ethnic groups are allowed to come in.
I am a racist but I don?t hate black people | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative
Most Christians today,at least publicly,would say racism has no place in the life of a Christian. In fact racism has become synonymous with hatred and hatred is clearly condemned in the Bible.

The post is in violation of the posting rules: go back to the OP if you want to read it.

(1) Prima facie belief in scripture literally then leads to circular logic.

(2) No Christian can be racist and moral.
We also have the Biblical principle of nations protecting their culture and people from outside influences.

So if I choose not to move into a mostly black neighbor as a white person and my reasons are that predominantly black neighborhoods have more crime and that I simply generally feel more comfortable around my own race - I have not violated any Biblical command.

If my nation sees that certain ethnic group(whether it be African, or Arab or other) has issues that we don't want to bring into our nation or that would cause division, there is no sin for my nation to make immigration laws that control what type of ethnic groups are allowed to come in.
I am a racist but I don?t hate black people | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

This is where the confusion comes in and you would still have to explain a lot of things but it is racism which is wrong and there is no excuse. There is just not enough hours in the day for me to respond to everything.
Some would argue ok - then racism violates loving your neighbor as yourself and being kind to your neighbor. I would argue that only if I act wrongly based on my racist views then I would sinning. For instance if I go and call my black neighbor derogatory names or beat him or tell him he is scum because he is black I would be violating my Christian beliefs.

However if simply believe in the biological differences between humans and the category of race that does not make me in violation of my Christian faith. If I accept the fact that blacks may not ever attain the exact same percentages of engineers, scientists and other fields that require high cognitive ability that does not make in violation of my Christian faith.

Is it a violation of one's Christian faith to believe that some are smarter than others? Is it a violation of one's Christian faith to believe that tall people will generally be better at basketball than short people(while there will always be exceptions).

Is it loving my neighbor to embrace a false notion that all peoples are equal in cognitive ability or creative ability? Is it loving my neighbor to coddle him in the false notion that if it were not for racism blacks would have equal representation in all economic, social and science areas when we know that is NOT true.

And yes sir I am a racist - I clearly acknowledge that on my blog and here. But I contend it is what we do with our racism(the acceptance of differences between races) that makes it bad or good.
I am a racist but I don?t hate black people | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

By not loving your brother as yourself, you violate Philippians 2:3 and James 4:17.

Philippians 2:3 [Let] nothing [be done] through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth [it] not, to him it is sin.
So if I choose not to move into a mostly black neighbor as a white person and my reasons are that predominantly black neighborhoods have more crime and that I simply generally feel more comfortable around my own race - I have not violated any Biblical command.

You've never seen white people cheat on their taxes or rich doctors steal? There are doctors who allegedly steal computer notebooks but because the delivery people want to keep their jobs, they don't say anything.
You've never seen white people cheat on their taxes or rich doctors steal? There are doctors who allegedly steal computer notebooks but because the delivery people want to keep their jobs, they don't say anything.


Sure sparky, it's not just your racist fantasy - all rich, white doctors steal notebook computers...
You've never seen white people cheat on their taxes or rich doctors steal? There are doctors who allegedly steal computer notebooks but because the delivery people want to keep their jobs, they don't say anything.


Sure sparky, it's not just your racist fantasy - all rich, white doctors steal notebook computers...

Miley Cyrus was singing about Molly which is the ecstasy drug.
I know a white guy at a company who lost his job for allegedly selling illegal substances.
I know a couple of white girls who allegedly sell their bodies and I've seen more white girls on the news who do the same.

Crime is known by all colors and races.

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